What is Love*

I was but one of the clueless girls he had wrapped around his fingers. Ill give a little information about me. I dont like being like everyone else. He was famouse, every girl liked him and he had alot of girls at his becking call, i didnt want to be that to him, i wanted to be someone he could trust and open up to, someone he could call a friend and someone he told things he never told anyone else. When he broke up with his girlfriend he started going after her but he and i started getting closer and i began to break the walls around his heart, taking brick by brick down. One day i had given her my phone because we were bestfriends, but she did something that really hurt me. He has a twin and his twin was her bestfriend too. She used my phone aka my ig account to text his twin "your a roach", 5 days later i hear a couple of girls talking about me so i go over to ask what i had done. One girl said i caused him and her to stop talking and another girl said i texted his twin and said that hes a roach and because shes my bestfriend she cant talk to him anymore. I was so suprised, given that she took my phone and texted that by her self with her very hands. How would these other girls even know what happened? him and his twin dont spread things so guess my bestfriends big mouthed then. I explained my self as i cused them out to show how angry i was that they would blame me for such a thing. When i got home that day i felt i was in the wrong so i decided any chance i get i would mend what had happened. It was closing in on her birthday and she had told me that she over heard him saying he would ask her out on her birthday but now that they arent talking anymore she doesnt think its gonna happen. April 6th, her birthday, aka the day of truth. After school, i was on ig having a conversation with her when she brought up the talk about how she likes him and if he is going to ask her out or not. I texted him saying "do you like her", "you know it her birthday so arent you gonna ask her out or should i do it for you?", he then confessed that he really liked her and that he would ask her out, so basically the story is, i played cupid and got them together. Then again he was my besfriend before she was but i still respected the fact that they were dating and kept my distance, i didnt even text him anymore. A couple of days into thier realtionship, he starts texting me EVERYDAY and i make sure i never text first so it doesnt seem like im playing family wreker or anything like that, i even reensured her by giving her access to my ig account so she could do whatever she wishes. Whenever he would text me, the first thing i would reply with is "have you texted your girlfriend yet?", he would always reply positive to haven texted his girlfriend before texting me. Not long into their relationship he started texting me more often which was uncomfortable for me but i put up with it because i started learning more things about him and not only that but he started some what grooming me. He taught me so many things, told be so many things that i knew he could never tell another girl because he would be seen as weak if he did. My bestfriend aka her, she started getting jelous even after i let her go through all our conversations, well ecsept the onces we deleted because of how private they were. I kept telling her how she shouldnt worry because he is a loyal one and he can be trusted, my calming words soon shattered as they ended thier relationship in the wake of summer. Now she resented and hated him with all her being. She was my besfriend and in westeren culture its said that if my bestfriend breakes up with her boyfriend that i also should cut all ties with her ex. I couldnt do that, I knew him before her, he trusted me and i trusted him more than i trusted her. Although she was my bestfriend, she had spread so many rumors about me so much i couldnt walk through the halls with my head up high. She would lie to me, an sweet talk me on the outside but bad mouth me on the inside. She hated me, but what and why could she possibly hate me? She started showing her "true colors" after the break up with her ex, she started blaming me for thier break up and telling the whole school about how i slept with her ex and hoed around with him. Actually, if i were to expose her, she wouldnt be able to show her scummy face ar school ever again. While she was dating her ex, she kept bringing up this other boy that she claimed she did not like, she said they were only "bestfriends". But as i recall thats the exact same way she got together with her current ex. She would send me videos of her and her "bestfriend" together in ONE blanket and trust me, around here we know what goes on when they say someones sharing ONE blanket with someone else. I didnt want to hurt him aka my bestfriend because he really loved her, he said he loved her but he had his own shaddy mix ups too. Like i said before, he has about or if not over 30 hoes, girls that could and would die for him if he asks them to. I didnt want to interfere in thier realtionship because i was just a third wheeler, a late comer, i knew nothing to them. When they would argue i would be in the middle and when they would come to a breaking point they would use me as glue. After thier break up and after the rumors of me have reached the nucks of the earth, he and i continued being friends and her and i were still friends too. It was around summer time when him and i signed up for the annual summer school. At the end of the school day i would stay after for hours and hours because there was no use going back to a house were no one knew i exsisted in. Him and i would have deep comversations, conversations about who we are, our problems, how crazy our families were, it was great having someone i could open up to. I remember how he would become so soft, like a baby he would tell me about his deepest self. About the part of him that he couldnt open up to anyone else. These whole full days were about to end, i was not naive to see the colors that were seeping out from him. Brown, Brown, What a dirty brown it was. July 7th was a breezy day, i wasnt smitten by the suns rays, the beings hadnt come for me yet and best of all, today was another blessed day because its another chance to see him. School had closed for the day and we were doing ouf daily dilly dallying around school property, talking and talking and talking. That day i stayed later than i normally did and suprisingly none of the beings had come to take me yet, today was strange but it didnt bother me much as i drowned in his words slowly. Siting on the dirty yellow slab on school grounds while staring at the soulless quiet road, he was sutting right next to me.. by my side..so close, so close he was. He started moving closer to me, turing his right arm to wrap around my waist, he pulled me closer to chest and i could hear every beat his heart made. Suddenly we heard a loud sound, it was the sound of 5 police cars speeding towards us, hellicopter hovering over us, i had no idea what was going on at the time. A man in all black ran out of the bushes behind us, put a knife to his(my besfriend) kneck and threatained that if the polie didnt back of he would kill him. I was frozen in place, i couldnt feel my limbs, i kept watching the 7 police men ran out of thiet cars with guns ready to shoot. The police werent backing down. They werent backing down. The man in all black with a mask to conceal his identity used the knife to slowly cut at his kneck as i screamed,i screamed while tears ran down my cheeks. I then looked up to the ever blue sky. I saw a dark mist with red mineral eyes, staring at me. I suddenly stopped crying, it was the devil, he had come to finish his revelation to me. I had to follow him. I looked back at him (my besfriend) and i looked back at the dark misted devil and began to walk towards it. I thought i could escape my misery. It caught up to me too. Whenever i go or my journeys, the scene were im in always freezes, frozen in time, i looked back to see the cursed look on his face, his face was filled with terror, his dark skin now purple, his neck spilling its insides in frozen air. All i saw was brown. What a dirty brown it was. I wish to experience that kind of love once more.