
Katya Grey

Seconds felt like hours as Cris try to find a way to get out of the problem in front of him. He's panicking. Yet a familiar feeling urged Cris to stick with his plan in mind. His plan was to sneak his way to the Basil by disguising as one of the men in suits. Obviously it failed, but he will continue nonetheless. It's his pride that will not let him quit.

"I will ask again sir, what is your task here?"

A memory, not too long ago, appeared in Cris' head. The team seated around a large meeting table, all focused in front of them, which has a holographic image of St. Basil's Cathedral. A white haired man in a suit points a stick to the holographic image. He looks like a middle-aged man. Edward raises his hand from the left side of the table.

"I suggest two person will undergo this spy mission. Since the group will be noticed if you send us all.", Edward said with a loud commanding voice.

The white haired man turned his attention to Edward. "Who do you suggest we send?"

Edward looks around the group. His eyes circled for two rounds, then glanced at Cristopher for a second. He then turned back at the white haired man.

"Cris would be good. And Karrie.", Edward replied. "Cris knows Russia in and out and Karrie can easily blend in."

"As expected, good choices.", The white haired man praised Edward. "But I'm assigning you instead of Karrie."

"Why the sudden change?", Edward asked.

"We can't always rely on Karrie for undercover misions. Since we started our project, Karrie has done 413 undercover missions all over the world.", The white haired man replied to Edward. "All of you need to be capable of doing everything. Step out of your comfortable zone and always be in the best condition."

"Fair enough.", Edward said as he shrugs his shoulders. Everybody agreed.

"So you and Karrie will be swapping missions. He'll be at the frontlines at Gibraltar, helping police to take down the Spanish Mafia that helped C.A. cross borders from Spain to U.K.", the white haired man said.

"Bufon.", Aileen said with disgust. "Who's with him? I'll volunteer."

"It's gonna be Karrie, Renz, and you on the Spanish Mafia. Natalie will be on standby and Aveline will accompany me to UK and meet up with the Queen.", the white haired man stated their missions.

Edward looks at Cris as he signaled him to go. "Alright SOFT." Everybody looks at him as if they're waiting for Edward to do something, or say.

"Go make a sin."

"For the last time sir, what is your task?"

That question woke Cristopher up from his backstory dream. He looked at the guy on the left, the one asking questions, seriously. The two men felt chills for a moment as the unknown man gazed at them with serious intent. As Cris opened his mouth to speak, the two man was prepared for anything that will happen, as they hold their gun from their waist, waiting for what's about to happen. To their suprise, they heard a Spanish accent from a Russian face.

"I'm sent here by Bufon, Joaquin has a letter to Katya regarding the failed attempt of help for our hermanos in Spain. They got seen. And Katya promised to help by keeping SOFT occupied in Ukraine, which just failed last week." Cristopher said with a Spanish accent, and with ease.

"H-how did y-you-

The men couldn't believe in two things. First, is that their leader, Katya, and them, A.C. Russian Division, is on questionable footing with C.A. beause of what happened. Second, is that the man in front of them with an American face spoke pure Spanish. And putting those two things together, they shiver from it, not from the cold. Either from the man or the fact that they're doomed, what they felt is fear. "So are you gonna let me accompany you? Or are we doing this again?" With fear planted in them, they couldn't help but nod in agreement and stay in silent as the three of them walked towards the Cathedral.

Over at Edward's side, he was finished knocking up the remaining two lookouts on the right side of the market. He investigated all their belongings and found a similarity. Except for the red and black card that trademarks their group, all of them got three identification cards. One is for their regular jobs and the another is for a train station. The last one is for the museum.

"Leningradsky station. That might be a clue.", Edward says as he picked all of their handguns and hang them all on his waist. "Wait, the museum needs an ID? Something doesn't add up." Edward then remembered his partner.

"Oh no, Cris!"

He rushed to the Cathedral to find Cris. it took him 2 minutes to run from the right side of the Red Square to the entrance of St. Basil's Cathedral. Once he got there, he saw tourists and civilians lining up at the entrance. He didn't see his partner or any of the two men.

"Either he got called on his bluff or he found a way to enter himself." Edward took a deep breath. "No need to get negative. Just go inside and found him."

Edward took a spot in the line.

Inside the Cathedral, Cristopher along with the men headed towards the museum part of the cathedral. They went inside a room with a relic that looks like a golden box, with two angel-like figures on top with each sides. The angels look like they're bowing over a figure on the center, but there's nothing there. There are scribbles on each side of the box that looks like ancient writing.

"Is that-

"Yes, The Ark of the Covenant."

"Only a copy though. The real one is in the main HQ."

"Are you fresh from there?", Cris asked the two men.

"Nyet. We're Pure Russian."

"Ah, so where's Katya?"

The two men went silent. The room gets dark as the lights turned off. It was quiet. A feint noise of footsteps can be heard. Cristopher calmly assessed the situation.

They're slowly going away from me. Is this a trap?

Suddenly, loud footsteps can be heard walking inside the room from the entrance. From the sound of the footsteps, it's not either of the two men. A new person! Is this-

The footsteps stopped. The lights turned on. Cristopher quickly turned his head to the entrance. A lady with a black long sleeves, black pants, paired with black boots with grey fur on top. What makes her noticeable is her ash gray fur coat. Her long grey hair is top-covered by a cutesy red fur hat.

"These two men said that you're looking for me.", the lady said to Cristopher. The Russian accent is very noticeable but her sentence is full. This is her alright.

"I'm assuming you're Katya Grey.", Cristopher said.

"Is it true that that you are a messenger from Spain Division?", Katya asked, neither dodging or answering the question. Changing the topic. Let's see what she wants to know.

"Yes.", Cris replied.

Katya observed Cris' appearance from top to bottom. She then looks him in the eyes. "I don't think so."


Katya stretched out her hand on a recieving gesture, as if she was expecting Cris to give her something. "Give it to me."

"I'm sorry?"

"Your watch."

"Uh, why?"

"Because I don't want you contacting your HQ." Katya moved her fingers from the stretched hand in a taunting gesture. "You think you can hide from me SOFT agent!? Which one are you?"

The two men went into a battle stance. Katya, still stretching her hand, "I suggest you give the watch now. It'll be less embarrassing if you try to fight me without your watch. Of course, you still lose either way."

Cris' amber eyes turned purple. It's glowing purple so hard it's noticeable. Cristopher then laughed loudly.

"What a cocky gal. You're really confident you'll beat me?"

"Fully confident."

Cris took off his watch. He put it away into his pocket.

"Cocky, boastful, confident." Katya looked at Cris with excitement. She then laughs louder than Cris'. "I see."

"Yeah, I know what you're about to say."

"I'm aware. Your eyes can see the future."

The One Atop. Let's see if you're worthy of your title.