
"But I still don't get why you saying you are tired, you have only been in a relationship twice, and you are tired?"

If she is tired, then what does she expect someone like myself who has been in several relationships, with several body counts to do?

"If you add this last one that just ended, that makes it three whole relationships, that have failed. Those are enough frogs already, if you ask me" Blessing told me.

"Honey, I had to date and be in several relationships with different men, before I finally met my fiance, you can't just give up on love because you've had a few bad relationships, you just have to keep going, until you meet the one"

"Please let her know, because I don't know how you could only have been in three relationships, and you are already tired, what would the rest of us now say?"

"I don't know about you girls, but sincerely, I'm tired, women in the bible didn't have to date several men before getting married, they just meet one person and they clicked, and the next thing they are married, I don't see why our case should be any different"

"My dear that was then, this is now, the 21st century, and things are no longer done that way" I said.

"So are you trying to say God's way is now obsolete?" Blessing looked at me strangely.

"I never said that, besides where is it written in the bible that God asked us to find husbands, or date in a certain way? or what part of the scripture asks us to have a list for the type of men we would like to be in a relationship with?"

"Louisa has a point, God never said we must follow a certain rule when dating, aside that we shouldn't engage in premarital sex" Miriam backed me up. 

"There is a biblical guideline for dating, and I would prove it to you both" Blessing looked so sure of what she said.

"Well until then, you don't have a case" I took a cupcake from the tray on her laps, and started eating it, not minding the fact that Miriam had said, it was meant for only her.

By the time I left Miriam's place I was feeling a whole lot better. Even though I wasn't able to talk to Miriam or Blessing about what had happened to me earlier at the mall, but just spending time with them, made me feel better. 

When I got home, my mom was in the kitchen cooking something. 

It made me remember when I was still a child, when I would come back from school and my mother would be in the kitchen cooking one of her special delicacies that always made my mouth water.

Back then, I would stand on a chair, so I could see what she was cooking. But now things are different, we can't even be together in a space, without fighting about something.  Well I guess we both have really changed.

I walked into the kitchen and greeted her. 

"Welcome back, how was your outing?" She asked as she looked up from what she was cooking.

"It was fine mummy"  I replied.

We both stood still staring at each other, I knew this was the best time for me to apologize for what I had said to her earlier this morning, even though I didn't feel like apologizing.

"Emmm..., mummy I'm sorry for what I had said to you earlier this morning, I didn't mean for it to come out the way it did"

"It's okay, I'm sorry too" she mumbled under her breath.

I stood still for a whole minute, staring at my mother, not quite sure if I had heard her quite well.

Did she just apologize? Since my whole life that I have known my mother, never has she ever apologized to me for anything, not even when it was glaring to everyone, that she was at fault.

Having her say she is sorry, really did take me by surprise. 

"Sorry mummy what did you say?" I asked just so I could confirm if I had heard her correctly.


"You heard me the first time, I don't like repeating myself" she turned and went back to what she was doing. 

That's more like the mother I know, for a minute, I was scared something had happened to my mother, or if I had walked into a wrong apartment.

I just smiled and went upstairs to change my clothes, before coming back to help her in the kitchen.