New world and a bath

Not all the people were human in his memories, some were short and strong with thick beards, others were tall and had colored skins, some looked human with parts of animals, some other street dwellers were different, had horns and tails, some had a reddish skin like mine, but again, they still rejected that I lived in the same group as them.

That is it, I was reborn in a totally strange world and without any help. That was how this child spent his moments of hunger and fear, the forest was too dangerous to go in alone and harvest fruit, desperate hunger led him to do this, but he died even before he managed to enter the forest.

This whole torrent of memories took a while to digest and until I got everything in order I was hungry again. I ate some more and got up to try to get used to the new body, the thin arms ached as I tried to exercise them, all fours. It took me a while to get used to them, but that wasn't the worst part, as I already knew how to use a couple of arms. What took me the longest to get used to was the tail, as a scientist in my previous life I had knowledge in several areas and knew that animal tails were used as a balancing mechanism, but I never really had one to know how it worked, it took a while but I finally got used to using it.

The memories let me know that it was still morning and the forest was a little less dangerous if I didn't go too far. The modern human customs were still in me and I was desperate for a shower, even though I knew there were no showers or similar technology in this medieval land, I still needed a bath, remove all that dirt imprinted in my body and feel clean again.

I could smell the water in the air, the senses of this new body are more developed than those of a normal human being. I walked a little until I found a small water source that created a puddle before following a current further into the forest, I couldn't risk going in so that little pond of water had to do the job.

I entered the puddle without even taking off my rag shorts, I gathered some dry leaves and rubbed myself as best I could, I cleaned myself thoroughly, even the tail that was previously stained with brown showed its true color, it had a pure white color and already near the end it showed marks strange, almost like symbols, until they reach the black tip, almost like a paint stained brush.