Find Me.

We both remained there, in the same position, panting from our little episode of sexercise. After a minute of raving breaths, he pulled out of me. Lifting me off the ground, I gasped in surprise.

"What now?" I asked with a grin.

"I can't seem to get enough. But I don't want to take you here." He said with the seduction tone back in his voice.

"So, where would you like to take me?" I asked, giggling.

" My bedroom. " He said winking, " but first, let's get you cleaned up."

We headed towards the bathroom, and he helped me get out of the rest of the clothes I had on, while I helped him too. We locked lips in a passionate kiss, he lifted me up with our lips still entwined. We barely made it to the bathroom before he took me again.

We slept on his bed cuddled, he spooned me, and I could feel his hot breath on my back. It's been almost an hour and we'd taken each other in wild ways almost impossible. We were both insatiable, having a need to quench the wild flames that had suddenly been ignited inside of us, but then, I remembered I had to leave, a wave of pain and emptiness hit me at the thoughts.

"Ares" I called, to be sure he wasn't sleeping. I couldn't see his face from this position we were in.

"Hmm?" He mumbled against my skin .

"I–i have to leave now, Zeus would be mad. I have stayed too long."

His grip tightened around me as he clung unto me like his life depended on not letting go of his tight grip. I heard him sigh, a sigh that held unfathomable pain.

"Don't. Don't go, Ourania." He said, and I could hear the plea in his words, pain present. He usually never called me Ourania, but when he did, he was either sad, or happy.

"Oh Ares. I would love to spend eternity with you, but I can't." I said, as tears slipped my eyes.

"Okay, but, promise me you'll return, promise me you'll find me."

"I will.  I will."

"Whenever you want to come, just wait at the alley." He said.

"Okay. I will."

He finally let me go, turning me towards him, his lips found mine, and his fingers wiped the tear droplets from my eyes, his lips skilfully exploring mine, tasting and nibbling.

I pulled him towards me, pressing my body against his. Suddenly, a simple kiss turned wild and fierce, and our breathing became ragged. He pulled me beneath him and hovered between me. I knew where this was heading to, if we kept up this way, I would never leave. I broke off the kiss, placing a hand on his bare chest to halt him.

"We can't. We cannot do this. I have to leave." I said, panting.

He hesitated, then grunted in annoyance before rolling off me. I stepped down from the bed, picking up my clothes that had been discarded carelessly. After I'd finally gotten them on, I walked towards the door.

"Wait!" He said, climbing down the bed. "Let me see you out"

He walked towards a closet, pulling out a pair of boxer shorts, tugging them on. We walked out of the villa and I prayed my car had not been stolen, after remembering I left the keys in the car.

When we got to the other end of the villa we came in through, he stretched his hand towards the wall, and they rearranged the same way the bricks did. I walked towards it.

"Goodbye Ares."

"Goodbye" he waved, managing a frigid smile.

I walked into the portal, and it snapped shut. After few walks out of the alley, I found my car, thankfully. I settled myself in, finding my keys, I zoomed off.

Hayley's P.O.V

After she'd left, I opened the bag she'd handed over to me, and saw a beautiful pink short lace cocktail dress. I gasped in excitement. It was like I'd become a fairy tale princess overnight. I knew the dress belonged to Aphrodite, since we had almost the same body size.

Not that I could compare myself to her. She was the pure definition of beauty. She had the most incredibly alluring body. She was perfection.

I wore the dress, and stared at myself in the mirror, I'd transformed and was looking like Cinderella, except I wasn't putting on glass slippers.

A knock on the door interrupted my drooling over myself.

"Come in!" I shouted. Artemis walked in with a smile on her face.

"The dress fits perfectly! Aphrodite was worried it wouldn't."

"Yeah, it fits" I said grinning wide.

"Zeus and the rest are downstairs, they're waiting." She said.

"Waiting? Why?" I asked confused.

"They want to get to know you. Don't worry, it's no big deal, they just want to know you." Her eyes widened as if a light bulb had went on in her brain.

"Ohh! That reminds me, your name. I hadn't asked"

" Hayley"

"Alright Hayley, let's go then."

I followed her out of the room, and we headed downstairs, towards the living room. They all sat. Zeus sat on a throne-like couch in the middle of the room, Hera sat beside him. The rest sat at both sides. I watched as Poseidon's gaze snapped in my direction.

His gaze burned through me like wildfire. And his eyes darkened as he stared at me like a predator assessing his prey, to devour hungrily. I saw nothing but plain lust as he stared at the little bit of cleavage my cloth exposed. My feet wavered a little bit, and I met his gaze with a scornful look, as I made my way towards the couch. He only gave a sinister smirk.

"Sit" Zeus ordered.

I did. And Artemis sat beside me.

"So, Mortal, we would like to know you. How did you find this place? How did you even get here in the first place?" Zeus probed.

Hera cleared her throat, grabbing his hand as if to stop his questioning.

" First we would like to know your name" Hera spoke calmly. With a smile.

"Hayley. My name's Hayley."