Being Hung Over Is The Worst

Chapter Two

"Oh my God, where am I, how did I get here? Please don't harm me I beg you"

"Wow, you sure do have a short term memory, it's barely twelve hours and you can't remember how you got here?"

Why can't I remember anything? I tried to remember but the only feedback my brain gave was a headache and why was my head aching so badly?

"I can't remember anything, oh my God"

"Well I will refresh your memory, we met at the club last night and we were into each other; so you suggested we come to my place which we did"

Just then like a flash everything came back to me, I remember seeing this cute guy who was at one end of the bar having a drink alone. I walked up to him and struck a conversation with him though I can't actually remember what it was about, but then we danced together, the rest I can't really remember.

He actually looks finer today, his appearance alone is seductive. His face is beautiful with a sharp jaw. His brown skinned complexion making him look like a perfect picture of your tall, dark and handsome guy. He wore black gym clothes the vest glued to his chest due to the sweat on his body, he must have been coming from the gym.

If I followed this guy home that means... Oh no. I quickly looked at my body; thankfully I still had my dress on. How could I have followed a guy I just met for the first time home? This is what my mother in the village will call a shameless act.

I need to find a way to leave this place with my dignity still in tact, even if it means having to deny remembering anything from yesterday, I will to do it.

"I can't remember anything you Just said ever happening, did you drug me?"

"Drug you, are you being serious right now; Why would I drug you?"

"Well it's obvious, it could be that..."

"Please just shut it, you are beginning to get on my nerves already, I have no reason what so ever to drug you, if it's about sex I have several beautiful women at my beck and call and last I checked; you were the one all over me last night"

Can someone tell this guy to shut it already? I'm beginning to have a migraine and it's increasing with each word he speaks.

"Did you say all over you? You must be delusional to think I threw myself at you, you should be thankful I'm not reporting you to the police"

This guy must think I'm mad for he was short of words, he just stood staring at me. I ignored him and stood up from the bed to look for my shoes so I can start leaving, I saw them close to the wardrobe, I went to pick them up and just then I noticed the buckle on the left foot was missing, thank God I will be using Uber, I picked up my handbag from the nightstand checked it's contents to make sure nothing was missing; everything was in tact including my ipad and debit card.

"Are you done, can you leave my house already?"

"Screw you and your stupid house, better pray we don't meet again if not I will make sure to deal with you"

With that; I stomped out of the bedroom, thank God he had the sense to follow me if not I would have gone to the kitchen thinking that was the way out of the house, in my defense I can't remember coming into the house last night.

"That's the kitchen, the exit is by your left"


I quickly found the exit and left his house, when I got to the gate the security guard was looking at me strangely, probably due to my short dress, I really didn't mind all I wanted was to just leave here.

Just when I stepped out of the gate, my phone beeped indicating a new message, I took it out from my bag to read the message.

'let's meet at Bukka's hut by 9 am as earlier scheduled''.

That was when it occurred to me that I had a meeting with a potential client I was hoping to get a contract on designing his website. I quickly checked my wristwatch and saw it was 8 am already, how could I have forgotten something as important as this? I googled the address he sent me and saw it was close by, so I can actually go from here, thankfully I have my ipad and the proposal is it, but the issue is my dress; I can't go meeting a prospective client looking like I just came from a club which was actually true but I would rather he doesn't know that and I can't go home, the distance from here to my house is roughly 30minutes that's if I don't encounter traffic, I can't risk it.

I needed a change of clothes and I needed them ASAP, I checked my google map for the nearest boutique; thankfully I found one which was open. I quickly located it through the directions on the map.

I got a skirt and a blouse which were sold at outrageous prices, what choice do I have but to buy it? I used their bathroom to change and wiped last night's make up off my face using the face wipe I usually carry in my bag. I took out the gum in my bag and popped one into my mouth that will help to freshen my breath to an extent. I managed to squeeze my little dress into my handbag.

I walked out of the boutique, not feeling exactly great; I had a nagging headache and the sky seemed just too bright, my eyes were hurting from trying to keep them open, I took out my sunglasses and put them on, that helped at least.

I got to the restaurant and took a table by the window. I texted and told him where I was seated so he can find me easily.

"Can I get you anything ma'am?"

I raised my head from the menu to see a waiter smiling at me. "Water will be fine"

"Is that all, would you be needing anything else?"

"For now no, I'm expecting someone"

The waiter and left to get me my water, I really don't think my stomach can take any food right now, the last thing I want is throwing up in a restaurant, not with the effort I have put into trying not to look hung over.

"Miss Omafkope?"

I raised my head to see the man I just left his house standing in front me, probably I wasn't seeing clearly so I took off my glasses; it was actually him, flesh and blood.

"Hold on, tell me you're not Louisa Omafkope that I'm supposed to be meeting with?"

"I... I think I am"

"Hahahahahahaha, you think? It's really a small world"