Mage Tower AI's (Part 2)

Artificial intelligence of mage towers had a direct link to their master's soul and therefore, if authorization was given, they could access the space artifacts and control the servants directly commanded by him. They were almost like an extension of their master with a much greater processing power.

The three little fairies flew around the corners of the cave while ensuring that orders would be carried out and would report back to Nicola constantly. They brought out the forge that was inside the space artifact to build tools for the undead troops that was standing there, as only the undead monkeys had the ability to wield tools, wolves and birds were delegated to create security squads in around the mountain.

"Grant level 01 authority for Tuatha and Tyris and level 02 authority for Kin and Gin." Level 01 authority was just about having a slightly higher status than a guest, they would not be attacked by the tower and could roam freely within it, except for the forbidden areas obviously, and level 02 could give minor orders to artificial intelligences.

"Take control of the defense headquarters. Start security protocol." Nicola gave nonstop orders to artificial intelligences, which created a list of priorities to achieve maximum efficiency. Nicola had called back the three who were still outside and sat down to talk to them for a while.

The mountain was constantly bitten and hammered by the reconstruction teams, every minute that passed, the mineral and metallic veins in the stone were mined and its walls were remodeled to create habitable rooms. Nicola had even granted authorization for his notebook of inventions so that the AI ​​could recreate their air circulation system and implant sound transmission equipment.

While the quartet talked animatedly and checked the construction team's work, Midori approached the group. "Master, asking for authorization to use necromancy in the corpses of goblins and imps to increase the productive rhythm."

"Excuse me, but I don't have enough slots in my ability to turn these corpses into smaller undead." Nicola shrugged.

"Master, check the skill again" The green fairy asked.

Nicola found the request strange but agreed to look at the description of his skill nonetheless.

[Minor necromancy updated due to the existence of an extension of the mental processing capacity provided by artificial intelligences, increased servants limit]

[Number of undead servants 94/400]

Nicola was startled by that amount, but as soon as he read the cause of it he understood. Probably the essence of darkness allowed him to rule much lesser undead, what limited him to 100 servants was only his own mental processing capacity to command so many troops. But now with the help of three artificial intelligences to control the troops, this limit has increased by a very large margin, they were like four brains to control these beings.

"Authorization granted, transforming goblins and imps into smaller undead for work. Draw blood from the balor and store it properly before transforming it into a minor undead too, take the opportunity and resurrect the hydra too. Keep all the undead on the silver level hidden as secret battle assets." The green fairy nodded before bringing out dozens of corpses from the space artefact, among them was also that of some beasts that were killed within the biomes and were revived as a defense squads or work groups.

[Number of undead servants 216/400]

The weeks went by in the blink of an eye. The tower was already functioning normally, it was still under construction, but there was still a lack of materials to build the rest of it. The great mountain was now gone, only a five floors tower was in its place.

Nicola had ordered that the overall construction of the tower be left in the background and that its internal environments and external spaces be developed first.

He designated Kiiro, the yellow fairy, as responsible for the internal construction of the tower. Aka, the red fairy, as responsible for the strengthening of defense troops and management of the headquarters while Midori, the green fairy, became responsible for the production of the assets, creating a mine on the underground floors of the tower and cultivating fields in the external gardens. Nicola intended to make more money by selling weapons, pills, or anything else that could be sold.