Meet Her

“GOOD Morning Cin!” Happy happily greeted me. .

“Good Morning Hap!” And I greeted her back.

Happy Charles is my best friend since we're in our first year. We're together anywhere. We're like twins that can't be separated, a leech that hard to remove and I already considered her as my sister. It made me happy when I saw her smile, it made me smile when I saw Happy.

“How's life with Eijun?” My smile faded because of what she asked. Who's Eijun? How did she know him? When did I hear that NAME?!

I started feeling anxious when I realized everything felt wrong around me. Everything seems like fading away including Happy.

Hey! What's happening?

Why is everything getting blurry?

Why is everything went blur...?

Where is Happy?



Where are you?!

I searched for her but I just couldn't find her. It was nothing but darkness. I am all alone in the middle of a dark place.

Suddenly, I appeared in front of my school, my public school. Yes! I'm studying in a public school but I'm not a commoner and I'm rich. We owned a company. Actually, it's a big company that's why I find it ugly and dangerous, so I hate it. I don't want to be rich, not because I'm bored with my rich life but because I hate my parents. They are so strict and full of pride. They always do what they want and control me like a puppet and I hate it.


Minutes later, there appeared a gigantic truck and it's the first time I ever saw one that big. My heartbeat raced when I realize where it is heading. It is moving towards my school.

No…no…wait! Hey! Do not say that ...


I can't help but close my eyes when I heard that sound.

Oh, no. My school, that gigantic truck is destroying my school... Bit by bit. Little by little. Piece by piece.

I run towards it. Hoping that I might still save some part of it but no matter how hard I tried to, I'm not getting closer at all. I just can't reach it. I stopped running when the public school was totally destroyed. Fully devastated that I have done nothing. I feel like crying. That school was a gift from my brother... His last gift. That's one of his last remembrance and it's one of my treasures. Then, it was just destroyed without any hesitation at all. Who could have done such terrible thing?

“Hahaha!” A laugh interrupted my thoughts.

“Whahahahahaha!” It continues laughing like a witch, a wicked witch.

I look at it. Then I immediately recognized who they are. Are they behind this all? I know it was them, no doubt about it.

“Oh my...what happened?” There's an annoying sarcasm in Mom's tone. “But wait! I remembered, it was all our doing!” Then they laughed as if what they had done was funny. So they think it's funny?

My blood rises to my head. My heart seems to blow up because of so much anger.


Somebody please stop me...

Or I might kill this two. I will really kill them!!!

“Now, look at that? There is no more public school so that means you'll go home now and transfer to that private school.”

Suddenly, the private school that we owned appeared in front of me.

“Hell no! Not a chance!” I held my right hand because it's trembling too much. I want to punch him. Hurt him and kill him. Both of them but I need to restrain myself.

“Here he comes, Eijun Warross, your future husband.” And they point out the guy who's waiting outside the gate. I can't clearly recognize his face but I saw him smirked.

Then he walked towards me and immediately hold my pulse. He pulled me inside the school and when we entered I was so shock.


Because what's inside doesn't look like a school but instead, a church. Then I just find my self standing in front of the altar and I saw Eijun standing beside me.

“I do.” He said.

And I said----



“AHH!!!” I woke up and immediately sat down. I catch my breath and I felt like my life was in the edge of death.


I thought it was true ... Well, it's partly that's all true anyway.

* ♡ Pretty, pretty, pretty girl ~

Cutie, cutie, cutie girl ~

Someone's calling ~ ♡ *

That's my ringtone. It's nice, right? It's telling the truth.

My sadness suddenly disappeared because of that ringtone. I got that on an internet site and it was really limited to one person, which meant I was the only person with this ringtone. I'm really lucky or maybe, it's really just meant for me.

So I picked up my phone and looked at the caller I.D. I wonder who--- My face frowned and my forehead furrowed when I answered the call because speaking of the devil!

“What do you need?!” I asked with no trace of respect. Respect? They don't need that, and they don't deserve it.

“Have you thought about it?” I know what he is referring to. It is about arranged marriage that he organized.

“I need more time.” A lot of time and it may take forever.

“No! I need your answer now or else your beloved school will be--” I didn't let him finish his sentence and I immediately stood up. My blood is already boiling so much and it may burst anytime soon.

“Don't you dare touch my school or else I'll kill you !!!.” I shouted at him.

“Woo! Scary!” He insulted me. “Don't be angry, 'my' child if you were just obedient, your school will be safe.”

What does he mean? If I just let them control me, my school will be safe? Damn it! Even if I'll follow what they want, I know they'll touch my school.

“Don't call me your child because I'm not! I'm no longer are and you will never be my father.” And I have no father who are worse than the devil.

“So you don't own that school.”

“No! That's mine! That's my brother's gift so don't you ever dare lay a finger on it.”

“But I have the title of the land on which it stands and ... uhm, I'm planning on building a Mall.”

“No, you can't touch it. It's a public school. The gover ---.”

“But I can and you know that because you know how far Vasquez's connection can get.”

Hell! I can't deny that he is right.

“Don't you dare --- !!”

“That's only if you don't agree with my offer but if you did, I will not do anything to it.”

What will I do? Would I sacrifice my own freedom for that school which was the last gift of my only older brother? Guess, I have no other choice but to agree but that does not mean that I will let them restrain me. No way!

“Okay but I'm not going to be a puppet of yours.” Then I ended the call.

I am not the same as before. I'm Cindy Ella Mae Vasquez. I'm me but I've changed. I don't know if for better or for worst but it's okay as long as I know I will not lose. Fighting!


“WHAT? You agreed?!” Happy shouted at me after telling her my decision.

“Hey, lower your voice.” I whispered to her. We are in front of the road, just outside our public school, the school that my father was talking about and about to cross over that's why there were a lot of people around.

“Why did you agree?” She asked seriously but this time, it was in lower tone.

“What do you me to do? Wait for this school to be destroyed?” She went silent.

“I have no other choice but to agree. If you were in my position, what would you do?”

“The same.” She said softly. “But that doesn't mean they are already in control of your life, right?”

Well, she has a point.

“Of course.” I answered with a smile.

Then she suddenly hugged me.

“Just be safe, okay?” She said and I nodded. She's really the best, best friend ever! I don’t regret that I met her.

I loosen her hug. “Come on, let's go home, I mean lets crossed. We look like idiots here.”

Because of what I said, we both chuckled.


Left...right ... There was no car so we crossed the street. We did cross but when I was in the middle I dropped my wallet, so I went back and crouch down. I did so because my receipts fell and I still need it…

Suddenly ...

* toot-toot-toot-toot !!! *

... a yellow car appeared in front of me. Due to the shock, I could not move at all. Damn it! Is this the answer to my problems? But why do the answer look so painful, is there nothing easier than this? I was so nervous that I just closed my eyes.

“CINDY !!!”

Then * blaangks! *