
Proud Eyes

The One Atop. A proud title given by the world, to the one above all. Does a human be worthy of such title?

Outside the Cathedral, Edward waits in line. He could just sneak inside, but the thought went in his mind late due to panic. Luckily, an explosion can be heard from inside. It caused a commotion in the line, helping Edward slip past through the entrance. He suits up to his all-purpose suit and starts running around.

"Locate Pride for me riri.", Edward said as he stops midway.

"His watch is turned off sir. I believe it's in purpose.", Riri replied to the panicking Ed.

"Where's the last trace? I don't wanna search all nine chapels.", Edward asked as he try to breathe hard to remain calm. Riri tracked the last trace.

"At the museum, After the first 2 chapels on your left.", Riri replied.

Edward immediately rushed towards the said location.

Cristopher and Katya jumps around the place, trashing items and relics all over the place. The two men tries to shoot Cristopher but they can't keep up with him and their boss' speed. They hear loud footsteps coming towards the room. Coming from outside the entrance, Edward can hear the clash inside clearly.

"Riri, how many people inside?". Edward said to his partner.

"Five in total sir. Here is their heat signatures.", a screen then popped up at the top right of Edward on his screen inside his mask. It showed the location of all the people inside the room. Edward then flew, leveling the ceiling. He then smash into the ceiling above the door, surprising everyone inside.

"What the hell was that?!", one of the men in black suit shouted.

The two looked up where the loud noise came from and see Edward passing through them in the air and towards Katya and Cristopher.

"Another one showed up. What do we do?", one man said.

Still in the air, Edward deployed thrusters from his feet and charged towards Katya. Cristopher and Katya noticed Edward flying straight out of them. Cristopher shot a thin-like rope from his nano-wristbands at Katya to distract her. A rope coming at her, Katya went to a wall and pushed herself down, landing on the ground. Edward and Cristopher followed her down and surrounded her.

"Surrounding a girl like this, people are gonna talk.", Katya remarks.

A weird silence surrounds them in the air.

Edward then breaks off the silence by replying on the remark, "I was gonna say something naughty but your Russian accent almost made me laugh."

"Aww, you like my accent, admit it.", Katya looks at Edward with...such...looks. "It tur-- Stop!!!", Edward cut off her sentence. "Whether I like it or not isn't connected to what we're fighting right now."

"And what are we fighting for right now?", Katya said.

"Tell us who have the Ark of the Covenant.", Cristopher asked calmly.

"Nobody holds it for long. You guys should know about it.", Katya said.

"The price for laying as much as thou finger upon the Ark shall be your life. Be prepared to pay with your soul when you look inside the Ark of the Covenant.", Edward said. "So where is it right now?"

"It is constantly moving throughout the world. It is hard to pinpoint exactly where it is.", Katya said.

"It is seen last week smuggled at the Red Square and into here, the musuem inside St. Basil's Cathedral.", Cristopher said. "Who did you give it to?"

"C.A. will kill me if I'll tell you. I'd rather keep my head thank you very much.", Katya said.

Cris grit his teeth. Edward noticed his behavior and quickly walked towards Katya. My aura is even affecting Cristopher. Katya went to her fighting stance, prepared for any of their attacks.

Still walking towards his opponent, Edward started talking, "Tell me Katya, what do you know about Andrew Anderson?"

Her brows moved like she was confused about something, Katya then replied, "Mr. A.A.? He's a great man. He's the head of our organization, but I'm sure you already knew that. Such a young man with big goals, I admire that."

"And I assume you know about his...way of handling things.", Edward said.

"He looks at everyone equally.", Katya said proudly.

"You mean spying.", Edward provokingly said.

"It's called monitoring.", Katya raised her voice.

"Because he doesn't trust anyone...?", Edward continued his provocation.

"That's not wha-- When I came running here, I scanned the room and found five heat signatures.", Edward cutted in while Katya was saying something. "Including me that's six, but I counted, and I count five. Where's our mystery guy?"

Everyone, including the two henchmen at the back are confused. They have been just them before Edward came. They do not know what he's talking about. Edward continued.

"Why don't you go out now? Everybody knows you're here."

Silence went throughout the room. Katya bursts out of laughing afterwards. "Is this your kind of diversion? I'm waiting."

Edward calmly whispered to Riri, "Did I see it wrong or your scanner is broken?" Riri then popped up a window in Ed's screen that says 'the guy is still here'. "Where is he?", Edward asked. Riri opened a floor plan of the room with red dots in certain locations. Two at the door, three at the center of the room, and one at the very back of the room. "Maybe he has a reason not to reveal himself. Let's play along with him." Edward turned back to Katya.

"Yeah, my plan failed. I'll think of a better plan next time."

At Cristopher's side, he secretly wore his watch as the two were talking. He then activated something, making his eyes glow a bright, golden yellow, like the sun in its peak. He then look at the surroundings. Edward notices his action.

Cris' eyes can see the future events that will happen to a target. It is not limited to people, he can use it on objects too and he can choose how far he can see into the future. There's only one problem. Edward continued to stall Katya by talking to her. "If you have any constructive criticism about my plan, let me hear it. I'm open for suggestions."

Cristopher continued to look around. He looked at the door and saw it close while everyone was here, 20 seconds from now. He then looked above and saw the ceiling dropping down on them while burning, half a minute from now. He immediately deactivated his powers and called for Edward.

"Wrath, this place is going to burn!" Cristopher started to run towards the door. "You're right about the sixth person, he's gonna burn this place!"

Katya released a giggle, "Another diversion? You're pretty obvious though unlike him." Katya looks at Edward from head to toe. "So you're the legendary Wrath, captain of SOFT. First, Pride and now, Wrath. It must be my birthday." Edward started running to Cris, who was running towards the door.

He called out to his partner, "How far did you see?"

"A minute.", Cris replied.

"Where is he gonna be in that time?", Edward asked.

"I'm assuming he's running to the door now.", Cris replied back.

"And where did you see the fire?", Edward said as they arrived at the door.

"Wait, you're not bluffing? Let's go boys!", Katya and her two men started following them.

Cris pointed above them, "At the ceiling. What's your plan?"

"I'll stop the fire happening and possibly capture the guy. Place a trap outside so that Katya and her men won't go anywhere.", Edward then flew towards the ceiling. Cristopher went and closed the door as soon as he left.

"Hey wait!", Katya yelled. She arrived at her destination but only to be welcomed by a closed door. "Pride! Open it!" She and her henchmen slammed their hands continuously.

At Edward, he asked Riri to create liquid nitrogen in his wirstbands and starts shooting it on the ceiling. Nobody saw him but Riri. So either he's invisible or "Riri, enable heat seeking vision." Edward then sees his surroundings with either green or red colors. He saw a figure in red going to the door where Katya and her men are. Luckily, the door opened and they were about to get out safe. Edward then shot a net net from his wrists, hitting the red figure.

"Or teleporting.", Edward landed down in front of the guy while still on his heat seeking vision. "But to teleport, you need to know the place very well. Your teleporting is interesting though, do you travel in another dimension but somehow can see this dimension also?"

The man suddenly disappeared. "Bummer. I was starting to get interested too."

Edward then went out the room. As soon as he steps outside, he saw Katya and her men trapped in a net on a wall, like insects caught in a spider's web.

"Take them for questioning. I'll call our ride.", Edward said to Cristopher.

We headed back to our headquarters and put Katya and her men in one of our personal prison. C.A. heard the news and immediately started killing any C.A. Russian Division in sight. Katya decided to help us in exchange for us protecting her and her people. It was the end of their division and the beginning of a new division.

The Shpion.