Ianne kept on talking while I, on the other side was staring from afar, not listening to any saliva she spits out when she talk to any detail of the topic of hers, it's not like I'm being bad to her, because it's like that! I still respect her though, I just don't want to be rude to her because she's also a girl. I just wanna shout my lungs out that I HATE THIS ATMOSPHERE.

Just when I noticed that I'm already finishing my sandwich and gulping in my bottled milk, I chewed for a bit then abruptly got on my knees, not glancing at her neither her friends. I fixed my collars first then cleared a throat that made me a bit nervous because she might shout at me for being this sarcastic the whole time, I didn't even paid attention to any word she said.

"Is there anything 'IMPORTANT' we should talk about?" I exclaimed, enough for her to hear, "Nothing? Well then, I should go now" Seriously, I didn't glanced at her nor her friends because they're annoying. I picked up my trash and my things then headed over outside, beside the glass sliding door, there's a garbage can were I can throw my trash away and so I did, then continued on my way.

As I was going towards Mr. Jung's office, I spotted my car and decided to hang out just for a bit, "What a nice car, too sad the ones who gave it to me, aren't" I whispered while my eyes was all over each part of the car

I came closer and closer until I reached the door and immediately opened it with my left hand, I snuggled myself in and leaned my back in the seat and heaved a deep sigh, minutes after I saw Ianne and her friends behind her, she was ahead of them while her arm crossed over her chest as she walks annoyed over to somewhere, and somehow I haven't felt guilty of what I did because she deserves it.

Soon on, I wandered my eyes around the spaces of the car, how the airbags work or anything,

then, my eyes darted to that dark black bag behind the passenger's seat, I never knew it was there, it may had camouflaged with the pitch-black seat cover of the car. Yes, or yes, I grabbed the bag and placed it beside me and decided to open it later, then I felt tired, each fiber and atom in my body is weak for now, and my feet suddenly tightened, so I loosened my shoe laces and took off my shoes, then leaned my back and tried to relax.

Then I realized, I fell asleep already.



I suddenly heard that noise in the middle of my nap, I opened my eyes and wandered around the place, and there was no one.

'it's impossible if it was the wind, right?'

Oh, well I must get back to my sleep and--


I got frightened when a small fist knocked on the left side of my window, I opened the window down and poked my head out to see if there's someone or I am just paralyzed by all the stress in my situation—


"Aish! Who's that?!" I shrieked and poked my head out again, "A-anyeongh-hasey-yo" [translation: Anyeonhaseyo- Hello]

A small and soft voice is what I heard, because of how soft that voice is, my eyes searched for the owner, and when I lowered my head down, I spotted a short girl, her chubby cheeks that fitted perfectly on her small hoodie and her lashes were perfectly curled, when the moment I was staring at her features, she blushed and tilted her face to her right side and smiled, "Appa!" [translation: Appa- Dad/ Father] she giggled and I can't even paint my face because of that sudden atmosphere.

'APPA?!WTF?! Kid, you must be mistaken! Dad?!'

I faked a smile at her and rubbed my face then calmed down, "M-mwoyo?" [translation: What] I uttered and she smiled again, that smile will keep on haunting me in the night, starting now! "Hello Appa!" she cheerfully said and she just immediately opened the door and came in hugging my thighs, while I was just amazed and shocked at the very same time! I wanted to scream because I don't understand this! This child! This freaking child!

"Who are you? Why are you calling me A-appa? Who are you!" I screamed, and suddenly felt guilt, the once happy and cheering face of that child went sad, you could see the sorrow in her almost to tear up eyes, I was left dumbfounded after I saw her state that even a guy could also cry!

"M-my aunt l-left me here in front c-car…and…. she said you're m-my dad" her tears were endlessly streaming out of her glimmering little eyes; she was sobbing so hard that I wanted her to stop this instance!

'her English is really bad...very, very bad'

"H-hey kid, you want a lollipop?"

'Gosh Luke! You don't have a lollipop!'

