
Tatiana can't hear anything but her heartbeat, her heart beats faster than normal. An unknown feeling creep into her stomach, a warm feeling enveloped her raging heart. She can't move, Tatiana feels hypnotize by the tight warm hug of Aedion. This is the first time that she was hugged by a man. A first touch from someone she doesn't truly know, it makes her her going crazy and her brain to error. She can't think!

She's shaking, her emotions are mixed together. She doesn't know what to act. Her senses are disabled, her brain was stock in knowing that a man is hugging her and that her face was buried in a naked torso of someone that she doesn't know. Like a robot, she lift her head and saw Aedion's sleeping face that make her heart beats faster and faster. His face is so near, she can feel the hot breathe of him hitting her nose down to her lips. Her face heated up, she shake even more. She swallowed a lump that blocking in her throat and slowly push Aedion's arm that was snaked in her waist.

Tatiana moved carefully trying not to wake up the man. When she successfully move his arm she slowly get off into the bed and walk back into the couch without making any noise. She breathe out harshly when she successfully got back into the couch. She can't believe that she move even though her brain doesn't work normally. Her heart is still raging and beating like crazy. Tatiana place her hand into her chest trying to calm her heart and exhaling heavy breathe.

This feeling, she knew this based on the books that she already read. She shook her head, ignoring the thought that this feeling was a sign of liking someone.

"It can't be."

She whispered and look at Aedion. Again, her calming heart beats fast. She punch her chest and bit her lower lips. Damn, She's in danger. How come that he likes him already? Thinking that she only meet Aedion last night, there's nothing special in their first meeting. How come that Aedion can make her heart beats like crazy.

She's in the deep thinking when the door of the room opens and her twin, Thalia come in holding a tray that full of foods. She put the tray on the center table in front of the couch.

"His still sleeping?" Thalia asked while staring at Aedion. Thalia look at the time in her wrist watch. She shrugged and look at her.

"You bored?"

Tatiana just tilt her head and nod. Acting normal and setting aside the scene earlier. She doesn't want Thalia know what happens ealier. She confused as hell and she doesn't want her twin to think about that too. After all she's still okay and nothing serious happened to her except from the waves of unknown emotion and feelings that she feel earlier.

"You want to go down? There's a gig performing right now. Wanna watch?"

Thalia sit beside her and rest her elbow at the backrest of the couch and her head into her palm while looking at her. Her left leg is overlap into her right knee.

Tatiana just shrugged. "No. It's crowded down there." She reason out.

Thalia roll her eyes. "It's not. why didn't you try to socialize? It's fun Tatiana."

"I don't want too Thalia. For what? You only meet them for once and leave them. What is the point of socializing?"

"Duh! You think socializing is like that? You'll find true friend and people who will care for you."

"It's not necessary Thalia. I already have you to be my friend and I have my family to care for me. I don't need many people to know me to care for me and to be my friends."

Thalia lift her both hand surrendering and shrugging her shoulder. She can't debate with her twin 'cause she know that Tatiana doesn't really want to socialize and surrounded with many people.

"Where are we going next after here?" Tatiana look at Thalia that is now staring at Aedion.

"Mall? Shopping? I don't know, lets wait Aedion to wake up."

"Why him?" Tatiana furrowed.

Thalia look at her and raise her eyebrows. " I'll let you know Aedion. Let's spend this day with him."

Tatiana didn't say anything and just think about what Thalia said. They will spend this day with that man sleeping peacefully in the bed in front of them. She look at Aedion and her heart just start beating abnormally again. How can she spend her time with Aedion if her heart is going crazing when she look at him? What the heck is this? How come? She's confused.She shook her head, believing herself that she's just shocked on what happened earlier that's why her heart is acting like she run in a marathon.

Time flew fast, they just talk about things and a minute after, Aedion woke up. With a sleepy eyes Aedion get up and lean his back into his bed headboard. Thalia immediately walk toward Aedion and sat into the side of the bed.

"Good morning." Thalia greeted and smile sweetly.

Aedion slowly open his eyes and look at Thalia but he didn't smile nor greet her back. His face remains black and sleepy.

"Your breakfast is ready. By the way, thanks for bringing me home last night and I bought my twin with me so that she can know you." Thalia pointed her twin in the couch and Aedion followed Thalia's hand and saw Tatiana sitting prim and proper in his couch.

His head tilted a little bit and roam his eyes in Tatiana's body. Checking her outfit, she's definitely covered up with her jeans and blouse. Unlike last night that she's showing her skin. Seducing him without her knowing and makes him hard. she even gives him a wet dream. This woman is giving Aedion unwanted desire. A basic kind of woman. He must gone crazy.

Tatiana avoid his eyes because her heart is starting to pound harder and harder again. She look at Thalia that is busy arranging Aedion's breakfast on the center table. She can still tell hat Aedion is staring at her because she can feel chill in her spine. Indicataing that someone's staring at her.

"You should eat your breakfast before taking shower Aedion. We will treat you today."

Finally, Aedion turned his gaze to Thalia with furrowed eyebrows. "Treating me for what?"

"For taking me home last night and so that you'll know me twin too. For future purpose." Thalia giggled in the last words that she said and beam a big smile.

Aedion sigh and look at Tatiana na again. Their eyes meet each another, Tatiana just smile a little and avoid his gaze again. Aedion saw Tatiana's fingers playing the strap of her sling bag because of anxiety. The side of his lips rose up, he get off the bed and walk into the center table then pick up the tray of food before sitting next into Tatiana.

Tatiana started to feel conscious with her self when Aedion sit beside her. She just bowed her head and play the strap of her bag.

Damn! Why do I feel nervous around him? She said in her mind.

"Oh I forgot! Your coffee!" Thalia exclaimed.

Tatiana lift her head and her eyes widen when her twin just left out the room. She was left with him.

"You wanna eat?"

A baritone voice enveloped her ears. Her eyes drop into Aedion who's eating beside her. She just nod and her eyes fixed into Aedion's naked torso.

She heard a chuckled but her eyes are still wondering in his body. Questioning her self how ell her body was formed. Some part of Aedion torso was covered by the plate that he's holding. Aedion move his plate making her see the full naked torso of him. That's the time when Tatiana realized that she's staring too much and Aedion is watching her staring at his naked body.

Tatiana's face heated up and cut staring with Aedion's body. She heard him laugh that makes him more blush in embarrassment.

"What rate my body is?"

Tatiana just want to disappear in the air. "It-it's not what you think."

"Then.." Aedion move his body near to Tatiana. "what? You wanna feel it?" he whispered into Tatiana's ear.

Aedion's hot breathe gives a goosebumps in her nape. He grab Tatiana hand and place in her lower abdomen.

"How about now?"

Tatiana's instinct immediately kick in and push Aedion before getting up to the couch and leave immediately. She bumped into her twin in the staircase but she ignored her. Her heart is beating so fast. Her face was so red. She can feel her hands shaking. She can't breathe properly. What the hell is wrong with that man? Tatiana shouted her mixed emotion when she finally get out of the bar. She doesn't care about the stares that she gained after that and just ride a taxi from home. Leaving her twin with that crazy man.