War internal information

"Yes, it's the first time since the auction," she replied politely as she sat down in her chair. After exchanging greetings and drinking a cup of tea, the conversation between the two people really started.

"I can't start a relationship of trust without first telling the truth" She started. I am Rhicina Abruncus, I am a gold master of the mercenary guild and I am stationed in the Melkor Empire to collect information and move people under the coordination of my superiors."

She said and waited for Nicola to ask the questions, she could almost see the gears in his mind working and asking a series of questions for her.

He released the air trapped inside his lungs before he started. "Why would the mercenary guild have someone like you as an informant within the Melkor empire? What is the purpose of collecting people to do tasks for you? Are there other people in other countries doing the same thing? Why me? Why did you choose me to this, could it be anyone else?" He tried to continue with the questions but she interrupted.

"Your mind is very avid, young man, maybe you have a bright future. But I can answer these questions first, the next ones you can guess for yourself." She poured another cup of tea for both of them before continuing.

"I read your report years ago, you are a person who seeks information, an intelligent person who uses the brain and seeks to know about different areas. This can be your fortune and your downfall, knowing too much is not always so good." She took another sip. "Here is one more piece of information for you, this time at a level you wouldn't have access to until you climb a few levels in the gold stars or join the central force of some noble faction. The sixteen diamond cultivators"

1. The world sprout

2. Dragon of disaster

3. Feathered death

4. The divine craftsman

5. Elven silk

6. Mistress of the seas

7. Heavenly Archangel

8. The master of the flames

9. The silver chaos

10. The raging night

11. Lord of the eyes

12. God of war

13. The white blizzard

14. Golden fangs

15. Great serenity

16. The Grim Reaper

"How do you think a Guild without foundations would be able to be present in almost all countries on the continent without sponsorship? Once you reach the level like mine, you can know the real manipulators behind the scenes. And they are the rulers behind of the continent's countries and organizations, the Mercenaries Guild is a joint organization of some of them: the divine craftsman; the lady of the seas; the lady of the flames; the silver chaos; the god of war and the white blizzard. Six of the most powerful people on the continent are ordering this organization."

This was information that took Nicola by surprise, he did not expect the cultivators of the legends to influence the mortal world so heavily. Some of them had existed for at least a few millennia and others were so old that there was no record of when they appeared.

"These six are, the chief of the Dwarves Union, the ruler of the Maritime Cities, the two kings of the Avec Kingdom and the two emperors of the Melkor Empire. Unlike some countries that had only one ruler, the most powerful countries had two, each governed one aspect. For example, the Melkor Empire, The White Blizzard is the human emperor who governed the aspect of magic in mana, and her sphere of governance was the sphere of politics and development, and the God of war was a warrior who governed the aspect of aura in mana, his sphere of government was war strategies and war power, with which he won his title."

"So, almost everyone ....." Nicola started.

"You cannot let certain words out of your mouth, young man, let them to be spoke by myself. Yes, the rulers behind the Guild are the same ones who are united against demons. Almost all, as is common knowledge, the war on the continent happens because of the great expansion of demons and we are forced to contain them, so the forces are divided into two factions: our side that has the Melkor Empire, the Avec Kingdom, the Dwarf Union, the Maritime Cities and the Church of light. On the other side we have the Demonic Empire, the Orcs Lands and the Nest of the Undead."

"The Church of Light has not joined our joint force and acts on its own attacking demons, they are crazy people who call us heretics and try to spread their cult throughout our lands, so we are related to them only as the enemies of our enemy. there are other smaller forces like the Elvish Islands, the Feeric Forests and the Draco and Phoenix Territory that have declared neutrality and have powerful powers along with magical treasures protecting the borders of their countries. I think that, with all this information you can get an overview of the war."