Broken Trust

*Jack's POV*

I am not certain which one is more unbearable at the moment. The hatred I saw that's emitting from Alpha Zero's figure or the fact that I am betrayed by my own beta. There's only one man who's certain about everything he said and that is Maleficus.

A growl came out from Alpha Zero's mouth which made me choose the first option.

"Alpha Zero! Please hear me out before you unleash your anger, I am ignorant with my beta's intensions. Maleficus can give you the details of the plot if he has confirmed the perpetrators identity then..

My father was standing still at the corner I know as the Alpha King he will always be in acceptance with the truth. Then Alpha Zero yells again.

"Nonsense! How can I believe your words? What kind of beta betrays his Alpha? If i am right, both of you conspire for this! You expect me to fall down in my knees and beg you for the lives of my pack?