
They all repeated the name like it was a spell to be chanted.

"Alright, Hayley. How did you find this place? It's been hidden, from mortals."

How was I supposed to tell them I had found this place with clues from a video. If I did, I might have to tell them I came to make videos of them, to expose them to the world. They might not like that. What if It makes Zeus angry again and he zaps me? I might not be lucky enough to survive another lightning bolt! I had to think of something else.

" Oh! I- I can't really remember why I was at the mountain, I-" I grabbed my head in my hands, squeezing my eyes shut. As if trying to force out an imaginary memory.

"I just remember resting, and someone showing me the way here. I can't really remember why I came here. Or how"

Apollo walked towards me, he patted my back as he spoke with a soothing voice,

"Do not force yourself to remember. You must have lost some of your memories from the trauma of the lightning attack. Do not worry, mnemosyne could help with that."

What! So there was a god capable of restoring memories? This was getting more terrible than I'd imagined. My eyes widened in fear and Apollo seemed to have sensed it.

"Don't worry, she doesn't have to help restore them now. You could have been trying to escape a terrible past, and restoring your memories could bring back the pain. Whenever you want your memories back, we'd get her" he said.

Thank goodness! Apollo was a life saver.

" Thanks. Thank you so much." I said, my face contorting in sadness. If only they knew it was just an act.

Hera cleared her throat and motioned Apollo to return back to his seat.

"Well then. Since you'd be staying here for a while, we would fix the guest room, for you to stay. It would be ready in two days, but for now, who would you like to share rooms with? Excluding I and my husband, of course!" she added, and her brows furrowed as she glared at Zeus.

I stared at her, thinking of who to stay with. The only people who had been nice to me were Artemis and Aphrodite. Not that the rest weren't nice, but, I'd bonded a little, with those two.

"Let her stay with me!" Poseidon exclaimed. Cutting me out of my thoughts.

"No fucking way!" I replied in a brusque tone. And they all burst out laughing. Poseidon glared at them, anger present in his eyes, but they didn't seem to care. After the laughs had calmed, Zeus spoke.

"Oh brother. She doesn't seem to find any interest in you. Charm her any further, and you might become the next item of shame and mockery amongst the gods." Zeus added.

"Poseidon isn't used to women not falling at his feet, adoring him, and dying for his good looks. This mortal seems not to find you 'charming'. " She said, gesturing vaguely with her hand, as she spoke with sarcasm. "But, I will warn you my dear, he isn't that used to not having things his way. He has a reputation for forcing women against their wishes."

"Enough now!" Poseidon said, jumping up from where he'd been seated. As anger and rage shot through him. He turned towards me as he spoke,

"You should also know that I have a reputation for destroying things when I can't have them" he said with a sinister smirk.

What the hell was he talking about? His words caused goosebumps to cover my skin as fear gripped me.

" She stays with me" Artemis said, pulling me towards her. "Everyone, calm down. Another fight cannot start. We all know it doesn't end well."

"She's right. Please have a seat Poseidon. Sorry for the words I'd used" Hera said. Gesturing towards the couch.

He hesitated a little, but sat, "I do not like people making references to my past" he scoffed.

Apollo, Athena, Demeter and Hermes said nothing, neither were they fazed by Poseidon's anger.

As we continued in the awkward silence, the door swung open, and a girl walked in. I gasped as I recognized who she was. Oh no! This wasn't good.

"Hey there! You found it" she said, waving at me.

I stared at the rainbow colored haired girl, dumbfounded. If I denied knowing her, they could get mnemosyne to restore my supposedly lost memories, and she could know I was lying. That was definitely a bad idea.

"Yes! I did" I said, replying with the same enthusiasm.

"How do you know her?" Athena asked.

"She showed me the way here."

" I thought you didn't remember?" Apollo asked, confused.

"I told you I'd remembered resting, and someone showing me the way here. She was the one who showed me." I replied.

"Oh. Okay then"

"What took you so long?! Was it that difficult to pluck flowers and siphon nectars from them?" Hera asked, furious.

"I'm sorry your highness, I had to make few stops to deliver some messages, before returning" she said. Bowing courteously.

"Alright. This is Iris. I know you've met her, so we'd skip the formalities. Iris, Hayley." Hera said.

She just grinned and waved. While I did the same.

"This meeting is over then. Since we've known the mortal. " Zeus said, getting up the couch.

"You could keep the nectar in the refrigerator. I want it cold" he added, before walked away. Hera left with him .

One by one, they started to make their way out of the living room, except Poseidon and Artemis. He slowly got off the couch, and walked towards me. He stopped, leaning down, facing me.

"Soon enough Jelly, just soon, you'd be mine" he said, grinning.

His words made me boil with rage as I processed his words. What did he think I was, a property to be owned?

"You're one hell of a rude egotistic god! You're so fucking full of yourself, aren't you? You think you can just go about, laying claims to women? I will never! Ever! Be yours."

His chest rumbled with laughter, "we'll see about that." He winked, before walking away.