Luke's POV

[Warning: Some scenes of this chapter has slight cussing of words, that might not be suitable for younger audiences.]

She said she's taking a quiz? At this kind of hour?! Non sense! After the yelling competition, she turned her heel and passed by me, I was left hanging, and a slight breeze of wind surrounded my state.

'How am I suppose to enroll now? If only that lady has shown me the freaking way! I wouldn't be insane and gone wild!'

I paused for a bit and tried to remember my left memories with this university, I've been here about some months ago and now?! I'm like a new student here? Gosh help me!

I sighed in frustration and let all my worries to flow with the wind and to just empty my mind a bit.

'Relax Luke, you'll get rid of this soon.. I hope'

As I was enjoying the fresh and warm wind, while rooting in my position, I felt a hand in my arm, and made me jump a little, and was really curious so I turned around.

'Finding out who's idiot would frighten me like--'

"I-Ianne" I breathed out

I saw Ianne behind me, her hand touched my arm and sent goosebumps all over my skin, her scent was the same perfume as the previous months, she still has her braces and her two braided pony hair in both sides. I still can't recover about these situations, my parents was like abandoning me, my sister also left and suited her self some where in this world and then this girl just suddenly came from nowhere that it startled the heck outta me.

"I knew you'd come" she said smiling from ear-to-ear, and I was disgusted.

'she had amnesia or what?!'

"H-Huh?" I replied while grabbing her hand and slowly yanking it from my skin, that made her to be shocked

"I missed you" she uttered as if she was begging for me to say that 'I MISSED HER TOO' well hell no! "O-okay" I nervously said and made her to smile weirdly at me again, "Sorry, but I didn't miss you" I sarcastically said and just left her with a convincing smile and continued walking.

'Lord, thank you for saving my life!'

I was walking meters and meters away from her and I was at the Gym, I was glad that they didn't change its position, and it was not long when I spotted a male student, I think he's older than me and kind of familiar but not exactly, maybe it was the wrong person, he was making his way out of the gym, I came to him and asked, and he taught where Mr. Jung Ford's office is.

"K-Kamsahamnida h-hyung" I uttered nervously that made my tone to be shaky

[translation: T-Thank you so much, o-older brother]

After I spat those words out he just grab his stomach and laughed so hard that I was left standing there while looking at him in confusion

'Why the heck is he laughing?!'

"You....you really don't know me?" he exclaimed still laughing...yes, laughing.

'Arghhhh! What is he laughing about?! Is there something in my face?! I thought he doesn't speak English!'

Then he seriously stopped from laughing and looked at me fiercely too, "Dude, have you bumped your head on the flag pole that's why you didn't recognize me?" he said.

He paused for a bit and it was obvious that he was annoyed, he then heaved a deep sigh

"Gummy worm"


That nickname! I remember that! Someone used to call me that, and that person is--

"C-calix?" I breathed out and started gulping the lump in my throat.

"Hello? Your best friend is here? After you left me? Hello?" he sarcastically said as he wave his hand in front of my face

'ALL THIS TIME IT WAS YOU AFTER ALL!' I hastily thought.

"Gummy Worm!" I exclaimed happily and gave Calix a hug.

"Yeah, yeah, you forgot me already!" he exclaimed while hitting my back in annoyance.

This is Calix Keiro, my best friend before, and we were classmates last year. He is a half American and half Chinese or Japanese, maybe. He was the first guy I met when I first stepped into Sungkyunkwan University, it was funny that we even met in an accident.



"Therese, make sure you're brother eats lunch, okay? After school, you'll be only waiting at the bleachers, okay? Someone will take you home, with a Black Van, got it? Black Van" Mom stated while putting her make up

"Yes" Therese said in her weak voice

"Zyrill, if anything is bothering you, tell your sister, don't let other people know about your privacy, OUR privacy, now go, don't be late" Mom exclaimed seriously, gesturing us to head to our rooms.

I opened the car door, and I was suppose to get out but Dad suddenly claimed, "Take care son, watch your sister too, we will not be at home for two days, just check your bank account, we've left enough money there"

"When are you coming back?" I asked but Dad didn't answer, Mom just immediately cleared her throat while applying her red lipstick, "Don't ask further more, you'll be late, we'll be back okay? Now go"

I closed the car door and turned my gaze to Therese, "Are you okay? You've been pale and didn't talk much this morning, are you sick?" I asked her placing the back of my palm in her forehead, "Nothing, we'll talk about it after school" she said, "Bye"

Then she left and walked towards her building, I stared at her from head to toe, her white suit was on her left arm, her hair was in a messy bun and nothing changed but only her attitude today, she went silent. Therese, is an intern Doctor now, she finished college then took her exams, our parents decided for her to continue her intern class here in Seoul.

