Standing My Ground

"I want to apologise to you, for my actions the first time we met."

"Sorry remind me again, what exactly was it you did?" Aminu asked, smiling at me.

"You aren't going to this any easy for me, are you?"

"Nope." He sat up, straightening his back. "So what was it you were apologizing about?" He still had that smile.

I took a deep breath, before replying him. "I apologise for accusing you of kidnapping me, and also for throwing up on your shoes." I looked down at my laps as I spoke.

"Hey, that's all in the past now. Besides you helped me to find my daughter, so thank you."

"Does that mean, you don't hold any grudge against me?"

"Nope, I never did. Even though I was angry with what happened, but I hold no grudge against you."

"Thank you." I finally looked up.

"No thank you for helping me find my daughter the other day, I was almost losing my senses when I couldn't find her."

"I'm glad I could be of help."