Getting experienced

The cave was on the side of a cliff and its entrance was too flashy to pass unnoticed, so in order not to be disturbed by other animals or mercenaries, Nicola used several earth spells to create a five-meter-thick wall in place of the entrance, in addition to to transplant some trees to the front of this entrance with the intention of disguising, to enter he created a secret tunnel behind some bushes that he led inside without having to reopen the original entrance.

With the last hunt he got enough points to become a five-star mercenary, but he did not intend for that to happen now. He would reach the second lineage booster before that and raise his rank before leaving for new lands.

It was time to focus on his experiments, the cave was illuminated by the core of light embedded in the ceiling just above the herbs he used to elevate his herbalist profession, there were not many or their rarity was the greatest, but they were the most difficult to find in this place.

An idea crossed his mind, using the wood core to nurture these plants would be great and maybe they would turn them into plant monsters that he could domesticate in some way. The hammer hit the anvil, crushing a piece of glowing metal while Nicola molded a support for the wooden core, a simple arrangement in the herbs and the cutting of the wooden core ended up making the planting much more efficient, the exposure to the wooden core made the green shine between the pots while the plants seemed more alive. [You became an intermediate herbalist] The message came the instant he finished organizing everything and he went to check his status.

Name: Nicola Kanata

Race: Bestial Tiefling [Septum Demon + Yako Kitsune]

Level: 08

Strength: 11

Dexterity: 20

Constitution: 14

Intelligence: 13

Wisdom: 14

Charisma: 19

Freev status points: 3

HP: 46/46

MP: 26/26

Passive Skills: Night Vision +3; Enhanced senses +3; Elemental affinity - Fire +3, Water +2, Wind +2, Earth +2, Ray +2, Darkness +3, Light +2; Graceful / intimidating aura; [???].

Active Skills: Persuasion / Seduction; Prehensile tail; Wild claws; Fox fire; [???]

Class: Warlock [Next reinforcement - Lvl. 10]

Jobs: Intermediate Herbalist, Intermediate Jeweler, Beginning Blacksmith, Beginning Craftsman, Beginning Alchemist.

Even though he was a chemist in his previous life, it was difficult to progress in the field of alchemy, without recipes for potions or pills everything was a blind experiment with little fruit. The ring had some of these formulas, but they were not enough to raise the level of alchemy for beginners. But now just introducing a wooden core to strengthen the plants has made her level of herbalist increase to intermediate.

Producing enchanted weapons was easy, only being a novice blacksmith was already able to do this by driving a monstrous core into the weapon, but there were other skills that needed to be met, such as the ability to link a weapon with blood, weapons with double or triple enchantments and weapons controlled with the mind, the blacksmith's work had countless applications and the road was long for him to achieve something like that.

Craftsmanship was not his focus at the time, besides sewing simple clothes for himself and sculpting some decorations in the cave he did not pay much attention to the profession. This was not the time to care.

He united jewelry with the physics laws of optics of the Earth and cut the cores into shapes of prisms and polyhedra while using associations between them to improve their ability to produce the desired effect. This made jewelery the first profession to reach the intermediate level.

In addition to being able to find uses for the light and wood core, the metal core could be used in weapons and shields to make them sharper and more resistant respectively, the sound core was being studied to reproduce sounds as a kind of recorder and the core of poison until now had only the ability to make weapons poisonous so Nicola continued to look for useful applications for them.