After she walked ahead and didn't able to see her shadow, I decided to take a walk from somewhere, I didn't expected the spectacular view, aside from the wonderful weather and designs of each building of courses, the air has that incredible vibe dancing in the rhythm.

Not that long when I reached their Admin's Building maybe, I wanted to ask for directions, and I simply got inside, there were several Korean people in a center, they were smiling, that's when my curiosity ate me and made me to find out who's the trend in that side. I saw two women whispering to each other not away from me, I came closer to them without them noticing it.

"How could they be that rich?! They even wanted to apply internet connections in each room in this university! And donated more than 300 apple iMac in each course! Unbelievably unbelievable!"

"You already know it Karen, their company can be found in every region in Asia! They live in America and has 2 children, I heard, they enrolled them here, their daughter is a graduate from medicine in America and the other one is their son, uhm what was he?" she explained, her finger tapping on her forehead, as if thinking very hard

"Their son is a sophomore maybe, that's what I heard, I still can't believe they are the head stockholders of this University now"

Wait? What?! I think they're talking about my parents?

I peeked at the center where I found my parents grinning so wide, holding a certificate, I don't see what's written well but I'm sure that it's a confirmation about them to be one of the stockholders of this school.

I left the office and continued to walk around the University, I wanted explore each corner so that I won't be lost anymore. But just then, I heard a vibrate within my upper thigh, and noticed that it was my phone buzzing, I snaked my hand inside my pocket and felt the vibration in my palms.

'Therese?! Why would she call?'

Consciously I glided my finger at the screen, I slightly didn't let the phone touch my ear, "How many times do I have to tell you to not put your phone on your right ear" she normally said and noticed that she really knew that I listen at the right ear, so I immediately placed it on my left ear,

"What is it my beautiful sister?" I uttered sweetly that made her to hiss at the other line, "You saw Mom and Dad at the admin?" she asked as if she has read my mind and I cleared my throat "Y-yes, why?" I stuttered, and I could hear her heave a deep sigh, "Join me for Lunch"

After then, she hanged up, and I returned my phone inside my pocket, not that long when the whole place was noisy, it has a continuous ringing noise, maybe caused by a bell, students were rushing and running towards their buildings


I was so worried that I may not make it to my classroom, but being the idiot me, I also ran and ran to some where I didn't had the chance to look at anybody around me, because I was alarmed and startled by the bell "Aya!" I stopped immediately when a guy's eyes met mine. [translation: Aya- Ouch]

'don't imagine something!'

"S-sorry" I nervously said because he might not understand me, "Yeong-eolo cheog geumanhae neon babo ya!" he shrieked. [translation: Stop pretending by using English, you're stupid!]

I understand a bit from him but why does he act as if he doesn't know me!

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, I was lost and--" I didn't finish my words, "Ya! dangsin-eun uli ban-ui saeloun salam-ibnida! he happily said as his eyes stared into my soul, as if he was observing [translation: Hey! You're the new guy from our class!]

"W-what?" I uttered that word without any idea what he's talking, he smiled ear-to-ear, "It is you! Your eyes was the same as shown at the picture!" he even clapped his hands, "H-Huh?" I asked tilting my head to the side "Oh, I forgot" he chuckled and slightly covered a portion of his mouth with his hand "My name's Calix Keiro, you must be Luke Zyrill Fail" he exclaimed whilst reaching his hand for me to shake and I did so, I was annoyed and cleared a throat, "It's Hale, not Fail" I could hear his small laughter beside me, "Really?! As in we're classmates?!" I said grinning so wide waiting for an answer,

"Yup, now let's go, classes starts when that loud bell rings and it might have frighten you but---Hey! Hey! Get up, you're a heavy man!" Those were the last words that escaped from his lips and went directly to my ear when all I could feel is the numbness of my chest, and felt no energy within each of my atoms in every fiber in my body, the whole place went dark.


