What's Wrong With Me

"I'm sorry it's actually my car, I will get it out of your way"

Mr Ayoola said, looking at me, his face completely expressionless. If he was annoyed, he didn't show it.

I was shocked for a minute, if that was truly his car, that means I just called him an idiot to his face, not just that, but in front of his child. I just have a way of really complicating things when it comes to this man.

"I'm sorry, but I'm referring to the black Mercedes blocking the grey Lexus" I said hoping he would say that wasn't his car.

"Yeah that's my car, I'm sorry I blocked your exit, I didn't mean to take long. I just wanted to quickly pop in and get some ice cream real quick" 

"oh really? look I'm .... so sorry I called you an idiot I...."

"Daddy I thought you said idiot is a bad word?" the little girl looked up at her father.

"yes it sweetie" he responded not taking his eyes off me, as he gave me a deadly stare.

"then why does she keep using it?"

Great! now I just made a fool out of myself in presence of this little girl.

"sweetie, daddy will explain to you in the car, come let's go"

He took his daughter's hand and they quietly walked over to their car, and drove out.

"All right, see around" he said to me, before driving off. 

I just stood there, wondering what I had just done, first I call him a kidnapper, then I throw up on his shoes, and now I just called him an idiot. I just hope I don't see this man again, because I don't think I have the nerve to face him.

I finally got into my car, and decided to go over to Miriam's place, the last thing I want to do is be alone with my mom right now, because God knows if she tries to frustrate me in this mood I'm in, I'm not guaranteeing she is going to be alive for much long, it's either I kill her, or she kills me. So it's best, I avoid her.

Miriam lives in a two bedroom apartment in the highbrow area of the island part of Lagos, not just any part, but Victoria Garden City. Anyone that knows Lagos very well, will admit that it's not a child's play for one to be able to afford an apartment in VGC.

VGC is one of the places, where the big boys, and girls of Lagos live. And Miriam was definitely rolling with them. 

When she initially got this place, all she had was a year's rent, and that's after she had emptied her savings account. Even though we all thought it was stupid, she insisted she knew what she was doing. 

She moved to VGC, so she could get closer to the type of clients she wanted for her event planning business. According to her, your location determines your allocation. And so far, her plan has paid off, and is still paying off, because now she gets event planning gigs every event,  that she even turns down some of them, because she usually gets over booked almost every month.

When I arrived her apartment, I could hear the sound of laughter coming from her sitting room, indicating she had company, I didn't called to tell her I was coming, so, she wasn't expecting me. I looked around and noticed her fiance's car wasn't in the compound, so he wasn't the one with her.

Before I could knock on the door, it already swung open, and Blessing was standing at the door.

"Blessing I wasn't__" 

I couldn't get to finish my sentence before she threw herself at me, and enveloped me in a tight hug, almost cutting off my air supply. 

"Blessing are you okay?" I choked out, after I noticed she wasn't making any move of letting me go. 

"Thank God you are here" she mumbled into my neck, still holding me tightly. 

"Okay but I think you should let me go, before I die from lack of air"

"Sorry" she apologized as she let go of me, and stepped out of the way for me to go inside. 

When I got inside, Miriam was coming out of her kitchen with a tray of cup cakes and two glasses of juice, with the steam coming out of the cakes, I could tell they were freshly baked. It's one of the reasons I like coming to Miriam's house, she likes to cook, and as such, there is always something to eat in her house.

"Look who we have here, Louisa"

"Mummy Miriam, please before any other thing, just pass me those hot cup cakes"

I quickly took a seat, and tapped on my laps for her to place the tray.

"No way, these are for Blessing" she passed the tray to Blessing who was looking all gloomy like she was mourning.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked

"Her boyfriend broke up with her"

Wait Blessing had a boyfriend? How come I never knew about him?