
I open my eyes, the sky seems strange to me. 'Wait, what I mean, sky? Did I wake up from a coma?' Still lying down I look around, I am in a totally strange place at the edge of a forest, I look at the sky again. Unlike normal, the sky has a green tint.

"Where the hell am I?" I ask myself before I feel a violent twinge in my stomach, a sensation that every living thing can distinguish, hunger. It's the only thing I can think of at the moment.

I turn to the forest and try to get up, it seems more difficult than usual, something feels strange to my body. then I realize, I am in the body of a child, tiny and rickety, certainly not more than seven years old.

But this is not the strangest part, just below my shoulders I have another pair of arms, equally stunted. Not only that, as if I felt a weight on my back I look back and see something even more bizarre, a fuzzy tail hanging from the end of my spine.

I don't have much time to think about it when the sting feeling in the belly comes back and this time stronger than before, something tells me that if I don't eat soon I might end up dying and I don't want to go through this experience again. Still trying to balance myself, I go into the forest a bit and look for something to eat, fruits, nuts, herbs, anything.

Balancing myself with this foreign body, I stagger and walk about fifty meters before I find a fruit tree with some fruits lying on the ground. The hunger is such that I throw myself on the ground and like fruit like an animal, they are all devoured by me before I am satisfied.

I lean against the tree to put my thoughts in order. 'Apparently I reincarnated, for some reason I kept the memories of being Nicola Kanata from Earth. And instead of being reborn as a baby, I am in the body of this mutant child.'

The memories of this body are fickle as I try to remember through them, as far as I could remember, nobody bothered to give it a name, all I see in this child's memories is a life of contempt and aggression within the city, no parent to take care for him the only way to survive was to eat the leftovers found on the streets and ask people for money.

But all he got in return was scornful looks and aggressive swearing when he approached people.