"Hey, Earth to Luke" his vivid tone was unclear for me to hear, "I said, earth to LUKE!" he yelled at me, his lips and my ear were so close! "Idiot! My ear received your saliva!" I smug at him and made him chuckle a bit, "Then tell your ear to give it back" he laughed so hard and I chuckled just a bit, "By the way, where are you up to? Are you lost again?" he smiled teasingly and I lowered down my head and stared at the cement, and nodded, "You've been here just for 5 months, for god's sake Zyrill!" He dramatically spoke as he was raising both of his hands in the air, "Where is Mr. Jung Ford's Office?" I asked unknowingly I was staring at him, waiting for an answer, "You see that small comfort room? Between chemistry room and High School Guidance office? behind that comfort room is another office, then two offices is the distance up to Mr. Jung Ford's office" he exclaimed pointing directions and I immediately got the hang of it, I nodded and nodded and thanked him sincerely,

"Talk to you at the bleachers later, I've got to get my lunch and eat your lunch too! See you gummy worm! Also, Say hi to Therese for me!"

he hurriedly ran ahead of towards somewhere and I was about to say that 'Therese went away for some time'

I remembered the moment she placed her palm on my tear-dried cheeks and then she just went somewhere to who knows!? I heaved a deep sigh before I could notice that I was already walking into that small comfort room, between the Chemistry Laboratory and the Guidance Office, I moved quickly so that I'll get my presence outta here, I spotted a girl and I think she's a freshmen, I went towards her, "Do you speak English?" I sternly said, her face was slightly frightened and the forming tiny drops of sweats ere forming o her forehead, "Look, I'm not a kidnapper, I just wanna ask something"

I exclaimed and she nervously stared at me as if she was scared to reply something, while fiddling with her fingers tugging tight in her skirt, "Where is Mr. Jung Ford's Office?" I uttered in full authority, she looked up to me and stared

'what are you looking at?'

"I can take you there" she nervously said and gulped, I smiled before she could turn her heel, her back facing me, I placed both of my hands in my back and enjoying the spectacular and peaceful blue skies, the wind that gently crashes and goes with the rhythm with the leaves in the trees, in the small hallway all I could hear is the squeaking of my shoes and the clicking of her sandals

I could hear the birds tweeting, Seoul is so peaceful, I was enjoying the feeling and then that girl stopped from all of the sudden "Stay here for a bit, I'll talk to Mr. Jung" she exclaimed and went inside an office, it must be Mr. Jung Ford's office because of the name frame,

I began to feel hungry, and without a second that girl finally came out from the office and stared at me then smiled.

'she's weird but she's okay'

"Mr. Jung is on his phone for now, you can wait for him until he's done, also eat your lunch oppa" she smiled at me sincerely, "Thank you so much, eat your lunch too"

I kept on giving her my fake smiles until she walked away to somewhere, I simply popped my head from outside into Mr. Jung's office and that girl's right, that he's on his phone. I should really thank her.

'D*mn It! I didn't asked for her name!'

'Well, it's not important' hehe

I felt my stomach roaring a bit so I immediately, got back off from the door and went to search for a near canteen and I succeeded.


"One chicken sandwich, a slice of apple pie and a bottle of milk, would that be all?" the canteen cashier exclaimed while typing something in her cash register and I nodded, as the ding tone ringed, a guy with a hair net came in and gave me my order. I grabbed it as soon as he gave it to me and turned to my heel, and roamed my eyes to the whole canteen, tables were slight full and I've got no choice but to eat it later. I was about to get out of the canteen, a hand grabbed me by my wrist and it made me to turn my head

"Ianne?" I breathed out as long as I saw her presence again, the small hairs of my arm has stand up, because of her grip in my wrist that sent shivers down to my spine.

"Are you having lunch?" she sweetly said and I don't like it, I tried not to show that I don't care, because she reads expressions so fast, "Y-yes" I've no choice but to said it, "Have lunch with me and with my friends!"

She slightly pulled me to follow her and I heaved a deep sigh and followed her, until we came to a table with three more girls that aren't familiar with me, Ianne pulled me beside her and then waved her hand to the waiter "Waiter! VIP lunch set please! Hurry!" she shouted and I placed my palm at the top of her hand "I've got mine, let's eat" I removed my palm from hers and immediately grabbed my sandwich.

"I heard that you're studying here again, is that right?" Ianne crossed her hands and placed her chin at the top of her crossed hands while staring at my moves, "Zyrill, is that right?" she repeated and made me to get back at my senses, "Yeah, why?" I coldly said, because as much as possible, I don't want to show any interest in her anymore, "So, I thought you're not studying here anymore?" she sassily uttered and I was awfully disgusted, I could anytime soon.

'How could she this be so awful before? And be this kind now'

"I'm here now, what do you still think of my presence?" I sarcastically exclaimed while munching the sandwich in my hand and at the same time staring from afar, and I remembered about Mr. Jung and so on I hurriedly ate my sandwich and hopefully I'll not choke on it.