chapter 7

Grabbing a chair to my right and telling the ghost to seal off the sound from the inside to the outside so nobody hears our conversation, looking at the women in front of me.

Micheal: before you fucking lose your mind and send the chicks I came here to discuss an alliance between our factions and knowing it'll benefit you in the long run since from seeing the data chips I lost on the table behind you.

Suzie: hmm these 'grabs a random chip' pretty sure these ain't yours a subordinate of mine found it in a shot-up car out front.

Micheal: news showed otherwise and

signaling ghost to reveal himself and seeing her face turning to anger immediately was about to press the alarm button under her table but before that happened I grabbed her by the wrist and slammed her against the wall pinning her against it.

Micheal: Woman I told you to calm your shits did I not while I don't mind putting a fucking bullet to your skull, it will get me nowhere now I know you're mad at what happened but from the report I got nobody died just your janitors had to work extra hours I ain't wrong am I 'she nods and let her go'.

putting her down and stepping back away from the fuming woman

Micheal: alright fuck I'm willing to compensate for the loss of broken doors and windows, how about 15000 eurodollars and high-tech weaponry, and looking at your guards and subordinates they"ll surely need it.

Suzie: Nah Nah get the fuck out before I kill your ass

Still trying to reason with her knowing there probably only one way to deal with this and get this shit done on the right path sigh tiger claws a fucking gang I didn't want to attack due to its close and long connections with arasaka and trying to fight with a limited force ain't going to cut it, you're probably saying that's bullshit you have no limited force and your right but getting that force here without the U.S. and nato knowing is impossible the only thing the world can't find that's mine is the island itself and heading to war for a fucking prostitute gang no offense they're going to have fuck off then.

Micheal: Tiger claws? I'll kill their leader and you clean the remains. I know you and the Mox want revenge for Elizabeth death

Suzie: watch your fucking tone with me and don't mention her we can handle tiger claws on our own an-

Micheal: no the fuck you can't and you know it one more attack from them you're fucked and it's over and all the women and men your gang protects will fucking suffer for your actions and leadership.

Giving up on the woman and turning and leaving the scene but before even getting out the door. "host tiger claw clansmen have the building surrounded and a jamming net up I won't be able to call for backup I'll need to do it personally." ghost said immediately going invisible and left to get back up. Turning to the only woman in the room. "you heard that might wanna do something before body's litter the place and It ain't tiger claws." I said not wanting to deal with this woman knowing how she is stubborn and stupid.

turning and leaving towards the heavily guarded hallway and evacuating strippers. Ripping off a piece of pipe and slowly walking into the main room seeing armed women carrying bats or equipped mantis blades. Seeing the sealed off door knowing it'll be blasted open or forced. looking for a way to the roof or sewers to escape. "ghost come in what's your TTA it looks like they getting impatient" Seeing threw the peephole of the barricaded window. Grabbing a Mox covering the front corridor "how many heads you saw out there" I said aggressively knowing how dire the situation is.

"I d-don't know about 50-60 triple our number," she said falling down onto the floor staggering back.

Getting up and radio in ghost and see if he answers. no answer at all the cars are only a street away.

"My beautiful Suzie Q where are you why not come out and greet your master hal" said the boss of all the men out there. Looks stupid height about 5'6 maybe 7 tiger tattoo on his naked chest two-tear drop tattoos on his bottom eyelid. "Come on out now or I force myself inside!" he yelled annoying the shit out of me seeing him signal to the men and watching them grab a ram. seeing the situation get worse I get away from the window "ghost where are you at tiger claw about to break in any second" I said hoping they get here.

My thoughts interrupted seeing Suzie walk through the door about to leave through the front door thinking she about to turn herself in.

"Boss what are you doing out here," Mox girl said seeing others get up from cover walking towards her.

"I'll try and negotiate a cease-fire to them," she said walking out to the lobby and removing wood barricading the door but before even opening it I pulled her by the arm pushing her back into the main room "you must be out of your fucking mind to even think of going out there to what negotiate did I hear that shit correctly all I see is the immediate fire when you open those doors." I said questioning her crazy ass, pulling back her arm from me looking angry "the second fucking time you held me fucker, then what am I supposed to fucking do huh we are outnumbered and barricading ourselves won't do a single sack of balls!" screaming and spitting in my face won't get her anywhere turning around " $#@+&-_#### host come in were a minute out just hold on arasaka soldiers had the district blocked I think they're onto us." closing comms seeing ghost has it reappears next to me holding my weapon, grabbing it seeing it only have 1 magazine but it'll do. turning back to the loud bitch "backup is on the way as you have heard and I want yall of yall to stay the fuck back and let me and my bots handle this". Blades surrounded me pink haired lady comes up to me. "You must think were weak huh cause we're woman huh mother fucker you must want to fu-



Backup was here and guns were fired bullet threw the bar parking lot was turned into a battleground I immediately broke down the barricaded window and A-D-S to my left bam! bam! shooting the two in the head dropping dead to the ground pointing the gun to my right shooting the snippers off the apartment ROOF BAM! BAM! BAM! Taking fire and looking back inside at the shocked faces "well if you want to show that your strong get the fuck out there!"

The gunfight lasted another 30 minutes as more and more tiger claws fell as the constant rivalry between clans happened. looking to see if hal was anywhere but not seeing him or arasaka seemed they retreated out, Running out of ammo as the gang war ended I dropped my clip and decided to head back to base and resolve issues back there. walking out of the bar something pulled my arm looking back at what it was seeing it the raunchy bitch "what the fuck you want now" I said not trying to deal with this right now I'm tired. "Let's go talk terms I mean you did save our lives" pulling me back inside throwing me onto one of the couches inside. she straddled on top of me and we started making out, soon I pushed her down onto the coffee table and remove the bloody clothes on top of her and mines" you look so fucking hot when you were fighting," she said talking threw loud moans. more and more strippers and crazy prostitutes came and the sound of loud moaning resounded through the bar. A fuckfest was rewarded to me