The List


"Louisa! Be careful not blasphem against God, why do you always try to flip the bible to suit yourself?" Blessing gasped.

"I never said that's what God said, I'm only telling you to fight back sometimes, I'm very sure God would want that for you. You shouldn't just sit around and have people treat you without respect"

"Hehehehehe Louisa you won't kill someone with your funny thoughts, and ideas" Miriam laughed.

"It's the truth, but I know you both won't agree with me, anyways, so did you just walk away, when he asked you that ridiculous question?"

"Yes, because I didn't know how to react, I was really shocked that he would do such a thing to me. I knew we were having issues in our relationship, but I never saw that coming" This time she cried harder into her tissue.

"Oh Blessing I'm so sorry, he is a stupid idiot who isn't even worth a tear of yours" I went to where she was, and consoled her. ''Please stop crying"

"Here I was planning a surprise birthday for him, for his birthday next month, not knowing we were already broken up without my being aware, who breaks up with someone without even letting the person know? What could I have done to have deserved such ill treatment from him?"

Blessing continued to cry, while I and Miriam robbed her on her back, trying to console her.

"Here I was thinking I had finally met the one" she took another tissue from the tissue box Miriam offered her, and blew her nose with it. 

"Do you know he met almost all the criteria on my list?" she continued in between sobs.

"You have a list?" I asked in surprise, not minding that I was changing the topic.

"Yes I do have a list" Blessing replied, wiping her tears.

"I didn't know you have a list?" Miriam herself was surprised too, meaning I am not the only one who doesn't have a list.

"Yes of course I do have a list, who doesn't?" Blessing looked at I and Miriam like we were some primitive creatures.

"Well I don't have one, and I don't think Miriam here has any either" I answered unapolegetic.

"She is right, I don't have any list, so please do tell us what this list of yours is all about?" Miriam asked with so much curiousity.

"In it, is the criteria I look out for in any man I'm to be in a relationship with.  For example, he has to be a Christian, not just any Christian but a God fearing, and a prayerful one at that, he must be a worker in the vineyard of the lord, he must be baptised in the holyghost, with evidence of speaking in tongue, he must know how to treat, and take care of a woman, he must respect me, and my point of view, he must not be interested in premarital sex, and he must love children"

"Wait you don't have a particular way you would like him to look physically?" I asked her after she listed some of the criterias I thought were really ridiculous for only one man to possess.

"No I don't, I don't believe in being stereotypical about looks, I'm of the school of thought; that what matters is a man's heart and not his looks, so he can be tall, short, dark or fair, I really don't mind" she shrugged.

"And this your ex met all these criteria?" I asked her.

"Yes he did, and he even surpassed it, so I just believed he was the one for me"

"So much for having a list" I smirked.

"If you girls don't have a list, then how do you know if a man is compatible with you or not? Or do you just date anyone who comes your way?"

"No we don't" I quickly answered for Miriam and myself. "We sort of just have the list in our head, besides I don't think having a list, is any much of importance"

"Yes of course it is, without it, how then do you intend to know if someone meets your standard, and if you should settle down with them or not? you can't just date anyone that comes your way, the list has to help you filter the compatible ones, from the ones that are not compatible with you"

"Well Miriam is engaged, and she doesn't have a list, it's you who has a list that sitting here heartbroken" the moment the words left my lips, I knew I shouldn't have said them, because Blessing started to cry all over again.

"Blessing I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, the way it came out"

"You are right, look at me that has a list, and I can't even keep the man who ticked off almost all the boxes on my list, I'm so hopeless"  she lamented.

"Of course you are not hopeless, you just haven't met the right guy yet, and I think the fact that he ticked off the boxes on your list, doesn't make him the one, you just have to keep going on dates, until you meet someone who truly loves you" Miriam consoled her.

"You know what they say; you have to kiss a few frogs first, before kissing a prince" I added, trying to cheer her up.

"I don't want to kiss any more frogs, I'm tired already, I just need to meet my soulmate already" she said looking so sad.