Name them

But what good would it be to be a queen if there were no minions? Within the two queens Nicola merged a spatial compartment for each of them that kept thousands of small ants and bees smaller and simpler than them. They are made using materials that bond the connection between the queen and them inviolable.

Slime fluids and magnetic metal possessed this property, so using them as building materials among queens and small workers guaranteed this ability.

Nicola quickly dripped blood on each one of them making them connect to him and introduced his mental strength to control them, the two moved slowly. It wasn't the first time that he used a puppet, so he was already used to the feeling of moving their bodies with his mind.

The two rose like two immortal warriors who awoke from a deep sleep. Their inner magical gears made them look as natural as possible.

The bee flew and landed on a nearby wall, its thin, translucent, iridescent wings giving off an elementary triple sensation of light, thunder and wind. Nicola used the fabric created from the wool of the celestial sheep sewn with the skin of a refractory chameleon to give them that appearance and maintain the ability to fly through the air.

The ant got off the table from the side and walked a little until it stopped at a corner of the wall and started digging the stone and creating a compartment on the floor.

"I think I should name them," Nicola thought a little, remembering the names of queens back on Earth. "Antoniette and Beatrice, then." He said.