
She turned into a big, ugly monster. However, she looks so different from the rest of the species. Her body bloated, and her saliva is acid. She drools a drop of acidic saliva on my chest, and I scream in pain. I hear her laugh, but her laugh is totally different and creepy.

Meanwhile, bullets spread from the window. I try to look outside, but I cannot. The chains are stopping me from doing so. She growls to whoever is firing the gun from the outside. Then, she destroys the wall and the window and goes outside to kill the one firing those bullets. I forcibly try to break the chains while she is gone, but I cannot. Then, I see Daniel. He approaches me and unlocks the chains that bind me.

"How did you find me?" I asked unto Daniel while he is trying to uncuff me.

"When Floor 28 was attacked, the species took you. I together wuth Miko, Commander Dever, and Janna followed them. That's why we got here." he answered.

"Janna? Who is Janna?"

"You'll know later. But for now? We have to take that monster down."

"You probably won't believe me. I can't believe this either but she said that she's immortal and I am her husband." I said.

"Yeah. I know. I heard everything. She's crazy."

When Daniel finally set me free from the chains. I quickly jump out from the window to take her down. Commander Dever and Miko are firing their guns at her. Then, a woman approached me. She is Janna, the one Daniel mentioned.

"We planted hydrogen bombs all around the area. This place will blow up after 20 minutes. The helicopter will arrive after 6 minutes. We need to make sure that the monster will be dead before the helicopter arrives." she said.

I nodded. Then, I run towards Eve. She is pretty tough. All those bullets from Miko and Commander Dever seem to not work against her.

I jump over to her head. I am planning on choking her, but she has no neck. She is extremely swelled up. I land a strike on her head, and she got angry. She throws me away to a nearby structure.

"Argh!" I cried in pain. My back seems to be broken. I look around and find anything sharp to puncture her body. However, I only see a pipe. I pick it up and run again towards Eve. I leap on to her and pierce the pipe to her body, but she is too tough. The pipe was broken.

Meanwhile, I hear Commander Dever shouting something. "Hey! Give us a time! We will use our most dangerous weapon to her!" he said.

I do what he told me to do. However, Eve is not foolish. She slaps me with her big palm and I fly to another building from afar.

My back is really becoming more painful. It feels like any second right now, I won't be able to move anymore. She is totally stronger than any other species.

I can hear the sound of guns again. Also, I can already hear the sound of the helicopter. It is near. It is really painful, but I force myself to move. I find anything sharp nearby. I found a knife. I quickly pick it up and run again towards Eve. However, I see her holding Miko and Janna. She kills them in front of my eyes by eating their head.

"No!!!" I shouted in extreme anger.

Daniel cannot stop firing his gun while screaming, "Die! You monster!"

I rush towards Eve and stab her body. However, it did not pierce through. It cannot pierce through its body.

What the hell is with her body? I do not know what to do anymore. She is laughing. She goes after Commander Dever and Daniel this time.

"Stop!" I said in a large voice.

"I am the one who ended this mankind. I am the reason to this apocalyptic world. You cannot take me down. I am a GOD!" she said then laughed.

Daniel runs away while Commander Dever takes his time preparing the weapon. Oh yeah! The weapon! It may be able to damage her body. I try to stop Eve by force. I kick her small foot. I punch it with all my might. Fortunately, it worked. She falls to the ground.

"Jonathan!" I hear her say.

Then, the helicopter arrived. A soldier fires a gatling gun on Eve. Eve screams in agony. Commander Dever is almost finish with the weapon. I tell the soldier aboard the helicopter to continue firing. However, Eve gets up and lifts a large metallic object near her. Then, she throws it at the helicopter.

"No!" I screamed. The helicopter got hit. It explodes upon landing.

So we cannot escape anymore. There are hydrogen bombs in this area. We only have 10 minutes left but we still have not taken down this monster yet.

Then, finally, Commander Dever prepared the weapon. "Hey, you big fat monster!" he shouted. He fires a large laser beam at Eve. Her body cannot take the extreme heat. It severely damage her body. She cries in pain. Her cry wakes up all the species in the area. We are surrounded.

I know this is my last moment. I won't die alone. I will take this monsters to hell with me.

"Kill them!" she shouted.

The weapon lost its power. It failed to kill her, but it did severely damage her body. She is pretty weakened. I use the knife to stab her repeatedly. I target the burnt part of her skin. Finally, it pierces through her body. She slams my body to the ground and tries to crush me with her weight. I see Daniel and Commander Dever being eaten up by the species. My eyes shed tears. I am losing my consciousness. I think I am going to die once again. 3 minutes before this place blows up. I smile. At least, I will die with these monsters. I still cannot believe that this demon was my wife. However, she is crying while looking at me. I wonder why. This is warm. I can feel the warmth.

"Jonathan... I did this all to revenge your death. Humans... they're wicked. They are the only species who kill out of their wicked and selfish desires. Why didn't you side with me? We could have lived happily. It's... really painful." I hear her whisper.

"You... You slaughtered billions of lives. How can you feel so well after doing that?" I said in low tone of voice. I am really weakened. I cannot even move anymore. I am having difficulty in breathing.

"They're evil." she uttered.

"N-No. You can't tell people that they're dirty... while you're filthy yourself. Not all humans are wicked. You murdered innocent lives..." my sight is becoming blurry. The world seems to be whirling. Before I lost my consciousness, everything lights up. I felt the warm, and I knew that it is not the warmth you feel from someone you love. Most probably, the bombs have blown up. Am I dead? It seems like I am reliving my life... my past life. In the end, she is the last person that I will see. Eve... I realized that you truly love me. Your smile... I thought I am yearning for my mother's smile... Now, I realized that it is your smile that I want to see. That bright smile that lightens up my world.