The Gift

*Carmela's POV*

The next evening came so fast, the night that the witch have told me. It was also the last night of the warriors from the cold mountain pack, and Jack is with Alpha Zero in the council room. He had told me earlier that he would be coming home late. But I am still up because of my thoughts about the proposition from Ayah.

But I cannot do it, I won't pushed Princess Jasmin to be with Alpha Zero. Yes I love Jack and I wanted to give him an heir so bad but I couldn't just agree to her condition. I have to reconsider the feelings of Princess Jasmin too. I sighed and sat down the bed with my confused mind.

"My Queen there is a gift for you from one of the warriors in the Cold Mountain Pack".

Cory tells me while holding a red rectangular box in her hands. She stood in the middle of the bedroom door waiting for my approval to come in.

"Oh, is that so? Please come in Cory and let me see from who exactly is that."