Who Did I Offend?

I stood there confounded, not knowing exactly what to say, how was I supposed to know the man I flirted with in the club last night and even followed home was Mr Ayoola my prospective client?

One of my clients from my previous gigs who liked my services was the one that recommended me to him. We spoke over the phone within the week and scheduled to meet this weekend.

My mother used to say to me "Louisa sometimes you have to calm down so that you don't use your hands to destroy what God is preparing for you" and that is exactly what I have done. Used my hands to destroy what God was doing for me.

"Sir I can explain I'm not always like this"

"Really, so how is it like then? Tell me"

"Emmm.... The thing is"

I have never been more embarrassed in my life than I am right now, not even when my crush in secondary school publicly rejected me. This is worse, barely an hour ago I was in this guy's house accusing of him of kidnapping me, now here I am standing begging him to consider giving me a contract for his upcoming project. If the ground could open up then I would have asked it to, so I can hide there.

"Has a cat got your tongue?"

The sound of his voice brought me back to reality.

"I'm sorry, I was saying I had a pretty rough night which affected my sense of judgment and I sincerely apologize for everything I said to you earlier this morning"

"Which of them exactly? Because you said a lot of things"

"Everything, I'm sorry for everything I said"

"Well you can keep your apologies to yourself, I don't need it" He turned to leave.

"Wait you can't leave, just yet"

"Why not"

"Because you haven't heard my pitch"

"Hahahahahaha, you must be joking, if you think I'm going to sit and listen to you give your stupid pitch, then you must have another thing coming"

"Please just hear me out I promise it will be worth your time"

I wasn't done speaking when I started feeling nauseous and without any warning I threw up; On his shoes. You should have seen the look of horror on his face. If there was any chance that this guy was going to listen to my pitch, I just lost it. I bent down trying to clean up the mess from his shoes but ended up throwing up again on them.

''I am truly sorry let me cle..''

He stepped away from me to put a distance between us ''You have done enough already''

A waiter quickly rushed to our table, he showed Mr Ayoola to the restroom and then got a cleaner to clean up the mess on the floor. All eyes in the restaurant were on me, here I was thinking I have had enough humiliation for one day.

I went into the restroom to clean up myself. By the time I came out, I asked the waiter for Mr Ayoola but he said he was gone. I decided to take my humiliated self home.

When I got out of the restaurant I ordered an Uber to take me home. Throughout the ride to my apartment; I kept asking the driver to pull over for me to throw up, thankfully the driver was very understanding, he even offered taking me to the hospital but I declined. I hate hospitals and I'm definitely not going to one because I am having a hang over.

When we got to my apartment, I got out of the car feeling like I was going to die the next minute. My whole body seems to be on a riot, how I got myself to have so much drink is what I can't understand even if I wanted to drink myself to death couldn't any of my friends have stopped me? They are so getting it hot from me when I see them that's if I don't die before then.

Immediately I opened the door I fell on my couch, I laid on it for a while and waited for my stomach to settle. After a while I stood up to walk into my bedroom and then the nauseous feeling was back, I quickly ran into my bathroom and threw up my stomach's contents in the WC, I crawled into the shower and turned it on not minding that I still had my clothes on or my expensive human hair was going to get wet. All that mattered to me at that moment was for me to get well.

After a few minutes I was able to stand up and undress then I showered and changed into an old t-shirt.

I could hear my phone ringing, I searched for it with my eyes closed and when my hands touched it; I threw it to one side of the bed, but that didn't stop it from ringing. I used a pillow to cover my ears probably if I don't pick, whoever was calling will give up. He or she must have been sent to torment me for the phone kept ringing non-stop. I finally picked it up.


"Coco you are already asleep?"

I quickly sat up, there is only one person who calls me by that name and it's my mother, I checked the phone to see the caller's name, it was indeed my mother.

"Mama good morning ma"

"Morning by this time, don't you have a clock in that your house abi day never dark for Lagos?"

I looked at the clock on my bedside and saw it was already 8pm, how did I sleep for that long?

"Sorry good evening ma"

"How are you?"

"I'm okay, how is everyone over there?"

"They are fine abeg I nor get too much credit for plenty talk, I call to let you know say I dey come your house"

"What, when?"

"On Monday"

Someone must really be somewhere working against me for this is the worst day ever!