The problem to get the powers of a demon

He released rays of light that vaporized everything in front of him, a quick and deadly power, Nicola released this from one hand and released plasma arrows from another, the concentrated fire was also white, looking the same as the previous rays of light, but the scalding heat did not need to touch the flies before turning them into coal.

Nicola then loosened his grip on Augusto's neck before asking again. "Who is your patron?" Nicola after killing the flies turned to the young man again. He was suspended from the ground and his head was purple and veined from asphyxiation.

When Nicola loosened his grip he had a coughing fit and even vomited, which Nicola avoided touching his white tails. A light blue flame formed in Nicola's hands and was placed on Augusto's head. "I will ask again, you will only have one chance. A slow death or a quick death, you choose."

Nicola threatened and burned the young man in front of him again. Fox fire was special, something that Nicola hadn't used in a long time, had little attack power in battle, but because it was formed by soul energy it could also attack souls. So it had become a weapon of torture in Nicola's hands, burning Augusto's soul and leaving that flame pressed long enough for him to almost lose consciousness.

"Okay, I will say it, just kill me! Please!" He pleaded.

"It will depend on what you tell me, asshole." Nicola countered.

"Our patron is Mantael, the lord of the flies. He gave us the power to fight you using an ancient technique in exchange for the deaths of twenty people of our own family." Augusto spoke begging for a quick death.

Nicola nodded and raised his dagger, but it did not kill him. Nicola dug the dagger into the magician's dantian and destroyed its core, ending all his cultivation that could never be recovered. "You deserve to suffer for what you did. You are not going to die so easily." Nicola said, knocking him out. Few undead were still whole enough to stand, but following Nicola's orders they approached and took Augusto into the tower to be trapped inside the space artifact.

The beetle that had recently entered the tower confirmed that they were all alive. Bruised all around their bodies, but alive. He passed on information about what had happened and ordered everyone to enter the space artifact.

Only the AIs were still there managing the tower's defenses, but even their crystals had been sent into the small tower inside the space artifact and started the process of self-repair, which consumed just over half the mana that the matrices directed to inside the artifact. Nicola had ordered them to reduce their energy use, so as not to destroy their nuclei and that he would soon come and get them safe.

The old Emanuel fought coldly against the three undead beasts in front of him, the black snake was his next victim of the moment. He tore it to pieces the moment Nicola got rid of her grandson. "Get away and protect the tower. Or what's left of it ...." Nicola told the hydra and the balor that were still fighting.

Seeing his enemy there, in front of himself, Emanuel opened a smile on his face. His bloodshot eyes as he repeated the words of his grandson.

"So you finally came out of the tower, you coward." The old man thought Nicola was inside it all the time and did not realize that the fight was over.

"Do you think you can fight me when you can't even fight my beasts? It's a shame, even though I've never done anything directly to your family that you target me. It's time to learn that you shouldn't mess with me for beginning of conversation. " Nicola launched a blast of fox fire to burn old Emanuel's soul.

He now possessed the power of a cultivator at level 40, but he did not have the opportunity to get used to such power slowly, his blows were erratic and misshapen. He used a vertical bar to counter Nicola's blow, cutting the flames in half. But it didn't take long for the exchange of blows between him and Nicola to show who was really in the position of power.

"That's the problem with getting the powers from a demon, they never really give enough." Nicola activated the powers of his sins to the extreme. The anger he was feeling was overwhelming, his eyes bloodshot with hatred for the destruction of his home and the death of his battle forces. But he did not lose his composure, his breathing never left the same slow pace that he had been from the beginning.