
Days had passed in a blink of an eye, Tatiana finally back into her normal self. Although, Aedion is still popping on her mind sometimes but she can maintain her composure now, unlike what happened in the bar, that she couldn't control her emotions and feelings. She can't believe that in three days that man occupied her mind and she can't forget and process what just happened in his room. In that three days her left hand is shaking and still feeling the texture of his rocky abdomen. The warm feeling of his skin makes her blush while remembering that.

That day Thalia bomber her with many questions why she left without without telling her. Minute after she got home, she cage herself in her room, throw her body in her bed and covered it with her blanket. Her heart is still beating fast. Her brain is still unstable nor her body. A slamming door of her room indicate that her twin walk inside her room. She followed her worrying why she left without saying anything to her. Thalia hitch the blanket covering her into the ground.

"What's wrong? Why did you leave without saying anything to me?" She asked Tatiana and combed her hair back using her fingers.

She's worried about Tatiana, she saw how red her face earlier and she thinks that something happens to her. The side of Tatiana's bed bounced, her twin sat beside her and rest her back into the headboard of Tatiana's bed. She look at her and saw that her face is still red but not like what she saw earlier. May be she's calming right now. Her eyes are closed and she can see how her chest move up and down like she's catching her breathe. Her conclusion might correct that something happens when she left Tatiana and Aedion alone.

Tatiana didn't answer her. She's hesitant to tell her what just happened. Her brain is still in the process of absorbing what just happened. She's trying so hard to calm herself and stop her left hand to shake. It might look like that she's over acting but it is her first time to encounter those scenarios. She isolate her self to other people since she was a kid and those are new to her. The waves of unknown emotion in her body just gives her a reason to avoid others. She doesn't want that to experience anymore 'cause she's afraid if she will go uncontrolled again.

"Is Aedion did something wrong to you?" Thalia keep asking her.

This time, Tatiana lay in her back and look Thalia. She shook her head.

"Anxiety strikes." She reason out and thank god her twin but it.

Thalia breathe out. " I should have never let you alone with people you didn't know. I'm sorry."

Tatiana smiles genuinely and whispered. " It's okay. You don't need to say sorry. I should be the one who say that 'cause I ruined your day with Aedion."

"Don't mind that." Thalia start to play her twins hair. "We can bond next time. You need time to know him so that your anxiety don't come up when your alone with him."

Tatiana stayed silent. She doesn't know what to say but she immediately decided to avoid Aedion and never let her self near him. She can feel dangerous when he's near. She can assure that something will happens when Aedion and she will cross their path together again.

Tatiana let out a heavy breathe, the cafeteria is slowly filling of hungry students of Crimson University, and she's starting to suffocate of people around her. If only she can leave but she already did, Thalia text her earlier to have a lunch with her and wait her at the cafeteria. This is the first time that her twin invite her to have lunch together in the university. Since they entered college the twin mind their own business and focus on their study and because they don't have the same course the two didn't hang out together at school. But they make sure to make time from each other in their house.

She calm herself by ignoring some students that are un-intentionally look at her and start reading some articles in her phone. She also plugged her earphones in her both ears and listen to R&B songs. Slowly, her body calm and started to unfocused in her surroundings. After ten minutes, Thalia with Aedion come and sit in the vacant chairs in front of Tatiana.

Thalia pat her shoulder to get her twin's attention. Tatiana look up and unplugged her earphones in her ears and smile at Thalia.

"Sorry you wait for too long." Thalia look at Aedion. "I waited for him to his class."

Tatiana's gaze shifted to Aedion, their eyes meet each other a flow of memory from the other day flow inside of Tatiana's head. Making her blush and avoid her gaze in the man in front of him.

"I'll go get our lunch. Wait in here with Aedion okay?" Thalia stand into her chair and started to step forward into the counter.

Tatiana was about to insist but Thalia walk towards the counter and line up into the bunch of students in there.

"Tatiana.." Aedion whispered making her look at him.

Her heart started to pound faster when she saw him smirk.

"What?" She said without stuttering and she's thanking herself for that.

"Tatiana Entice Esquivel." Agin he whispered and tilted his head before roaming his eyes in her face.

Aedion grin like a maniac and bit his lower lips while looking at Tatiana's lips. Tatiana feel uncomfortable in Aedion's action. She wants to smash his lips with a food tray.

Tatiana's eyebrows furrowed. "What is your problem?" The uneasiness that she feel earlier was changed into annoyance.

"You have the same face with your twin, same eyes, same nose, and same lips but why do I like to kiss your lips more than her?" He stated innocently and act like he's thinking deeply of what he said before reaching for Tatiana's lips and rub her pinkish lips with his thumb.

In an instinct, Tatiana slap his hand away and look at him sharply.

"What a jerk!" She gritted her teeth and curse him with her stare.

"Dang, You're not my type, even your twin. But why do I like you more than her?"

"What the hell do you want? If you don't like my sister then avoid her! Don't hurt her feelings! And I don't like you, asshole."

Aedion chuckled, he amusedly watch Tatiana's angry face and she find her still beautiful and more sexier. She's so simple and at the same time delicate.

"What a dirty mouth you have there little vixen. I wonder if what your mouth can do dirtier." The side of his lips rose up and laughed sexily.

"If you're just playing with me, you better stop it. It's not funny." Tatiana said.

Aedion place his elbow at the table with his fingers intertwined from each other and place his chin on the top of it. He stare at her seriously, he doesn't know why when it comes to Thalia he find her annoying but when it comes to Tatiana he wants to hang with her. She's not his type, he's sure with that. But why do this innocent and simple woman just makes him crazy over her. How can she do that? Did she cast a spell to him? Aedion shook his head and stop his self from staring at her. He doesn't want this feeling. Since he meet Tatiana, the woman occupied his mind.

"Yeah, I do hope I'm only playing." Aedion wipe his face using his palm before looking at her.

"Don't ever let me see your face anymore if you love your sister."

After he said those words that makes her mind in a mess, Aedion stood and walk away like nothing. Tatiana left with confused look at her face. She's confused as fudge, that guy just flirt at her and say those words like it's her fault that he saw her face.

"Aedion? You're so complicated jerk." she whispered and shook her head.

"Where's Aedion?" Thalia asked when she got back to their table.

Tatiana help Thalia to put the trays in the table before answering her. "He left."

"What? Why?"

Tatiana just shrugged and start to eat. She's hungry. Thalia just sit on her chair and started eating too, sadness is visible in her eyes but she just covered it up with a smile in her face.

"Stop wasting your time with him and just wait the man for you, Thalia." Tatiana said while eating.

She didn't received any answer from her twin but she know that it's hard for her that the man she like doesn't like her back. She's also afraid that Aedion might saying the truth earlier and she can't let that happen. She will never like Aedion and never accept that man's feeling for her. Never.