If Petty Was A Person.

"Wait a minute, you only get heartbroken when you are in a relationship, and the last time I checked, Blessing was not dating anyone, so how come she is heartbroken?"

I directed my question to both Miriam, and Blessing who was looking like a flood had just carried her farm.

"What is that supposed to mean? So are you trying to say, I can't have a boyfriend? Or am I not beautiful enough?" Blessing stared daggers at me.

"Hey no need to get all defensive, I never said you weren't beautiful enough, I was only asking a question. You never told you us, you were seeing someone" 

"Maybe that was why he left me, probably he thinks I'm not beautiful enough or maybe I am not sexy enough. Or maybe I'm not spontaneous enough" Blessing lamented with a teary eyes.

"Blessing enough with that rubbish talk of you not being beautiful enough, you are a very beautiful woman, and an intelligent one for that matter. Any man would be very lucky to have you" Miriam enveloped her in a hug.

"Any man who leaves you, it's his loss and not yours" I chipped in.

I knew what she was going through, I have been there, I think I'm still there because I haven't completely gotten over Adams breaking my heart yet.

I don't think one completely gets over such things, we just learn to live with it, until it no longer hurts whenever you think about it, until you can see that person, and not feel any form of hatred towards him or her. And that takes a lot of work and time. Like they say; time heals all wounds, but sometimes it could be a lifetime. 

"Blessing what happened? Why did he break up with you?" I asked her after she had stopped crying.

"He said he wanted a break from our relationship, and he would like to have sometime, to think if he still wants to be in a relationship with me or not" Blessing cried into the tissue she was holding.

"What sort of a guy says such a thing?" I directed my question to Miriam who seemed to have been aware of this. "Is that a new way of breaking up with someone? if you are tired, why not just say so?"

"Obviously the kind of guy Blessing was in a relationship with, it's obvious he wanted out of the relationship, but didn't know how to tell her" Miriam said out of annoyance.

"So did he ever come back to tell you whatever decision he arrived at?" I asked Blessing, as she blew her nose with a tissue.

"After he asked for sometime to think, I gave him space like he had requested, but I noticed that for two weeks, this guy wouldn't take my calls, or even reply to any of my text messages. And when I went to his place to confront him about it, he claimed that he was still thinking about our relationship. Only for me to run into him in a restaurant yesterday with another lady" Blessing wailed as she spoke the last sentence.

"Did you walk up to him and asked who she was? She could be his sister for all you know" I asked even if I suspected the guy was actually cheating.

"He was feeding her Louisa! You don't feed your sister! at least not when she is not sick. And yes I walked up to him, and asked him who she was, guess what he asked me?" tears were freely streaming down Blessings face again.

"What?" I asked, waiting to hear something I haven't heard before.

"He asked me, if I was too blind or too daft, to notice he was busy with his girlfriend! can you imagine that, what did I do to him, to deserve such ill treatment from him?"  Blessing Sobbed.

"What did you do next? Please tell me, you at least poured the plate of whatever it was they were having on his head?" 

The time I found out Adams was cheating on me, and was about to get married to another woman. The first thing I did, was to set all the invitation cards I found in his wardrobe on fire.

After that, I punctured all the four tyres of his car, and I went ahead to shatter both his front and back windshield.

I even went as far as sneaking into his apartment, when he had gone to work. And carried his expensive plasma TV, which he recently just bought at that time, and all his PS games, and donated them to an orphanage.

If he knew I was the source of his missing properties, he didn't dare ask me. I just noticed he had changed his lock the next time I tried sneaking in. I guess he knew the kind of woman he dated, I'm not to be toiled with.

Call me petty, but there was no way I was going to allow him break my heart the way he did, and then go scott free, without me inflicting any pain on him.

If not for Miriam who stopped me, I was planning on going down to the wedding venue, and telling the priest or whoever it is that was going to join the of them together, that I was pregnant for him, even if it wasn't true, at least that would have ruined the wedding. If me getting back at those who hurt me, makes me petty, then I love being petty. If pettiness was a person, then it would be me.

"I couldn't get myself to do that, remember the bible said vengence is the Lord's and it's not go...."

"Please... please.... enough with your preaching sister Blessing, I'm very sure if this sort of thing had happened when the bible was being written, then God would have asked the writers to add something like: kick that motherfucker's ass when he does something stupid! do you think God likes to see his children's feelings being trampled upon, by assholes such as, that idiot you call your ex? God would want us to teach him a lesson"

"Louisa! be careful not to blasphem against God!" Blessing warned me, looking shocked that I would say what I said.

"See, that's the problem I have with you Blessing, you just sit there, and allow people treat you like trash, just because you want to be seen as a perfect Christian.

See even Jesus, one time in the bible, picked up cane, and flogged those people who were selling at the temple. Jesus o.., so if Jesus can do that, who am I not to teach some people sense? most especially when they have refused to have one? Or are we not supposed to follow after Jesus's footsteps?"