Wedding Vows

*Carmela's POV*

It is the most glorious day of my existence, when I thought everyday I am happy and fortunate to meet the man I will love for the rest of my life. But today is the grandest, my wedding to Alpha Jack finally came true. As the entire Royal Pack get busy and eager to watch our union. My heart celebrates with so much joy and love.

This is the day when finally a new Luna is officially proclaimed, and I am more optimistic that I could live up to the rule given.

"Oh you look heavenly!

Queen Helen exclaims while giving the final touch of make up in my face. We were getting ready at a huge dressing room inside the palace intended for the Queen only. It was her idea that I get dressed in this place and I am more than willing to obliged.

I have on the wedding dress they have previously made for the Alpha Prince's mate, when Jack came to the age of eighteen. The Queen Luna had told me how they anticipated the mate for Jack, that everything was all prepared and ready.