Fight for freedom (Part 1)

Another well-known figure was the elder Herold who participated in his selection for entry to the Six Rings School, representing the person responsible for the warriors, the other four representing the classes of Assassin, Mage, Alchemist and Master of Formations.

"Today we are here because Student Nicola Kanata has asked to be released from his obligations at the Academy for personal reasons." The elder Alchemist spoke.

"Because he became an outstanding student in several areas such as alchemy, blacksmithing and martial arts, the test conducted today will be through a duel against an elder on the same level as his." He continued.

Nicola already had enough cultivation to become an elder if he wanted to, but leaving the academy forced him to fight against an elder at the Six Rings Academy.

Even if some elders present did not specialize in battles, their fighting power could not be ignored, to be an elder they should have enough power to defend themselves.

The one who stepped forward was the magician, he was an ordinary human with brown skin and brown hair, his eyes sparkled like the color of an amethyst. He wore white clothing like the other elders and carried a wizard staff that looked like a planetarium, the white staff ended in a round purple tip, a magical focus, and around it orbited small blue and purple mana crystals as well.

"My name is Saluel krishna, today I will be your opponent in the duel." He introduced himself.

Another elder presented the rules of the duel, basically the duel would last as long as the other was not disabled, unarmed or gave up. It was also not allowed to switch weapons or wear armor during the fight so that it would be fair for both. There could be no lethal blows or intent on killing the opponent.

Nicola drew his four daggers from his space ring, he had removed them from the spatial realm of greed so as not to expose his secret, so he turned to his master and said: "Today I will show you the battle technique I developed with what I learned you, I hope you like it".

Saluel just pointed to the staff in his hands and a few rings in his right hand, then waved ready for the fight. He didn't give Nicola time to attack and started releasing his magical aura that locked the fox in place, unlike the old Harold who held himself back when he auditioned to enter the school, the magician did not hold himself against his opponent.

Then he conjured a whip of lightning from his rings that was promptly launched toward Nico's legs, the crackling whip splitting in three to cause further damage.

Nicola broke free of the magical aura just in time, he didn't try to block and jumped away, his four arms moved in a different direction, almost like a Hindu god, the tails swung behind him with enough force to knock down trees.

Then he released his imperial aura, the power of his bestial and demonic lineage emitted a strong pulse that against attacked the magical aura released by Saluel, he became like a ruler going to battle, an emperor in front of his army, the horns in its head took on a golden appearance, and its eight tails became silver, it was a beautiful sight to behold, which stunned Saluel for a second.

Nicola's aura was a representation, the balance between the golden royalty of the demonic lineage and the silver royalty of his kitsune lineage carried in his veins. They were like Yin and Yang, two sides of the same coin that flowed between themselves, hot and cold, darkness and heavenly, good and evil, the emitter and the receiver. A balance that could counteract any force in this world.

Not in the sense of being an opposite force, but in the sense of embracing and neutralizing that enemy energy, like two opposing points of the same frequency that opposed each other, but in the end they are the same. It encompasses everything and at the same time it encompasses nothing.

However, that was enough for Nicola to launch a counterattack, his two offensive daggers cut through the air with elementary attacks, a thunder-wind blade and a tower of black flames ran towards Saluel.