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In India


Asad POV:

I was done with the few left-over issues i had to look after by 7: am. Rafa too had taken a noon off as he was wanting to bid me a goodbye.

I was astonished that how come Firdaus agreed to come to India. A part of me was booming while the other was uneasy and silent. I can tell that somewhere between the time i had learnt to protect my heart from other forces to keep it in place and unharmed. As much as i was surprised & was little prominent with what was coming, i had hoped that she would refuse. A little part of me still concluded that we can get answers to our question.

Around 8 a.m. we left California and headed towards India. I kept myself busy as Firdaus who sat in-front of me was looking out of window.

Firdaus POV:

The next day flew by as if it never came. I was done with all sort of packing and gifts that i bought for uncle, aunt, Elnaz and Sumaiya aunty and few more. Today’s morning was full of anxiousness, nervousness as well as excitement. I and Asad were going to be alone in the plane. My mind was unable to comprehend what may happen. To say i was first time after a long time feeling so alive. All these emotions coursing through my body was an example of it. For a long time, all i felt was fear, sadness, sympathy, guilt, and longing but now when all of a sudden, all this excitement jolted in my life i felt as if all good was going happen for a little while ahead.

While being in the plane i was sitting against Asad. While he was busy working on his laptop, i was looking out. Even that after sometime became boring because all i can see was a blue sky with white clouds. After some time, my eyes started to feel heavy and as a result of it i slept.

Asad's POV:

Firdaus slept after a while as i switched my laptop off and gazed at her. It has been a while when i properly had look of her. Her hijab was properly drapped and intact. Her dupatta was properly placed on her body. And what amused me the most was that even while sleeping she didn't let it move. I diverted my eyes. Call me possessive but i never encouraged women to go for shorter clothes. Because beauty doesn’t means showing yourself or flaunting your body. Beauty would be beauty even if you save it from harmful and lustful gazes. Girls in our family have always carried that value and culture staying in any part of the world for which I am thankful to Allah.

I never knew what destiny had in It’s mind. The thoughts that always craved attention and answers where always present in my mind. I guess a person after trying very hard to get the answers he seeks, but in the end, he loses the battle as his inner hope dies in front of the growing insecurities. I always thought that a person is very foolish to be insecure with someone whom he claims to be in love with. Insecurities can be misunderstanding which could be solved after some time if both the parties so claim to be in love tries to diminish it before it increases the gap between them. I use to think that if a person is insecure, he/she should end that phase with that person if that so-called person never tries from his/her part. Although I am not talking about a relationship before marriage here. I always got hope from mom and dad. They have been an inspiration to me.

I never was insecure at first. I believed in her. It was friendship between us first which brought the trust with it. But when she started to ignore me i grew insecure although i always tried to clear it. I always tried to make it easy for us but...somewhere i forgot that i was making it difficult for myself. Every time i tried to reach her and in response i used to feel rejected and dejected. I at some point had made it clear to myself that i would stop myself from falling any lower.


Next day:

Firdaus POV:

We reached India next day. Zayn uncle, Jannat aunty and Elnaz were waiting in the waiting area. I was so happy when i was climbing down the stairs, seriously the whole ride was silent and a tadd boring. Asad didn't uttered a word which I knew he wouldn't. The airhostess although checked on us if anything was needed. I read some books and went through some magazine and the rest of the time went by sleeping or gazing at the sky or land. It was beautiful during night when you look down and see all the lights tinkling.

And finally! Finally, i was at Ahmedgad. As soon as i stepped down the last step, elnaz came running and wounded her arms around me. We both squealed together, hugging each other tightly. Ya Allah how much i missed this......i still can't put in to words that I am here.

"Assalamualaikum Firdaus app(sister)i. YOU ARE HERE!!" She squealed again.

"Walaikumasalam Elnaz. Yes, I am here. It feels so good to be back." I laughed in excitement.

"Now i hope you are here for the whole Ramzan?" She asked me holding my hands.

" I guess so." I chuckled.

"Bhai... Assalamualaikum... how was the journey huh??" She asked looking at both of me and Asad.

"Walaikumasalam. Journey was as it should have been." Asad replied walking ahead of us with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Assalamualaikum Ammi, Abbu. How are you?" He greeted uncle and aunty.

"Walaikumasalam beta. Allhamdullilla we are fine. How was the journey?" Jannat aunty asked.

"It was normal as usual Ammi." He replied.

"Assalamualaikum aunty and uncle." I greeted both of them as i hugged aunty.

"Walaikumasalam Firdaus. Masha’Allah you have grown beautifully. Right Zayn?" She asked her husband.

"Yes Jannat. How are you beta? How was the flight?" Zayn uncle asked me.

"Allhamdullilla it was good uncle. What abo-" i was cutted in between as Elnaz spoke up.

"Enough guys, are you going to talk standing here only? Let’s go home and do the talking." With that she took my hand and started rushing out. I heard both uncle and aunt laughing while Asad was already settled in the car and was typing vigorously on the phone screen. Ya Allah how much does this man works?

" Welcome back Appi. Let’s go home." Elnaz chided and made our way towards the car.
