“Long lived the Alpha King and his Queen”

*Carmela's POV*

A grand celebration follows after the Alpha King, my dear husband and my eternal mate announced to everyone that I am pregnant. Carrying the heir to the Langstone throne.

The wolves in our pack were thrilled. The Alpha's of the four regions are coming. Every wolves in the entire world rejoices, well maybe not all.. Except for the number of rogues that are still out there. Hiding in the deepest part of the jungles, or making themselves invisible, blending in the humans of the city.

But for now, everyone's trouble seemed to be set aside and what were focused on is the coming of an heir. Maleficus have not yet revealed the gender, but Jack and I are hoping it is a boy. But regardless of the gender, an heir is what we needed the most.

"Let's go my love... Are you ready?".

Jack asked looking at my face before his eyes traveled down to my flat stomach. My baby bump is barely visible with the dark evening gown. I smiled at him and tucked my hand in his elbow.