Poseidon's pool

"this pool belongs to me" he repeated again.

"What! Why? how?" I asked.

The door opened and Artemis walked in, "there you are! She said, grinning."

"So, Artemis, I see you forgot to tell her this was my property." He said, his eyes gleaming mischievously.

She sighed, " Hayley, this pool was made for Poseidon. Zeus gave him this spot as his private spot. The fishman also missed his habitat. And I don't think you can use the term 'property' for a pool in Zeus's house."

"Fish man!?" He scoffed, "the fact that I rule the seas doesn't mean I'm a fish."

"But you live under water, so, you're a fish." I said.

He hummed, "well, fish or not, you're in my pool. And there's not so much between you and I, other than this pool of blue water."

I gasped, as I went back to covering up myself with my hand. Artemis noticed and she walked over to where I'd dropped my towel.

"Come out." She said, smiling.

"Huh?" I turned towards her, how was I supposed to come out, " I can't, I have nothing on!"

"Oh, just come out already. Poseidon has seen it all anyways. Don't worry about him, come, let's get you cleaned up."

I hesitated at first, as my feet seemed to have given up it's bodily functions. Eventually, I managed to drag my wobbly legs out of the pool. His hot gaze trailed my body as I walked towards Artemis. She hurriedly wrapped me up.

"That's the thing with you men. How am I supposed to leave her with you both, when you act like a sex–crazed psychopath and Apollo acts like he's been cursed by a wicked fairytale godmother!" She scowled.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing, sex–crazed psychopath? Wicked fairytale godmother?. Really? Who knew Artemis could come up with that.

His lips curled up in annoyance, "you can't blame me. She's not even giving me that much of an incentive."

"If seeing her naked isn't that much of an incentive, then you're biting more than you can chew. She's not an object of sexual gratification you can use while you jerk yourself off. " Artemis fumed.

"Really? You think I do all this for that?" He asked. His brows furrowed and an unreadable expression tainted his cocky face.

"You tell me, uncle!"

"Ah! Uncle! Well, I don't owe you any explanation. If I want her, I'll take her." He said with a certain threat in his voice.

"Oh! I'd like to see you try." Artemis's voice dropped low and deadly.

"Oh, you will!"

I couldn't stand this. Why must Poseidon always fight? If I thought Eros was a devil, Poseidon was worse.

"Enough! Okay? No one is getting anyone. Please, Poseidon, can't you just be responsible for once?" I asked, gritting my teeth.

He stared at me, but said nothing. As Artemis and I turned to leave, he spoke,

"Being responsible reminds me of the guilt of my irresponsibility. And yes, you have quite a lot of attributes that drives a man crazy but, it's more than just sexual desires. I'm not unto you for that. You're far more precious to be used as a play thing. Oh! And, you can use the pool anytime you want it." He said with a hint of sincerity in his voice, then he dived into the pool.

I turned towards him with a confused expression plastered on my face.  Before I could say anything, Artemis led me out of the room.

When I'd gotten to my room, I pondered hard on the issue at hand. What did Poseidon mean? He was being too awkwardly sincere. Well, for one thing, I wasn't going to use that pool anymore. Ah! A. Brilliant idea lit up in my brain, and I hurriedly slipped into my nighties.


When I'd gotten to Artemis's room, I knocked and the door opened. She was in her silver pajamas, and she munched on popcorn in a tray on the table beside her. She settled her iPad in one hand, all her attention diverted to the movie she was watching.

"What are you watching?" I asked, curiously.

"Frozen 2" she sniffed. "I find it difficult to not shed a tear. I thought that snow thingy with a carrot nose died. It was my favorite character in the movie."

"Did you cry?!" I asked, surprised.

She pulled out a tissue from the tissue box beside her,  blowing her nose into it as she began to wail.

" I thought it was dead. Did you see the way Anna cried?"

I sat beside her, patting her back. Why would Artemis cry over a cartoon? These gods were definitely weird.

"Don't cry, it's just cartoon, I don't get why you're crying over it" of course I'd mumbled the last part beneath my voice.

She turned to face me with puffy eyes and red nose, "wait, why are you here? I thought you were sleeping?"

"Oh, yes! I was thinking, how about we go have some fun by the seashore? I've seen how beautiful it looks from Poseidon's room"

"You went to Poseidon's room!?" She asked.

"It's nothing okay? I went to thank him for the pancakes he made me that night I was finding it difficult to sleep, he was in the bathroom , so I checked out the balcony." I said, trying to assure her.

"Hmm. Oh well, let's get the others then. I hope you can fly, it's a long way down!" She said, grinning.


"Ha! Just kidding, get the others. What do you need for this 'fun' you talk about?" She asked.

Hmmm, i wondered what I needed, oh– "beer. Those canned ones are fine"

"Poseidon is in charge of that."

That reminds me, "where is Hermes? You didn't mention him going to Olympus."

"Hermes is a Messenger so, he can't always be around. But, he would come to check up on you from time to time."


After some long stressful persuasion, I was able to bring Apollo and Poseidon down. He wouldn't share his beer at first, but, eventually he brought out a cooler filled with ice and beer. Not bad. We gathered in front of Poseidon's room.

"so, how so you plan on getting us down?" Poseidon asked.

I hummed, biting my nails nervously.

"i was hoping you'd help with that."

"really? And how am I supposed to 'help' ?" He asked and I could hear the sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"your room. I was hoping you'd get us out, through there" I said.

"oh, no fucking way!" he said.

We're almost getting close to the end of this book. Always remember to vote and comment if you've been loving it so far. Love y'all.