More Embrassment

You should have seen the look on Mr Ayoola's face when he recognized me, he looked at me like, he just came in contact with an insane person. I wouldn't blame him, considering our last encounter. If I were to be in his shoes, I would think myself to be a lunatic too.


"Daddy, daddy, daddy?" the little girl pulled at her father's hands. Snapping us both out of our reverie. We had both forgotten about her.

"say something" she said in a hushed tone.

He cleared his throat, "uhmm___, thank you for helping me find my daughter" he was still looking at me like I was a lunatic.

"You are welcome" I said very quickly and rushed past him, I needed to leave before I did something stupid again. As I walked past him, I didn't notice the lady with the cart full of cartons coming towards me, and I ended up colliding into her and the cart. 

As I fell to the floor, the cartons came falling too, but not on the floor, rather on my head, making me lie flat on the floor with cartons on my head, and all over my body. So much for wanting to save myself from more embarrassment. 

I could hear the footsteps of people running towards me, of which I'm very sure the little girl and her father are among. Maybe I should just pretend to be dead, that would save me from the embrassment of having to face Mr. Ayoola like this. What's with me, and embrassing myself anytime I see this man?

"Are you okay?" I heard Mr Ayoola ask as he came to my side, helping to remove the cartons from my body.

"Let's help her to stand up" I heard someone else say, probably one of the shoppers.

They helped me to stand up, and then led me to sit down on a chair, because my head was actually spinning. 

One of the mall attendants got me some water to drink. I know this was supposed to be embarrassing but surprisingly I was enjoying it. Call me weird, but It's been a while since someone fussed over me, and I couldn't help but enjoy it.

"Are you okay now? Do you think you can be able to stand?" Mr Ayoola asked me, after five minutes of sitting down.

"Yes I should"

The other shoppers, and mall attendants had already left to go face their businesses, so it was just I , Mr Ayoola and his daughter, who wouldn't stop staring into my face.

"Sorry you fell, you should be careful next time" the chubby little girl said to me.

"Ruby!" Her father shunned.

"Sorry.." she looked down twisting her fingers.

I immediately wanted to tell her it was okay, and that she was right I needed to be more careful. But instead I decided to leave before I embarrassed myself any further, as that seems to be the only thing that happens when I'm around this man.

"Thank you, I think I'm better now, and I should better be on my way now"

"Okay here are your things" he handed over my shopping bag, thankfully my ice cream didn't spill. 

I took it from him, and hurriedly went over to the point of sale, quickly made payment for the items I bought. 

That's it, I'm never coming back to this mall again, it has ill luck written all over it. Only God knows the next person I will run into when next I come here. 

The moment I got the receipts for my purchase, without bothering to collect my change, I quickly left the mall without looking back, I could tell Mr Ayoola and his daughter were staring at me, because I could feel their eyes on me, but I dared not turn back, I just continued walking until I got outside to where my car was parked, only to discover someone had blocked my exit with another car. 

I couldn't be more infrurated, how can a sane thinking person park a car like this? Is he or she blind or something? I decided to go back into the mall and ask the security to help me find whoever the owner of the car was, to come take it out of my way. And then I met Mr Ayoola and his daughter stepping out, apparently they were done shopping too.

"You forgot something?" He asked me.

"Not really, some idiot__," the moment the word left my mouth, I realized I shouldn't have said it, because the little looked at me strangely, and so did her dad.

"Oh I'm sorry, wrong choice of language, someone blocked my car with his or her car, now I have to find the person before I can be able to drive out" I pointed at the vehicle as I spoke.

"Are you talking about the black Mercedes?"

"Yes... Who parks a car like that if not an idiot?" I said out of frustration forgetting about the kid again.

"That's actually my car"