With My Girls

Chapter 4

It was Sunday and I was still having effects of my hang over, I was feeling lot better than I did yesterday, but I decided it was best I used Sunday to rest and get ready for my mother's visit because God knows I will be needing all the strength I can get. So, I didn't go to church.

I love my mother but she can really be over bearing at times, if overbearing was a person, then that would be my mother. Everything she does, is to the extreme and she has a way of always getting on my nerves.

Ever since I turned 25, my mother has constantly been on my case about getting married. Every time she pays me a visit, she will preach her epistle of how she had I and my two older brothers at a very young age and how I need to hurry up before I became too old and no man would want to marry an old woman.

The last time she was here, she took it upon herself to interview every of my male friends who ever paid me a visit. Asking questions like; which of them were my boyfriend and warning them not to waste my time if they weren't going to marry me. I wonder what she has up her sleeves this time.

It was 11 o'clock in the morning and the girls were coming over to my place later at noon, so that gave me about an hour to get my apartment cleaned before they arrived, my house keeper usually doesn't come on Sundays and the place was looking unkept, so I had to rush you with the cleaning. Thanks to Lagos traffic they are most likely not going to be arriving on time.

After cleaning up my kitchen I decided to jump in the shower and take my bath and put on something different from the old T-shirt I was wearing.

Blessing was the first to arrive followed by Laurel and Miriam who came together in Laurel's car.

"So what you are telling us is that; the guy you followed home from the club is the same guy you have been gunning to get a contract from?" Blessing asked in shock.

"believe me, I was as shocked as you are Blessing, not only did I follow a potential client home from a club but I also accused him of kidnapping and as if that wasn't enough I topped it off by vomiting on his shoes"

I really feel awful thinking about it, if I could reverse the hands of time I definitely will do it to undo what happened. In fact I would never have gone out that day.

"But wait, girls how come you allowed me to go home with that guy? What ever happened to us always looking out for each other?"I asked, directing my question to all three of them.

"Wait up there" Laurel said raising her hands to interrupt me "you were the one who insisted we allow you go home with that guy, Miriam here tried stopping you, but you specifically told her you were a grown woman who could take care of herself and didn't need anyone to babysit you"

"I said that?"

"Yes you did" replied Miriam, ''and not only that, you went on to tell me how you were tired of just moping around waiting for Adams to call you and tell you how sorry he was"

Adams is my ex who broke up with me to go marry his baby mama, I always tried my best to look strong in front of my friends and seem like I wasn't hurt by what happened, but deep inside I was hurting and bleeding. Adams was my life, I built my life around that guy because I thought I had found the one, my soulmate my better half. Little did I know that he wasn't my better half but he was also going to rip my other half into shreds before leaving.

I always pictured our lives together, because he always talked about our future together and how we were going to have beautiful kids together. Little did I know they were all lies, the guy was not only lying to me but he was also busy sleeping with another woman, got her pregnant and was planning on getting married to her while he still led me on.

"Louisa, we didn't know you were still hurting from your break up?" Miriam asked standing up to come join me on my seat.

"I'm fine"

"That's exactly what you said the first time and that made us actually think you were okay, you don't have to be strong in front us, we are your friends" Blessing said.

"You should have just allowed us to set his car on fire, at least that would have taught him a lesson not to mess with the wrong chick" Laurel said

This earned her a deadly look from Miriam "what? All I'm just saying is, we should have taught him a lesson for messing with our girl"

"I thought I was the crazy one?" I asked laughing.

"Well... Let's just say your craziness is beginning to rob off on me"

"Well it had better not, because I have my hands full already from dealing with Louisa's craziness" Miriam chided.

"If you say so, though I still think we should have gone to the wedding and scattered it"

"Laurel you need to learn the principle of forgiveness and leaving vengeance for God" came Blessing's soft voice.

"Seriously guys I'm okay, or do I say I'm trying to be okay. Thanks for your support though I will be fine"

"Time heals all wound sweetie" Laurel said as they all wrapped me in a group hug.

"Alright, enough with the hugs I need you all to get ready because my mother is coming to Lagos"

"Are you serious?" They all said in shock

"Yes I am, she called to tell me last night"

"When is she coming?" Laurel asked with excitement, she and my mother happens to get along really well, I don't know how she does it but they happen to be buddies.


"You mean like this tomorrow?" Miriam asked in shock.

"Yes, so you see why I will be needing all the moral support I can get?"

"Come on Louisa, it's not that bad" Blessing said as she went back to her seat.

"Yeah, I'm sure it can't be that bad" Miriam said

"Have you girls suddenly forgotten who my mom is? Let me refresh your memories a little. Remember how she told Dele to hurry up and come home to pay my bride price? And the poor guy ran and never looked back? Up until now he still doesn't pick my calls"

"Wow, that's true your mother really did say that" Miriam said.