Full power release

'Sin Fox Song Style, second defense form, Opera'.

A huge bright rainbow-colored barrier formed around the magic tower, the attack caused by Augusto and his father were interrupted as they stared in amazement at the light that was forming and sealed the tower from their attacks. The great barrier made a sound of opera chants being recited, the sound emitted was great and the lights too, it was a peak barrier made to protect large spaces.

Nicola released his imperial aura, a mixture of his bestial and demonic power that caused even the flies to become paralyzed in the air. Nicola completely released the power of his sins, his four daggers had already been rescued from his personal greed space. Black armor covered his body before he disappeared into the air with the sloth's disguising power.

'Sin Fox Song Style, Second movement form, Galop'.

He launched his second movement ability, different from Bolero Steps, which was used to dodge attacks at close range and during the fight. Galop was created to guarantee a powerful attack against the enemy, in a straight line, emitting sounds of cavalry advancing on the battlefield. Nicola dug his four daggers into Augusto's father's chest, all four before launching his most powerful attack.

'Sin Fox Song Style, first attack form, Requiém'. The man's body exploded in a shower of flesh and blood before anyone could notice what was happening.

[You killed a Demon possessed human, you gained experience] The system sounded in the corner of Nicola's head and was quickly ignored.

'Sin Fox Song Style, second energy form, Ragtime'.

Nicola used his abilities that were hidden one after another in the enemies. Ragtime was created to be an area of ​​effect attack, so this form conjured up a shower of small elemental needles, the seven elements were present, attacking enemies from all sides, the shower of needles fell on all enemies in the field, killed at least half of the flies that plagued the tower. The rhythmic sound of a piano played when the needles hit the enemies in the field, almost like a break from that gloomy atmosphere.

"I will kill you bastard!" Augusto said launching a volley of attacks towards Nicola. His grandfather was still trying to get rid of the undead beasts that attacked them and go and kill Nicola. "You finally came out of the tower, you coward." Augusto said approaching him, lost in delusions he thought his power would be enough to kill Nicola. Completely forgetting that a few seconds ago his father had been killed in an absurdly easy way.

With all the boosts of his active skills, Nicola became a huge power plant. Nicola absorbed the mana from the environment and sent the remaining three beetles into the tower, to check on his companions, while dealing with a mad Augusto who was coming towards him.

'Sin Fox Song Style, second attack form, Sonata'

The two attacking daggers sank into Augusto's legs, cutting them off. Augusto cried out in pain as he returned to reality, he would never be a match for Nicola. Fear of death has always been the watershed between cowards and the brave. When he saw Nicola slowly approach his body on the floor, he cried and screamed, begging for his life. "Don't kill me, my Balta Family has a lot of money and can pay you. No!" Nicola was approaching the fallen and crippled body on the floor, his eyes were bloodshot from having invaded his new home, he had not yet suffered such a defeat in his life after reincarnating.

Augusto knew he had no chance of staying alive, he shouted desperately when Nicola approached his head, stopping briefly before touching him. Augusto thought this was a second chance that Nicola had given him and sighed with relief. "It looks like your turn is going to have to wait a little bit idiotic." Nicola said turning around, however, his, now nine, tails wrapped around Augusto squeezing his limbs and turning him purple, a tail was especially placed around his neck squeezing to slow his breathing, but not enough to kill him yet.

Nicola turned because he felt two more tugs in his soul, two of the beetles that he had sent into the tower had been killed by those disgusting flies and the third, the last of his team was being chased while flying to fulfill his mission. Nicola was not going to allow more wounded that day than his own enemies. Nicola's aura grew stronger as he directed his anger at those flies. "Who sent them?" The blast of power made the flies fall to the ground in droves. Nicola applied defensive spells to the beetle so that it continued its trajectory as more flies attacked it. Nicola used this opportunity to test his new discoveries about the elements.