The Past*

The bird like creature came closer and closer to me, it then landed on the floor and as if i was being controled by something, i walked over to the creature and got on it's wide scaley back. It took off and flew me towards the city that i had seen earlier. "bling bling" "bling bling" that was the bell that signified lunch was over, i opened my eyes to see myself still in the process of taking a bite out of the chicken i had left. Today was the strangest, normally i would complete my journey, normally i would take a revelation back with me to the real world, normally i somewhat enjoyed these forced trips. Because of these trips, i am able to wake up in the morning despite the feeling of a knife pressed against my throat. I have tryed telling my family about these trips all my life but i'm constatly reminded of how unwanted i am. Even the live in maids we had get treated better than me. Even though i dine with two beings that could change my life if i asked for something, i refuse to take advantage of that because they both have eyes, when im suffering they can see, when im broken with no sense of wanting to live in me they can see, they see it all but they choose to leave me the way i am. God said ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and door will be open unto you. The devil said i will grant you any wish if you submit yourself to me. I am neither for God or the devil, i am neither good nor bad. i have no place to stand as i have to choose one to reside with by law. In this world, i am one of the 7.3 billion humans that inhabit this earth, the only difference is that i hold memories of the world before. I am the first generation of the decents. But to me, my purpose is yet unknown. Through my previous journeys i have been going to what is called "the past", its a world that existed before the one we inhabit now. A world were dinasours existed, were colors never seen in todays world existed, plants shimered blue and couldnt die, everything perfect and everytging up to detail. I go to "the past" to learn what became of that world and what will become of the world i live in today.

From everything i have learnt so far through my previous journeys, todays color known as brown is a color that crosed over from "the past" into todays world, but even if its in this world, we arent blessed enough to comprehend it. Color blind people mostly see the colors they cant see as brown, we are all color blind to brown and until out spirituality is unlocked we cant preseve that glorious color. Maybe we cant see it because we humans cant handle it? maybe we cant se it because it could destroy the world we know today? or maybe its because we arent the generation to unlock the color. If we look back to when cars where first made and compare the cars then to the cars now theres a big difference because as generations pass by, the human brain grows and gains more and more knowledge and aquire wisdom. But as we advance the earth dies. It dies because we are sucking its wisdom, its life force out of it. This world will die and a new one will be born. A better world that never dies, a world were no one dies, a world free of suffering, a world free from the chains that we are bound by on this earth, a world were everyone matters, were love is abundant. But how could a world be so perfect?

i once knew a bit about what love would look like and i do wish to recieve more in "the new world". My love triangle started off in middle school, 8 grade. I had just transfered to a new school and every time i get transfered my mum does the worst hair styles for me so i am normally the laugh of the whole school. 1 week since i had transfered, 1 week and i still dont have any firends. I mean, who would want to associate themselves with someone who has hair so dark and bushy it looks like its inhabited by flies, clothes that look 7 handed, shoes so brandless you could get them for $20, face embeded with acne as its gems. If i were someone else i wouldnt want to be friends with me either. Its my second period, even the teacher knew to isolate me, because i wasnt worth sitting next to people who looked like actual human beings. My second period was where i met "him", someone who will soon dominate my attention fully, someone i can count on, a sincere someone. He sat next to someone who would later become my bestfriend, my betrayer, the curse that still follows me around, the guilt of my heart. Whenever the teacher switches seats she would allways pair him with her at a table alone because she wanted them to date. She has been his bestfriend for 4years and at that time he had a girlfriend. The whole school knows he has a girlfriend but the whole school also knows he has a crush on his bestfriend aka her. The teacher had switched seats and decided it would be good to put me at a table with him and her. I walked across the room as the teacher called my name to switch seats, when i sat down at the chair opposite them, they both stared at me with a look of disgust, i mean who wouldnt though(with the way i looked). I sat there quietly as they both had conversations up on conversations an all, i was a third wheeler. fast forward to him and i becoming bestfriend and to her and i some how becoming bestfriends, he had problems with his girlfriend because he was cheating on his girlfriend with her. On a friday afternoon at school we went out for a monthly fire drill, i met up with him at his class and we started talking and from there he asked about my ig so i gave that to him and when i got home that day he texted me. But who am i? who was i to him? he had 30 hoes to be exact and he had each of thems phone numbers, ig and emails so who was i to him?