'Hey you rotten dumpling! I don't know who you are and I don't care if your aunt left you in front of my car, you don't have to say that I'm your dad, because I really am not! I didn't have a wife to even make you! Such hindrance!'

"Y-yes, I want ollipop, stowbwerry" she calmly said, and let her little sobs come out, she even pronounces the words incorrectly

'It's LOLLIPOP, NOT OLLIPOP, It's STRAWBERRY, NOT STOWBWERRY! You should learn how to speak those words kid!'

"I mean, no! I don't have a lollipop, and I'm not your father kid, now go, shoo!" I uttered under my cold voice trying to avoid the kid, I even gestured her to go away.

'I am not her father!'

"My aunt said you're my father, she said that I live with you house starting now because you're my father—"

"Get out of my sight! Now!" I roared at her face that made a tear to escape her doe eyes, her wet lashes "Appaaaa! I study English to talk with you and so hard, don't go away!" {Correction: Daaaad! I studied English just to talk to you and it's so hard, don't go away!}

she whimpered that made my heart sank for a moment, my mind didn't recover quickly, my eyes were just darted to the stirring wheel of my car, when she spat those words out, I slowly turned my gaze to hers and that's when I saw her already in her crying state, the once smiling girl before has now became a crying and sobbing mess, her coffee brown orbs were filled up by her own waterfall tears, she even tried her best not to cry in front of me, so she wiped every tear away, but she couldn't get that whimper out of her throat.

I kept on blinking and gulping my saliva in, until I've got no saliva left in my glans, the wind was brushing through the girls' hair and that made her cute petite dress to move a little as the leaves from the maple trees danced in the concrete floor, I decided to open the door that made her immediately to step back a little, until I got out of the car, as my shadow covered her small body from the golden sun, I carefully stroke her hair and got down on my other knee to level our gazes with each other, she then stared me in the eyes, "If you….not w-want me Appa, I go …..now" her voice was hoarse and was still sobbing, she immediately turned her heel and as if she was about to go but instead I pulled her in the wrist and she stared at me again,

"What's your name?" I calmly uttered, not raising my voice, her face was in awe when she heard my question, the little sobs from her was still there so I smiled and asked again, "Who's your Mother?" she didn't smile or anything but she answered, "Can y-you understands K-korean Appa?" {Correction: Can you understand Korean Dad?}

"Y-yes, tell me then" I lied, it'll be hard for her to say it in English, she took a sigh for a second before she spoke her words, "Soljighi malhaeseo, imoneun myeoch bun jeon-e naleul yeogiedugo wass-eoyo. waenyahamyeon geunyeoga naleul delyeoda jundagohaeseo" [translation: To be honest dad, my aunt left me here some minutes ago, because she said that she'll bring me to you]

I kept on nodding to her, so that she'll be comfortable to speak, "Geuligo eomeonie gwanhaeseoneun ilju-il-e han beonman geunyeoui jib-eul bangmunhabnida. waenyahamyeon geunyeoneun naega hangsang geunyeoege gwichanhdago hasyeossgi ttaemun-ibnida." [translation: And about my mother, I visit her at her house for only once a week, because she says that I'm always a bother to her.]

Several nods I did, she paused and chuckled, "You understand appa?" she smiled and I was annoyed.

'How am I suppose to understand you, Pabo!' [translation: Pabo-Idiot]

"What's the name of your mother?" I exclaimed and she placed her index finger on her temples, as if she was trying to remember it, "If you d-don't remember it for now, just tell me, some other time, okay?"

I tapped her shoulders, but before I could stand up, she grabbed the sides of my trousers "Appa, ije gieognabnida! naneun geunyeoui eolgul-i jeoghin kadeuleul boassgo geunyeoui ileumdo jinanjue geunyeoui bang-e deul-eogass-eul ttae geugeos-eul boassda." [translation: Dad, I remember it now! I saw a card with her face on it, and her name too, I saw it last week when I went inside her room.]

"Naneun geugeos-i, Han Kesha, Appa" [translation: I think it's, Han Kesha, Dad] she uttered that made me curious about it, I've heard about that Kesha before.