Long time no see

Tyris did not need any special conditions but she also registered as Nicola's subordinate, after all her status as a slave would still not allow her to be any way different.

And they soon went to the test rooms together, the tests were the same across the continent. Tyris was quick to perform her procedure, the crystal lit up, confirming her awakening from the system and classifying her as a candidate to the six bronze stars.

The second test was the same shape-shifting metal Nicola touched time ago, it changed its appearance to ordinary steel, slightly above superhuman strength, but nothing too big. And lastly it touched and sent its mana into the flower causing it to blossom and release few brownish particles indicating a basic affinity with the earth element. She then received a hexagonal bronze medal with six stars engraved on it.

Kin then performed the test, lighting the stone very close to the level of the four stars, but still three. The shapeshifter metal changed its appearance to a golden alloy that the man responsible for the test identified as Heavenly Gold, a metallic alloy from meteors and found mainly in the armor of angel soldiers who fought for the church of light against demons. His magical aptitude corresponded to a high affinity with the three elements, metal, fire and light.

After him, the one who took the test was Tuatha, the old lady who applied the test was very professional, but still let out a body language that showed her discomfort in that situation, two half demons, an undead and a slave were, by far, the worst mercenary types she could be happy to test. But as she had received direct orders from the head of the branch to treat the guests well, she continued doing her job as if nothing had happened, if it weren't for Gin's sensitivity to feel people's emotions, her disgust would have gone unnoticed by the group.

The ethereal shape floated in the air and had no arms, but he extend his body and threw a tentacle of ethereal mass that lit the crystal and emmited a light strong enough to illuminate the entire room and outshine everyone there. Having fought head to head with Nicola inside the cave, it couldn't have happened any differently. The crystal classified him as a three-star silver mercenary, just a little below Nicola's current level.

The shapeshifter metal changed its shape to a type of magic ore called Kalil, a black and white metal that formed from the joining of bones with magic metals, forming a kind of naturally formed magic steel. He also passed the test and goes to the magic flower that reacted by releasing two very similar and rotating mana particles, the old lady identified the two points as an affinity with darkness and the mana of death, a type of mana that could hardly be found in anyone in the Empire, but it was to be expected, after all Tuatha is an undead.

Gin was the last one and just like his brother passed the three tests as well, his metal was Thrallium, a resistant metal but which, depending on the conditions, would turn into a liquid form very quickly and his elemental affinities were with metal, water and light. She then received the same bronze medal with three stars from her brother.

The four of them left the testing area and continued to wait for Nicola who was meeting on the upper floors.

Rhicina was one of the few hundreds gold-star masters on a continent of billions of inhabitants. She was also a very powerful lady with influences in several countries.

That's right, her position as a branch master brought more work and problems than she could have imagined, she felt more like a pawn on the chessboard than the hands moving the pieces.

Her days of exploring magic and fighting are gone. First, she had duties as a gold level master in the mercenary guild. Her gaze faltered at the sight of the city through the window as her desk was filled with papers to be signed and dispatched. Intelligence reports were left every two hours on her desk, reporting on the situation across the continent.

The door of her office opened and Nicola entered. "It has been a while since we see eachother branch master Rhicina. I received your message and came here to meet you"

It was different from the past. Nicola was much stronger than the first time they met. The difference between the levels was like an abyss, but he was still able to breathe calmly, even though the aura released by her. His eyes widened when he looked at Rhicina.

She was a leader of the Guild and was no longer hiding her aura. Their eyes met and each had different reactions. 'So deep that I can't see the bottom. It's like looking at another dimension ', Nicola thought.

They were different types of magicians, they followed different paths in the domain of mana, but the difference was still palpable, like one person on top of a mountain and another person in the middle of it. The gap between the two could be seen as the pressure eased on Nicola.

"Oh, I'm sorry". Rhicina belatedly realized the reason for the silence that had formed in the room and reduced the aura that was being released into the room. But she was still surprised by the amount of time Nicola was able to endure and move despite facing such a huge difference. So, her conviction was even better about that choice, forming a little smile in the corner of her mouth.

"Long time no see, branch master" He said