Reforging better

His blacksmith skill was also exercised during this time. Blacksmithing at the silver level would bring some better forging skills, such as blood bonding and the power to control weapons with mental energy, creating flying swords, shields and needles.

It was also very common to see Nicola in his personal forge, hammering hot metal on top of the anvil, he still used the technique his master Cassius had taught. The rhythmic beats made it easier to shape the metal, Nicola had worked on the development of several new metal alloys in this world he brought from ideas from the earth.

Like the magical equivalent of steel using a ferrous metal called Kallium ore and carbon and silicon-rich stones that Nicola found in his analyses. Of course, there were many silver or higher level metals that performed better than steel, but creating weapons with this metal alloy could create much better bronze star level weapons for a lower price, which could be sold at gun shops, generating more money for Nicola.

Nicola hammered with his four hands and used his nine tails to do the rest of the work in fueling the fire, other elements and ensuring the quality of the piece. Usually blacksmiths have assistants who do this minor work for them, but Nicola managed to do it himself, just controlling his extra limbs.

Recently he had discovered how to add his control over other elements in the forge as well, just as he had already done in alchemy. Some metals reacted when exposed to other elements, which allowed Nicola to increase the quality of his works and fuse some of the elements into the metal itself. Some magic alloys absorbed very well the mana of darkness and lightning, which caused that weapon to have traces of those elements as having a magnetic field by itself and possessing the ability to self-protect, preventing others who are not its owners to touch.

With this, Nicola's work became unique, weapons and objects created through this technique had a unique aesthetic. Something like special patterns were formed on the surfaces of these items, corresponding to the elements imbued in the creation process. Nicola re-forged the weapons of Kin and Gin, they were very close to reaching the silver level and their weapons needed to be upgraded.

Kin's sword was reinforced using this technique, the boy's blood was also used as material. Since he and his sister were both medicinal fungi, what came out of his veins was a milky white liquid that dripped onto the hot metal. The sword was forged with the same resemblance to the old one, he had already reached the level of sword intent, making his way in its arts.

The new sword was still similar to the old one, but now it had a more powerful and dignified appearance, the whole sword was dyed in white and golden hues, almost as if the fungus emperor were holding a white staff. Colorful patterns imbued the sword with the elements of light, fire and metal. They resemble electronic circuits coming out of the sword hilt, where several cores of the same elemental affinity were embedded, causing the sword to pulse and burn with this power.

Because it was forged with Kin's blood, the sword was bound to his soul and only he could unleash its complete power. The magical blood provided by the fungus emperor possessed very good properties, which granted the sword the ability to inflict damage through poison, Nicola enchanted it with some abilities like returning to his master's hands if separated and the ability to repair himself using the blood of the enemy.

"Give it a proper name." Nicola asked him to name the sword. After all, big works like this should have a proper name.

"Sun ruler!" The boy said raising his sword to contemplate its beauty.

Nicola had taken them both to level 19, what they needed to get past that level was just a push and become silver level cultivators.

Gin's staff happened to be forged the same way, Nicola reformed the mage girl's weapon to silver level using her own blood. Which, unlike his brother, provided healing capabilities to the staff. The staff's material included the black bones Nicola had once found in that swamp, so he took advantage of and included the bones of silver-level beasts when renovating the object.

When the light mana seeped into the staff along with the other two types, necromantic energies were created accidentally giving the staff a kind of life.

Gin's new weapon was completely black made up of fallen beast bones, on top of the staff there was an imp's skull, and in place of the brain was placed a magical focus that glowed with the corresponding elemental colors of water, light and metal, where previously existed orbits Nicola had studded two powerful magical cores of the same elements, which reproduced the same pattern of electronic circuitry along the entire length of the weapon.

Necromancy made the staff create independence, the head on top of it moved independently and could chant spells on its own to aid Gin in battle. The staff acted as a channeler of Gin's own spells and as a protector who would do anything to defend its owner.

Touching someone with her staff could cast very powerful healing abilities that would use the focus inside the skull to absorb the surrounding mana and convert it into light mana to directly heal the patient, reaching a healing level very close to Nicola's regenerative ability when he activated his sin of gluttony.

"You should name your staff too Gin, after all it even gained life through you." Nicola said to her too.

"Uh! I'm going to think about it master." Gin said and put a hand to her chin to think.

The head on the staff moved looking around and sometimes chanted spells creating water tentacles and picking up items in the room. Which were quickly returned to their places by Nicola's tails.

"Since the brother named his one that way I should follow too. It's going to be called Moon Guardian." She said and waved her staff in the air, which complained about being shaken for no reason.