Musical Tribute (part 1)*

I walked into the brown mist as it swallowed me into the world i had visited before. I opened my eyes to see clouds all around me, it seemed that i was flying on the crearure i had encountered at my previous visit. It flew me into the streets of the city i had seen, it was a beautifull city but the people that lived there were far from humans. I looked at my hands, they were transparent which meant i was invisible. Every single being i saw in that world, i saw in story books and on tv shows. Aliens, Angles, gaints, name it. They all exsisted in harmony in that world. As i walked through the streets alone looking at every buliding, every turn and every ally, i heard music like never before. Music that became stronger and stronger as i walked through the streets, the flowers on the the side walks, the stones, the dragon flies and even the little tadpoles, they all sang along with the music. Every being was happy in that world. Everyone was family in that world. Every single thing in that world had life, every thing had a purpose. As the music wenr in my left ear and out my right, i felt the love of the music, the way it calmly brushed against my ear drums, down to the deepest part of my heart. I felt at peace, tears ran down my cheeks. I felt things that i had never felt before, feelings that ran through all the viens in my body and down to my very skin color. I was purple, but this purple meant life. I had life.

As i kept walking towards were i heard the music get stronger and louder, i saw little children of every color, thier colors are not the ones we have on earth. The colors on earth are merley a messed up version of the one in "the past", so vibrant, so livley, so heart moving yet so calm. Its definatly nothing like the colors on earth. Walking towards were i thought the music was coming from, i suddenly rise into the sky, "i guess the bird creature is back" i thought. I looked below me but it wasnt there, i was floating in mid air and the higher i flew, the more people i saw flying besides me. I arrive at this place and i see 7 people, rather, 7 angels. Thier faces were so real yet so plastic, no single wrinkle in sight, no way of knowing if they were male or female. They are divine beings that i had never came across before throughout my journeys. One of the angels stood out the most. He was the leader of the choir, he had mineral stones of every kind embeded on his long flowing, pure white gown. He was a majestic and magnificent being. His hair was longer than any and every woman on earth, it was jet black, black that described infinite beauty. I looked closer at the angel as he was singing, i noticed he had thesame piercing red eyes as the devil. Suddenly i hear a calm voice in my spirit saying, "i am him, this is who i was before i defiled my righteousness and fell", the devil then appeared in front of me but this time he appeared without his brown smoke that always concealed his features. He still lookes thesame as he did before he fell, i was confused inside me. The devil then began to explain to me of what had happened. He said, "I fell because i was not content with what i was given." I fell because i thought i could get more of what i had, I fell by a simple thought, a simple thought took my freedom away.", "even though i did fall, God didnt take anything from me, he kept me this way.". I was baffled when he finshed explaining to me of what had happened. That means juts a simple thought can get you thrown down from such a perfect word. The devil replied me, "In this world, we speak through thoughts with no need for the movements of our lips, we use our lips only when its most required". I couldnt blame him, a perfect word could never remain so forever. In the past months, jesus hadnt been taking me on journeys neither has his angels come to take me. Im human so i normally sin but im different from other humans, when i sin it doesnt prevent me from going on any of my journeys. Todays journey was finally over, i appeared at the scene i was at before the devil came to take me. That horrible scene, that horrible dirty brown.

I appeared standing at the same spot i was at, my eyes were still fixed on his insides gushing out as the person in all black slit his throat open. The police later caught the man in all black and while happy families ate and drank to fill, i was being questioned by the police, my ever disowning parents continually blaming me, insisting that i was the cause of everything and insisting that if i wasnt born, he wouldve had another chance at life. When my dad is angry for any reason at all, his eyes turn burning red, his skin darkens as if the sun double tanned him, his face experssions dont get any better either.

My dad said: "If you came home when you were supposed to he wouldve lived!" "who do you think you are?" "stupid waste!" "dont even think about ever coming home again because your not the child i gave birth to!"

My mum said: "How do we even know you werent the one that planned all this?" "your capable of anything these day..if the 2 beings take you on those so called journeys then your definatly capable of this too!" "what an outcast..i never want to shelter such a let down like you"

My siblings tried calming them down but that normally doesnt workout. I heard that Jesus uses those who are rejects of the world..great reason why i was choosen.

Right now not only am i an outcast at school but my family detest me more too. Right now this feeling, this feeling must be what the devil goes through every day, this bruning hatred everyone has for you without even looking into things. No one has ever been friends with the devil yet they detest him so very much. He does kill, steal and destroy but before he got cast down, before he got deprived of the road to reenter heaven, i bet he had a good peraonality plus hes handsome too. It must be worse for the devil, hated everyday and still awaiting the punishment at the end. What a sad life that must be. He must feel like dieing, angels dont die.

His life, the life that was taken today because of my stupidity, because i thought i could actually become happy again, because of my selfishness! That life desereved to live. He desereved another chance at life. Through out his life he wasnt that of what you would call a "good soul" and with heavens entry standards, the moment he died he went to be judged. Its quit easy to guess were he is right now. Between the tight grip of the fallen leader angel, being turtored for his wrong deeds, with no way of escaping hell, today he made it his home. I am not traumatized, i am not scared, i dont feel that much of a remorse, neither does guilt poke at my heart like a sharp pointed rod. My heart withered a long time ago, it doesnt matter what soil you try to rejuvinate me with, it doesnt matter how many waters i may test. How can i ever love again? What emotions do i still harbor? What purpose was i born for? Why do i still breath till this day.