Bitter Truth

I sat there, contemplating on how to package the insult I was about to deliver to this sorry excuse of a man. Then he opens his mouth again to speak, what is it with this man, doesn't he know when to shut up?

"See Louisa you need to calm down, and allow me to love you, because as it is now, you don't have any chance of getting someone to do that, you are already on the shelf, you need rescue. And who would be better to do that, if not myself?"

He said with so much pride, I almost snapped his neck with my hands. I must r look really stupid and desperate, for this man to think that he would actually be doing me a favor, by loving me.

I don't mean to brag but, men beg for my attention, not just any type, but men with class and panache.

I know you would be thinking if this was the case, then why am I not married? Well the fact that these men are classy and well to do, doesn't necessarily mean, they are ready for marriage.