Great prizes

Nicola was in front of the podium, looking at the three chairs, above of each of them was a different object. In the chair of the high elf there was only a small seed without aura, Nicola wasn't sure what it was, but if it was in this place, it was surely something big.

The middle chair where the portrait of the man with the dragon symbol was was a bottle with a few liters of a liquid metal, it was very similar to mercury. "I can't believe it, It looks like I hit the jackpot, is that really what I'm seeing? Moonsilver...." Nicola saw the diamond level metal in front of him, he already knew the testing method and used the mana of water to gather around that bottle, making the metal move towards the mana, as if it were attracted to it, confirming that it was the precious metal he imagined it to be, with this he would have two diamond-level metals in his possession, the soulmetal and the moonsilver.

The seed and metal were stored inside the dimensional pocket granted by the sin of greed.

Last but not least was the chair of the demon ancestor. A silver ring, beautifully crafted with a carving of wings, feathery wings and leathery wings and in the very center a red gemstone that emanated a demonic aura. The ring had no visible runes to mark it as a space ring or something, Nicola decided to keep it anyway, he would find out what it was for later.

However, he was not satisfied, he came looking for a genetic sample, he doubted that the owner of this chair must not have left even a sample in it, he moved a little between the cracks and around the stone throne, managing to find three more feathered scales and a strand of hair. That soon he tried to join with the scale he had found earlier and wait for another notification from the system.

[Ding! Demon ancestor remains found. The demon from which this feathered scale originated ranks far above the host's bloodline in the hierarchy of demons. The host is able to choose to absorb the inheritance left in the genetic information of these samples through the sin of gluttony.]

[Probability of successful absorption: 99.9%]

[Probability of mutation and evolution of demonic lineage: 14%]

Even with all these samples he raised the percentage chance of mutation to just 14%, not much, but better than before. He resigned himself to accepting and continued searching the other chairs for samples of other beings. But he found none, perhaps elves and dragons have a much greater cleaning habit than demons and don't usually leave their places immaculate. He shrugged and turned to go back.

The army of ants commanded by Antoniette had already finished collecting materials from the buildings outside and had begun dismantling the main building. A small ant climbed up Nicola's leg and reached his shoulder carrying a chain filled with full storage rings. Nicola accepted her gift and sent it into her space realm.

Tuatha walked back towards him carrying several books and precious objects in a pile, balancing them in the arms of his ethereal form which had taken on humanoid form in order to carry these items. Nicola helped him, carefully putting away each item and sending Tuatha along into the space artifact. He couldn't wait to analyze the books he managed to rescue.

Nicola looked around again, the building already being divided into blocks of building materials. Just a few more hours of waiting and that whole building was gone. Nicola used his affinity for earth mana to destroy the cave and make his passage there imperceptible, all traces were erased, even the entrance was destroyed and buried. The return was quick and he passed the brother and sister who had mined enough of that Thrillium ore, the metal in the mine no longer filled Nicola's eyes, what he received was enough to make anyone satisfied.

"Come on, we need to get out of here, we'll continue our journey." He called the siblings who were managing the mining operation and put them all back in the space artifact.