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Saturday night

Chand raat of Ramzan (first moon of month of Ramzan).

Firdaus POV:

The day when we arrived is the same day when chand raat of the pure month of the Ramzan arrived. Elnaz and i as well as everyone in the house where excited. After coming home i quickly got freshen up and met everyone in the hall. It was pleasant evening. Maids and Sumaiya Appi where busy cleaning the home where as Jannat aunty was busy preparing list of some sort of grocery. Elnaz was preparing tea for everyone. So, walking in the kitchen I quickly join her.

"Hey! So, Elli-belli is preparing tea huh?" I teased her as she was stirring the tea.

"Yes, Firry Appi. Abbu likes tea made by me and today he requested me to make him some." She answered turning the gas off.

I quickly scanned the kitchen and wore the gloves. “Elnaz here, let me pour the tea in to the cups." I told her as she left the kettle and went to the nearby drawer. I poured the hot tea in to cups. By the strong smell of it i could tell that why uncle Zayn loved tea made by Elnaz. I slowly kept the cups in the tray, just when she turned the gas on and kept the clean pot on.

"What are you making Elnaz?" I asked her as she added water to it.

"Black coffee for Bhai(brother). He wants it now." She said as she added one spoon of coffee to the now boiling water.

"That’s so much of coffee Elnaz!" I exclaimed as the water turned dark brown looking almost black.

"I know Appi but Bhai likes it strong otherwise he won’t feel like he had a beverage." She added a teaspoon of sugar to it. "And ya i don't understand how he drinks this bitter coffee." She added shaking her head. I took the tray to the coffee table as uncle was talking to someone. Jannat aunty too came and sat beside him. I gave them their cups of tea. Elnaz too joint us, just then Asad stepped in the hall and sat on the sofa.

"Elnaz where's my coffee?" He asked her.

"It’s here Bhai. Firdaus Appi can you please pass him this cup." Elnaz directed cup in my direction whereas i was contemplating. I came out of my hesitation as i was called again.


I took the cup and turned to give him. He hesitated but nevertheless took the cup staring at me intently. I lowered my eyes and drank my tea and often sharing some words with Elnaz or uncle -aunt. Asad went in to the kitchen with his cup as he was finished with his coffee then left to his room. I noticed that he keeps silent a lot unlike before where his rambling won’t stop at all. After the tea session was over i and Elnaz went in to the kitchen with empty cups. Elnaz sat on the island talking about her college life where as i was washing the cups but stopped when i saw Asad's black coffee untouched in the sink. He hadn't drank the coffee and it was same as Elnaz had given me to pass it to him. I stood there with his cup in my hand, Elnaz had told me that he wanted the coffee because he needed it then why didn't he drank it? Is it because i gave him-

"Appi?" Elnaz shouted. " huh? Yeah?" I whispered as she neared and took the cup. Her face scrunched up and she looked at me.

"It’s the coffee i made for Bhai. Why didn't he drink it?" She asked me looking in confusion. I just shrugged in return.

"Asad Bhai!" She shouted his name from the kitchen.

"What are you doing Elnaz?" I whisper-yelled, all startled.

"Calling Bhai Appi." And she shouted again. I quickly washed all the remaining cups and rushed out only to collide with he himself.

"Ahh" i screamed as i rubbed my head.

"Are you okay Firdaus?" Asad asked, all concerned about my well-being. I nodded slowly.

"Ya Allah Appi why did you rushed out like that?” She scolded checking my face.

"Huh?" I was embarrassed to say anything on the other note Asad was staring at us.

"I am fine Elnaz." I told her.

"Why did you call my Elnaz?" He asked, while he took out a bottle of chilled water from fridge.

"Bhai, why didn't you drank the coffee? Was something wrong with it??" She questioned him.

He looked at me while answering her.

"Yes" and i felt my inside hurting at his answer. He didn't drank the coffee because i passed him it.

"What was wrong with-it Bhai? Should i make it for you?" she asked him, going near the stove.

"No elnaz it’s okay. Sumaiya aunty made it for me." He answered and left us there.

"Strange." Elnaz whispered to herself.

"Sorry? Pardon." I asked her, as i went near her.

"It’s strange Appi, Bhai always drinks the coffee i make no matter how bad it is." She spoke.

"It’s okay Elnaz and don't you think we should plan about what we should cook for sehri and iftar? And come on i am here after such a long time Let’s enjoy our time together." I cheered her up.

"You are right Appi. Let’s get pen and paper then." With that we both went to her room for planning about tomorrows cooking.


About an hour later:

After i, Elnaz, Jannat aunty, Sumaiya Appi prayed our Isha namaaz, we folded our mats.

"Ramzan Mubarak aunty." I wished Jannat aunty and hugged her as she did the same to me.

"Ramzan Mubarak Ammi." Elnaz too wished her and in return we all wished each other and hugged each other.

We all went out and saw Zayn uncle and Asad greeting others on phone calls who they were not able to meet at masjid.

"Ramzan Mubarak Abbu." Elnaz told loudly and went to hug her dad.

"Ramzan Mubarak to you to princess." As he wished her. Seeing her greeting her dad and brother i missed my family. Every time during this month Bhai, Ammi and me would help each other in preparing iftar. Dad would always praise my cooking even if sometimes the dishes where not up to mark. Indeed, daughters are their dad's princess.

"Firdaus?" Someone called me.

" hmm?" I looked up to see who was calling and it was uncle Zayn.

"Beta (child) what happened? I called you three-four times and you seemed lost." He asked me as if something was bothering me.

"Nothing uncle. Just was thinking about family." I answered.

"How about we face time them?" He suggested to which i beamed brightly.

"Ramzan Mubarak uncle." I wished him and he did the same.


After the face time call i felt good. I didn't feel homesick. Although i noticed one thing that during the call Bhai did stared at Elnaz's direction many times. I don't know if i am overthinking or not but i do want to know.

I and Elnaz started reading Quran and after half an hour later we decided to call it night. I set an alarm for 3:30 am in the morning. For a while we both talked about random things and then dozed off to sleep.