Chapter 16

The door keeper opened the glass door for Adam and the kids once they got to the entrance.

After nodding his thanks, Adam led them all inside the building.

Scarlett gasped as she took in her surroundings.

She could see the lush green plants peeking out from various well-arranged earthenwares. A grand crystal chandelier hung above them and the floor, though wooden, gleamed as it had recently been polished. There were various art paintings which were hung at strategic locations in the large hall.

Adam gestured for the children to follow him.

He walked up to the fancy counter and tapped it twice, gaining the attention of the man seated behind it. The man's hair was rather thin on top and was pale gray in color. He also had on a monocle that had a silver chain attached to it.

His outfit was a complete set of suit.

"Goodday, how may I help you?" He asked, his question directed at Adam.