Revelations and Apocalypse

I think I am dreaming. This feeling of comfort that I feel inside my heart. I see my mother. She is smiling at me. Her face is glowing brightly. She gives her hand to me, and it is visually dazzling. The surroundings are all luminous. Am I in heaven? I ask myself. This feeling is just indescribable.

Then, out of the sudden, things went dark. I cannot see anything. I can hear the sound of people, and they are all screaming. Then, in front of me, I see mountains of fire. Guns, explosions, and screams. It keeps on echoing inside my head. I cannot stop it. It is really painful. My eyes are crying. My tears won't stop from falling.

Soon after, I wake up. It is but a horrible nightmare. I sigh. My head is still giddy. My sight is whirling and I am lacking strength. I looked around and realized that I am bound with chains. I did not scream. I try to save my energy as much as possible. I think and try to remember what happened. The last thing I can remember is that those species got to the floor we were in. What happened to Daniel? To Miko? To Commander Dever? Are they dead? That is what I ask to myself.

While I am thinking about this, a woman appeared. I stare at her. I cannot believe myself because the woman near me is the woman I have seen in my dreams.

"You... Who are you?" I asked unto her.

She comes closer to me. She sits near my bed. She is just staring at me and is not saying anything. Not a single word is coming out from her mouth.

"Who are you? I've seen you in my dreams. Why I am here?" I queried.

She hushed me. "You have so many questions. It will only stress your mind. Calm down." she said in a low tone.

I breathe deeply. Then I ask her, "Who are you?"

"Me? I think we should start by who are you?" she responded.

I think of the question. She is right. I have no idea who I am. Maybe she knows. "Who am I?" I asked.

She gives me a smile. She wears out her eyeglasses. "Fine. Your name is Jonathan Wilton, a professional biologist who just got most of the promotions and recognitions in your company. You're a truly kind man. The only man that I have loved all my life."

"Who are you really?"

She stands up and turns her back on me. She looks outside the window. "My name's Eve Wilton."

"What? Wilton?"

"Yeah. You got it right. I am your wife. I WAS your wife."

I widen my eyes. "I have a wife? What happened? I mean, why did I lose my memories?" I asked.

"You may not believe me, but you died 138 years ago."

"What? I died? How could--- What happened?"

"Something happened. Humans, they are murderers. Selfish, malicious, wicked. They took you out of jealousy. Worse thing is that, I failed to bring justice for your death that time. When you died, I am deeply saddened. I thought it's the end of the world for me. My world shattered." she then sits again to the chair near my bed, and she stares at me with her teary eyes.

"You told me that was 138 years ago. How can you still be alive? That's beyond impossible." I responded.

"Dear, you have no idea what's possible. After you died, a lot of things had happened. While I was wandering in the woods, I discovered something. The little creatures who are now you know as the species. I hid them in our house. Since, I specialized in biology, I examined them. Then, I learned so many things... lots and lots of things. It's enlightenment. The world is pile of chaos and selfish desires. With the species, I wreaked havoc. I learned how to control them. Then, I slaughtered billions of lives. That's probably the best feeling I have ever had, Jonathan."

"You're crazy. You are the one behind all these? If you love me, why did you erase my memories?"

"I did not. I told you, you died. When I was manipulating the species to attack capital cities of each nations, I unlocked the knowledge of immortality and resurrection. Biologically, we are both immortals. I resurrected your body and tried my best to put back your personality, but I failed to return back your memories."

I still cannot fully understand what is going on. But now, at least, things are making sense now. "But why did you kill billions of lives? Are you insane?"

"Insane? Jonathan, humans are naturally wicked. They are the real insane. I do not consider myself as human anymore. Do you know why you don't feel hunger right away? Why you don't feel fatigue? I turned your body just like mine. You are neither a human nor a robot, you are a part of me."

"Really? You cared that much for me? Then, why did you leave me in that dark house? I struggled. My mother died in that pit."

"Your mother? No. Father and Mother were long dead. That woman, she was just pretending. And the reason why I put you there is to test your capabilities. But those humans, they took you away from me. I commanded my species to follow you, but you murdered them. You've got really strong. You are no doubt deserving to be the King of this world. The world that I conquered. I prepared this all for you." she said.

I know she is mad. Her head was probably damaged. I look around to think of how I will escape from this place. She keeps on talking nonsense. She proclaims herself as the most high - God.

"You're mad. If only I can deafen myself. I would rather rest for eternity than to rule this world with a crazy woman like you." I replied.

She glares at me. "Come again?"

"I said that I would rather die than to rule this world with a crazy woman like you!" I shouted.

She suddenly goes silent. Her eyes, it is changing color. From brown to green, and then to yellow.

"There is one crime of humanity that a god cannot forgive - it's blasphemy. You cannot show irreverence to a god!" then I see that she is transforming. She is turning to a monster.

I try to break the chains using force but it is hard.