
"What are you saying?" Annoyance is visible in Thalia's face.

Tatiana confronted her twin when she got home. She waited at Thalia's room to tell her what Aedion said at the cafeteria. She can't let that slip and just ignore what Aedion said to her. She loves Thalia and she will never wait the time that her twin will cry because of that guy. He doesn't deserve Thalia and Thalia deserve more.

She's just a little bit nervous 'cause she doesn't know if Thalia will believe her. She's her twin, she will believe her but she's wrong.

"Do you like Aedion Tatiana? That's why your ruining him to me?"

Tatiana shook her head vigorously. "No! I am just telling you what he said!" she defended.

Thalia look at her intently and let out a heavy breathe. "So you mean, he told you that I am not his type and he doesn't like me but he likes you?" She let out a sarcastic laugh and shook her head.

Tatiana's eyes teared up. She can't believe that her twin doesn't believe in her and she's on Aedion's side.

"I am not making up fake stories Thalia. Aedion said it! You're not his type! He doesn't like you!" Tatiana shouted in frustration.

"I know that he doesn't like me! That's why I'm pursuing him! And your telling me that he likes you? We're twins! We have the same features how come that he likes you? He only meet you thrice." Thalia whispered the last sentence and look at Tatiana sharply.


Tatiana didn't control her tears to roll down from her eyes when she saw how Thalia looked at her sharply. Her eyes stab Tatiana's heart like a knife.

"Get out of my room Tatiana." Thalia said in her serious tone.

Tatiana wiped her tears before she leave the room silently.

"I hate you.."She whispered when she closed the door. Tatiana's pertaining to Aedion.

She hate Aedion. Hatred is starting to build up in her chest. This is the first time that they fight to each other. Tatiana buried her face on her bed and cry out the hate she feel. She just want Thalia to know what Aedion said exactly to her.

But she didn't think about what Thalia will feel about that. Tatiana knew that she hurt her twin. She's an idiot to tell her that, she should think deeper about Thalia's feelings.

With shaking hands she wiped her tears again and reach her phone at the side table and compose a message for Thalia.

'I don't like him, 'cause he's a jerk. I'm sorry. I care for you. I love you. I just want to be honest to you about what he said to me Thalia. I'm worried that he will hurt you. '

After that she send the text to Thalia and drift into sleep because of the chaos starting to build up on her mind.


"Woah! I thought you she's not your type dude?" Brent surprised when he saw Aedion stalking Tatiana's social media. Brent is one of Aedion's friend who also know about Thalia. He thought that Aedion is stalking Thalia's account.

Aedion look at Brent and shook his head before turning off his phone. Since he saw Tatiana, the woman didn't leave his mind. He always think about her without even thinking that he is thinking Tatiana. That's odd, he's not like that. He doesn't attached to women easily. Specially that he only meet Tatiana thrice in a row. Dang! That woman really drive him nuts with out even trying hard.

Brent sat at the sofa in front of him. Like Aedion, he didn't attend class and waste their time watching gigs and hooking up with girls at Dirty Habit Bar owned by Aedion.

"You change your type of woman?" Brent asked before reaching the bottle of beer at the table and grin at Aedion.

Aedion just look at him and tilt his head before roaming his eyes at his bar. The bar is full of costumers even thought its day light. They're so many people wasting their money in buying there expensive drinks.

"Why are you here? You should be in our class." Aedion stated without looking at Brent.

"Ask that to yourself dude." He fired back.

Aedion rub his lower lips using his thumb before standing up. He saw Diana, one of his hoe.

"Where are you going? You'll gonna leave me alone?"

He didn't mind Brent and walk at Diana's table, who's hanging with her friend.

"Hey..." He greeted.

Diana look at him and smirk. "I told ya, you can get enough with me." she said with proud visible in her tone.

Aedion chuckled and shrugged. "I guess so?"

He sat at the space beside Diana and the woman hungerly kiss Aedion and he kissed her back. Diana's friend started to cheer her and have fun watching the two. Aedion is just enjoying their make out session in front of his hoe friend. His hands are starting to roam around Diana's body when a strong hand grab into Diana's blonde hair and pull her away without.

"Get the fuck off bitch! He's mine!" Thalia's voice roared at the bar. Catching other people attention.

"What the fuck!" Diana twisted her body and reach for Thalia's hair and pull it to.

And that begins the fight between Diana and Thalia. With a blank stare, Aedion watch the two woman fight in front of him. The bouncer of the bar started to stop Thalia and Diana but they are in fire to hurt each other.

Suddenly, Aedion feel tired, he's tired for this. He tired for Thalia's obession with him. He can't take this. He can enjoy his life any more.

He pull his self together and stop the two. Aedion hold Thalia's wrist and pulled her away from Diana.

"Stop." He said in his serious voice.

"Why are you kissing other woman?!" Thalia hissed. She's angry but she couldn't hurt Aedion. She wants to slap him but she can't. He loves him so much.

"It's my life Thalia. Stop doing this. Stop ruining my life."

"I am not ruining your life! I am fixing it1 I'm making it better!" Thalia.

"Stop! You're not making it better1 Your making it worse! Stop your obsession with me Thalia! Enough! I don't need you in my life!" Aedion can't control his anger anymore and shouted at Thalia.

Thalia didn't answer, it just like someone cut her tongue. Her eyes are slowly pouring with tears and she can feel a numb pain in her chest. It hurts, she feel stupid around this people watching her and whispering about her. She roam her eyes and everyone is looking at her with pity. And that's hurts more.

"I love you..." she whispered look at Aedion.

His eyes was cold and it shows that he doesn't care with her.

"Its not love. Its obsession Thalia." Aedion said and let go of her hand.

"Get out. Fix yourself and forget about me. You're too young for love Thalia." He added and left her at the crowd.

Thalia couldn't believe it. Why Aedion doesn't believe in her? Does loving someone required age? Why? She loves him so much.

"Pathetic." She heard Diana said before followig Aedion.

She gritted her teeth, she wants to punch Diana's face.

"Don't be happy bitch. This is not the end." she whispered before getting out of the bar not minding the people she hit.


Tatiana woke up because of the loud voice coming from Thalia's room.

"Didn't I told you Thalia? One mistake and you will never be free like a bird again!" She heard her Mom shouted.

Confused, she get off from her bed and went to Thalia's room. The door is open and she saw her Mom and Dad lecturing her twin.

"What happened?"

Their parents look at Tatiana and there she saw Thalia sitting at her bed with her head facing the ground because of embarrassment.

"Reproach your twin Tatiana! Her video, fighting with someone at the bar is all over the internet! This is so embarrassing!" Freya hissed.

"Know your limit Thalia. We didn't teach you to be like that." Tyron, their Dad stated.

Tatiana knows that both of their parents are disappointed. She can see it at their eyes while looking at her twin.

"Talk to you twin Tatiana. We have meeting to attend, we need to go." Tyron said and left the room with his wife.

Tatiana look at her twin. She's still hurt about what happened earlier but she's worried. She walk towards Thalia and sat beside her. She didn't talk. She's letting Thalia tell her what happened. 'Cause that's what she did something wrong.

"I'm sorry." Thalia whispered thinking that she disappoint Tatiana.

"Why did you do that?" Tatiana asked and look at Thalia. Her face is fix at the ground.

"She kissed A-aedion." Thalia said with her shaky voice.

"Wh---" Tatiana was cut off when Thalia suddenly hugged her tight and cried on her shoulder.

Anger fired up in Tatiana's heart. Hatred and anger is building up in her chest because of that guy.

You make my twin cry, asshole. I'm gonna make you pay.