chapter 5

"You were badly hurt and you're all over the news kid" Viktor saying tweaking with my arm to see if there are any further problems. As the check-up was finished I got up and grabbed my gear that was destroyed the mask I had with me is now cracked and my shirt tore with the vest very worn out from so many bullet shot's. Turning around I begin talking to the ripper doc "what did you to my body I feel nauseous as fuck and my throat feels like I been stung with a dozen bees ahh fuck" grabbing at my throat and dropping to my knees I puked almost half a liter of blood, he came and helped me stand 'man he was really a nice guy in real life and in-game I don't think he deserves to live in such a cruel world' leading me to sit on the dentist chair from the looks of it jacked me in and starting checking me up again. "hmm yea look like your body rejecting the new cybernetics but it'll be fine after a couple of days" he said nodding a couple of times " here the list of new cyberwar implemented into your body and cost of it all" he said handing me a tablet looking onto how much it cost I was surprised how cheap it was only around a million Eurodollars. has I was scrolling the new parts I finally notice my hands and forearm looking down at the tablet in a hurry looking towards the arms section

[Gorilla arms]--compact titanium arms able to throw a punch measured to about 600,000 units[AN:I know it's random but I didn't want to put the game's stats and make this shit fake if you want to change just comment and give me a suggestion]

Surprised at what the hell was implentated for arms I turned and asked Viktor "hey what injures did I suffer when you found me" he replied saying "Its a surprise you survived at all since hunting drones are commissioned to self destruct once not operable and the explosion not small at all so it's surprising you survived at all and most of your organs and bones were replaced with cybernetics your bones are encoded and refined with titanium alloy and you've also have reinforced tendons now your able to double jump and then comes to your integumentary system it was badly damaged and your body went threw many sicknesses coming here so I fixed It with cybernetics and grounding plating that'll make you immune to shock and lastly your eyes I decided to give them an upgrade some arasaka specialty low grade karoshi optics and that's it, misty has a room ready for you to lay in, oh and here's your rifle fixed and replaced the scope with a new one" he said going back to working on his hand after that i sat up grabbed my rifle and payed the massive debt i had and walked to an alleyway blocked off on to sides looking in front was a door leading to a dimly lit room.

Walking inside a woman in a blond bob cut was humming a weird tone knowing who she was, Misty olszweski and acquaintance of V and I think girlfriend of jackie don't know they only went on one date looking over to her and waiting for her to lead me to the room. She turned around facing me "follow me" saying in a soothing voice and started walking out the building turning to the right leading me to an apartment complex and wow seeing in person well fuck it's huge their were many floors I think about 50 floors yeah well fuck. I Holster the rifle and started walking my eyes started working its joy just like in-game now I have a mini-map on the top right side of my field of view and its show's my guns ammo and information on the bottom left side of my field of view. As I continued following her the sidewalk started getting packed and crowed with people misty pulled me into an elevator and pressing on the elevator touch screen controls as she pressed the word apartments the elevator started to move upwards as we were waiting I decide to try and give a call to ghost moving my arm to my ear I put pressure onto it and the sound of a phone call went off in my head and the words CALLING GHOST... floated in my area of sight looking outside waiting for the ghost to pick up has I see the view of the city ncpd driving around in big number and patrol drones everywhere I guess looking for the culprit for the terrorist attack which I did. "host I thought you went KIA after leaving you I tried tracking you but we lost your signal so i sent divisions to look for your body near lizzies bar but no sign were found but we spotted your the vevhile you've stolen parked at lizzies bar parking lot so we ransaked the place and found nothing so we left quickly before your enemies showed up" he said in a hurry i hear waves in the background meaning he close to shore or on the carrier ship. "alright I'm at misty's Esotierica's next to the place is an apartment complex I'm there you should track me the rest of the way as this is an open frequent and arasaka could be monitoring. " closing the call misty had curios look probably from the conversation. A couple of seconds later the elevator stopped at the 47 floor of the apartment complex walking out I hear the news playing on every radio at every stall around, misty leads me to the door and start putting in the password which is a 6 digit pin I guess, the door slides open looking inside I immediately feel the comfortable feeling of a cozy apartment home observing the room I see a bed to my left right next to the window and to right of that leads to a kitchen that has white cabinets above the stove and counters on the other side. Looking in front of me is a tane and black couch face the flat screen tv mounted on the wall with a desk right under containing the remote control and what seems to be a wifi router "it was a safe house my boyfriend never used when he bought it thinking he will use it but it yours now also v she uses the place sorry for the mess mister" she said apologetically. The moment she said the word she fucked me over a thousand over I turned towards the misty and asked in a hurry "wait a minute woman did you just say V is a she" I said with scared and worry. She looked at me weirdly and replied "yes do you know her mister" oh fuck is all i thought