chapter 6

I was waiting for the ghost and my bots to get here so we can ride towards Lizzie's and resolve the fucking mess he caused with the MOX. Walking towards the bathroom and cleaning the blood off my face. After finishing that, I heard a knock at the front door grabbing the only weapon in the room and aimed at the door, getting close I yelled "who!!" I slowly walked towards the window to see if I can get an angle on the person knocking but nothing all there is the massive view of the city that I cant enjoy.


My heartbeat is the only thing I can hear at the moment. Waiting for the person to leave and not come back hopefully but all there was silence. Not being the patient person I immediately got close to the door and used my cybernetic foot and kicked the door down breaking it off its hinges hoping to have knocked the person who knocked on the door turning left quickly checking corners, rooftops, and my backside to see if any gang or arasaka people found my location but all I saw was my combat bot guarding the fucking door. " Where' the fuck is ghost" I commanded with a pissed voice knowing I just ruined the fucking door to an apartment I don't pay for. "answering-to-the-master-second-in-command-seems-to-be-just-outside-complex," it said with an emotionless robot voice. "fix that door I'm heading out" going back inside and grabbing my vest and putting it on I walk out and head towards the elevator and seeing the robot's arms change into a drill, getting inside the elevator looking and clicking on garage and feeling the elevator start going down. Putting pressure on my ear to call ghost "oh how your day hos-" he was interrupted by "where the hell are you, you were supposed to come to meet me not send a guard bot to knock and guard my room door I'm coming to you wait there" I said pissed right now cause of the mess he caused and there's a high fucking chance shit goes south and the Mox could have arasaka hit us with the info of what happened and I'm not gonna pull a Johnny. Getting off the elevator I walked to the parking garage area and saw 3 yellow and black military vehicles parked out in the parking garage, looking at the new vehicles makes me somewhat calm because these ones are my personal rigs I blueprinted. they possess bulletproof tinted black windows and armor that isn't easily penetrable or explodable. looking to my left and right I see 6 ballistic heavy-armed robots. looking towards the ghost and commanding "get inside we are heading to the Mox to speak terms and see if this can get us a potential alliance if not well fuck we stick with the other noncrazy gangs also I want a status update on the city if its prepared to receive people yet I don't want to have immigrants on carriers any longer". we received a number of different immigrants fleeing from the free states and japan, and hong kong since the European high council stopped helping them two years ago. Leaving the apartment complex with me in the back seat reading the reports on the finished constructs from the island and tried to expand and add another city or outpost with the ghost to my left floating in the air in the back seat and two guards bots manning the front and the rest behind the vehicle following me in the other vehicles.

The attention the vehicles bringing didn't matter much to me. constant heavy traffic everywhere since it's daytime and people got work to do especially a father with a family. I was 5 minutes away from Watson district.

5 minutes later

The bots parked the vehicles a street away from the bar. I left the vehicle leaving the rifle and pistol with me walking down the street towards the bar with only the ghost to my side invisible to the public and bots on standby at the order just in case. Walking across the street towards the front entrance of the bar that has two women guarding the front entrance one holding a bat with pink hair and another leaning on the wall smoking a cigarette, they stop me from heading inside and say to me " hey there hot stuff interest you in a preem bd" she said making me question her but forgetting that I replied "Your Leader Suzi I think her name is I need to speak to her and in private it important" their body stiffened and their gaze went sharp quickly, the one in the bat got close up and personal and said, " what the fuck you want with her and in private for huh!" her voice raised like if I burnt her kids and she smells fake no wondering since her body screams joy toy all over it. " sigh it's business beautiful and something your boss is gonna need and your gang if you want to survive another attack from tiger claws." I said knowing that'll tick her the fuck off but I'm not wrong its even a surprise why they aren't dead yet since it's really easy to attack a place like since ghost and the combat bots ransacked the place already. She backed and groaned and looked at me still with the stern gaze "she outback asked the bartender he'll know, doors open welcome to Lizzie's bar hot stuff" walking inside brushing off the chandelier covering me and walking to the loud ass music blasting threw here. walking inside I see many people sitting around with what seems to be their bd getting to them. looking around and seeing this place in person is way different than on a monitor. walking towards the bar and sitting down on one of the stools guys come up to me and ask "bar closed why are you here" looking around to see if my target around looking back at the guy and asking "Susanna Quin or known has Suzie the boss of this place looking for her do you know where she is its a business thing so it's private" looking at the weird-looking dude named Mateo pretty sure he's gay but don't know never interacted much with him. "hmm fine threw that door to your left down the hall take another left leads to a makeup area for the workers than to your left again leads to her office oh and please do knock she been grumpy these days since the ransack" he said smiling that creeped me out. Standing up and walking towards her office. Opening the door on the left side of the makeup area I see a smoking hot dark skin woman sitting on the office chair across on the far end of the room. " Judy im busy leave me the fuck alone," she said strictly in her punk voice. Turning her wheelchair to face me and surprises is painted all over her face "and who the hell are you no let me change that why the fuck are you in my office".