Leaving the city

As soon as the modifications were finished he felt the soul's contract being broken, the goal was achieved. At that same moment he noticed the arrival of the rest of the team, they were not able to follow him so quickly but they reached soon after, but the beast was already dead.

"I'm glad you're alive!" The halfling mage said with a little excitement when she saw the beast's body behind me. The three fox tails fluttered as if they were dancing in the wind. "Did you really manage to kill the manticore by yourself?" the bestial warrior asked, swallowing the saliva in his throat.

"Yes, and with that I finally managed to level up, but I think this is where our contract ends, you must have also felt the restriction of the soul being lifted. You can keep the corpse of the two smaller manticores, the bigger me I will take it." Nicola said as he placed the corpse inside the space ring.

He still didn't trust the team, especially the another dwarf who looked at the manticore's corpse the same way he looked at his bag of coins, Nicola was sure that the more time he spent with them it would be like having a target glued to his back to steal his things now that the contract was closed.

"Thanks for the help Borinn and all of you, I hope that in the future we can meet again." He thanked him, put on his robe and disappeared into the shadows of the forest.

The other dwarf tried to step forward, but was stopped by Borinn's strong arm as he said. "He has enough tricks to kill a mature manticore, don't think you can win against him without paying the price. I will not join you in this."

Nicola watched all that from the shadows listening to every word they spoke. He expected no less, after all the mercenaries were only interested in gold and he had no deeper relationship with them. Then he turned and walked away, away from the city of Opus.