Mage Tower AI's (Part 1)

The new passive skills originated from Earth Heavenly Essence were exactly what Nicola expected. The improvement in the vitality of the field was what caused the growth of so many herbs around this land, just because it was in a place Nicola would now make that soil fertile for plantations. And the mineral improvement of the field worked in the same way, the difference was to make the soil loaded with mineral and metallic veins that would form over time in that place. Basically Nicola had become a natural terrain improver.

These skills were so good that Nicola almost forgot that in addition to all this, the essence of the land still greatly increased his defense. Nicola smiled at this new achievement before entering the hydra lair.

The cave was richly decorated with magic cores attached to the wall, illuminating the path to where the hydra slept. Nicola couldn't wait to get his hands on a mountain of gold coins and magical items collected there.

The view from inside the lair was something that even made Nicola drool, in addition to a giant pile of gold coins, which the hydra clearly made in bed, he saw large core embedded in the walls, and all of them were rare nuclei of monsters that are at least at the silver level.

The simplest were low-level light cores, and the tallest were combinations of different elements. Darkness and earth; Fire, air and lightning; Wood and sound; Space and wind; Water and metal; Darkness, fire and thunder, like the balor that was killed by Nicola recently.

He even found very rare core that he himself had never seen with his own eyes as cores of blood, destruction and life. In addition Nicola found some mineral ores at the silver level.

He collected and cataloged everything very carefully and sent it to the deposit inside the space artifact before creating a pedestal with manipulation of the earth's mana, now strengthened by the absorption of the celestial essence that was in his dantian.

In the top of this pedestal were three void spaces that resembled the place to inlay jewelry or artifacts. From his space ring received by Rhicina he removed the three high-quality magic tower cores that were stored, they resembled precious stones, each one had a different shape and color.

Nicola was placing each one in their respective places on that pedestal, the first it looked like a ruby ​​cut in the shape of a drop, its very angled facets reflecting the weak light it emitted. The second was yellow topaz and had a diamond shape, while the last was emerald green and had a rectangular, faceted cushion shape.

In order to start a magic tower nucleus, its owner should drip a drop of blood, as well as a high-level forged artifact, so that the artificial intelligence of the tower responds completely only to its owner. Nicola quickly used his claw to cut one of his fingers, dropping three drops of his blood, one on each jewel, making them shine and start the activation process.

[System recognized the existence of three newly born artificial intelligences trying to connect to the host's soul. Allow union? Y / N]

Nicola accepted and saw the birth of the three artificial intelligences in front of him. Artificial intelligences would take shape after connecting their master's soul and show themselves in the form that the master expected it to appear.

The three jewels sprouted a flower, each of a different color and from within that flower that bloomed, a little fairy appeared, it was tall little more than a regular human head and wings of elytra on their back, the newly born fairies opened their eyes and flew in the air around Nicola, one green, one red and one yellow. "Master!" They said in unison.

[Artificial intelligences successfully linked to the host soul. Name them!]

"Midori, Aka and Kiiro." Nicola named them respectively, he did not have a good style for pick names and named them after their colors, just as he did with the Kin and Gin siblings. "I am going to give you your first task, to remodel this mountain like a magic tower."

Nicola took the bead that was his space artefact out of his hair and placed it in the middle of the pedestal. "Authorization granted to access space artifact, analyze books and retrieve materials for the construction of the magic tower. Increase the protection of the tower's cores to current maximum capacity. Authorization granted to command undead created by me. Authorization granted to use puppets."

Nicola gave a series of orders while the three fairies nodded and began to remove from the space artifact the items and the army of theundead that Nicola had hidden there, along with the two mechanical queens who had already left in active mode releasing the ability maximum of his little ants and bees servants who have already started to dig the earth and shape the space.